v0.5.2 2019-01-05 * Performance Improvement #14: Special thanks to @apapas for speading up attribute parsing. v0.5.1 2018-11-11 * Fix location of use v6 for v6.d. :( v0.5.0 2018-10-26 * Updated POD to reflect the maturing nature of this library. * Bugfix #12: There was a `to-json` subroutine being exported that was not documented and non-functional. It has been removed. v0.4.1 * Bugfix #10 and rakudo/rakudo#2053: Remove PRE that was causing thread safety issues. Probably a bug in rakudo, but fixing it here until it can be fixed there since the fix is small and simple. v0.4.0 * Released to CPAN. * Bugfix #5: Previously, the node classes defined in DOM::Tiny::HTML were exported by DOM::Tiny. This is no longer the case, to avoid naming conflicts with other modules. [HT: zoffixznet] * Bugfix: The text attribute of text nodes was intended to be rw, but attempts to write always failed previously. * Bugfix: The trimmable attribute was accessed in a way that could result in exceptions when it should not. This has been corrected. * If you request the :short export group when importing DOM::Tiny, the old export behavior is provided. * Adding a todo test for a case where a node becomes immutable when it should not, but have not been able to resolve the issue yet. v0.3.5 * Bugfix #4: The grammar used .subst() while using a readonly $/ as argument to the action class. *grumble grumble* v0.3.4 * Fix the license. v0.3.3 * Fix bugs that cropped up with newer versions of Rakudo related to parsing and the fact that many more methods now return Seq and need extra help to make sure they don't break because of how Seq is optimized. v0.3.2 * Slightly more permissive acceptance of stringifiable values being sent to some modification methods. v0.3.1 * Fix the deep-clone method for extensibility. v0.3 * Added the deep-clone method. v0.2 * Removed internal references to DOM::Tiny to allow easier subclassing and customization. * Fixed problems with META6.json v0.1 * Initial release.