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NativeHelpers::Callback - Helper for looking up perl objects from C callbacks


use NativeHelpers::Callback;

class thing is repr('CPointer') {}

sub make_a_thing(--> thing) is native {}
sub setcallback(&callback (int64 --> int32), int64) is native {}
sub callit(--> int32) is native('./callback') {}

class PerlObject
    has thing $.thing;
    has int32 $.number;

sub my-callback(int64 $user-data --> int32)

my $object = PerlObject.new(thing => make_a_thing, number => 12);

NativeHelpers::Callback.store($object, $object.thing);

setcallback(&my-callback, NativeHelpers::Callback.id($object.thing));

my $ret = callit();

# You can also use option ":cb" to get a shorthand "cb":

cb.store($object, $object.thing);
setcallback(&my-callback, cb.id($object.thing));


C libraries often have callback routines allowing you to pass in an extra void * parameter of user data from which you are supposed to link into whatever functionality you need from within the callback.

When using Perl routines as callbacks, naturally you want to pass in your Perl object. This is complicated by the fact that the Garbage Collector can potentially move Perl objects around so they may not be found where you initially put them.

This simple helper object associates a perl object with some object that can be cast to a int64 type so you can easily register the object (store/remove), and lookup from within a callback routine, associated with an id of that thing.

Note this is 64-bit architecture specific, and assumes void * pointers are interchangeable with int64.

Wherever you see a void * in a library.h file, just use int64 for the Perl NativeCall subroutine that calls it.

For example:

typedef int (*callback)(void *);
void setcallback(callback cb, void *user_data);

goes to:

sub setcallback(&callback (int64 --> int32), int64)
     is native('./callback') {}


Copyright 2019 Curt Tilmes

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.