Rand Stats


0.0.9 2023-01-20

  - Stop before execution, not after.
  - Use .gist for eval
  - Highlight stop line as a breakpoint
  - Send $file and $line to maybe-stop, using parse info

0.0.8 2023-01-17

  - Stability improvements
  - Use node after, instead of before when building the AST
  - Excluded more examples where this causes a problem.
  - Limited stopping points to certain QAST::Op's, and at most one per line.
  - Keep track of code snippets during compilation.
  - Added dawa cli tool.
  - Made colors less bright.
  - Fix defer to next thread
  - Fix ..

0.0.7 2022-03-18
  - New s/step command
  - Add logic to avoid breaking some pair constructors

0.0.6 2022-03-08
  - Add defer and quit commands.
  - improve display of threads (footnotes)
  - fix auth in META.json
  - update documentation
  - add a lock for writing to stdout

0.0.5 2022-02-27
  - Try to fix AST problems caused by sink context
  - Add ability to eval in another thread
  - remove "track"; just track all threads

0.0.4 2022-02-25
  - call maybe_stop first in the AST (bug fix)
  - fix highlighting
  - better colors
  - add "track" export, and "threads" command

0.0.3 2022-02-23
  - add breakpoints
  - add thread support with a lock
  - improve docs

0.0.2 2022-02-16
  - add ls, ls -a
  - add Dawa::Debugger::Commands, and refactor

0.0.1  2022-02-11
  Initial release