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Net::LibIDN - Perl 6 bindings for GNU LibIDN


use Net::LibIDN;

my $idna := Net::LibIDN.new;

my $domain := "m\xFC\xDFli.de";
my Int $code;
my $ace := $idna.to_ascii_8z($domain, 0, $code);
say "$ace $code"; # xn--mssli-kva.de 0

my $domain2 := $idna.to_unicode_8z8z($domain, 0, $code);
say "$domain2 $code"; # müssli.de 0


Net::LibIDN is a wrapper for the GNU LibIDN library. It provides bindings for its IDNA, Punycode, stringprep, and TLD functions. See Net::LibIDN::Punycode, Net::LibIDN::StringPrep, and Net::LibIDN::TLD for more documentation.


Converts a UTF8 encoded string $input to ASCII and returns the output. $code, if provided, is assigned to IDNA_SUCCESS on success, or another error code otherwise.

Converts an ACE encoded domain name $input to UTF8 and returns the output. $code, if provided, is assigned to IDNA_SUCCESS on success, or another error code otherwise.


String containing the official IDNA prefix, "xn--".


Allow unassigned Unicode codepoints.

Check output to ensure it is a STD3 conforming hostname.


Successful operation.

Error during string preparation.

Error during punycode operation.

IDNA_USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES flag was passed, but the given string contained non-LDH ASCII characters.

IDNA_USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES flag was passed, but the given string contained a leading or trailing hyphen-minus (u002D).

The final output string is not within the range of 1 to 63 characters.

The string does not begin with IDNA_ACE_PREFIX (for ToUnicode).

The ToASCII operation on the output string does not equal the input.

The input string begins with IDNA_ACE_PREFIX (for ToASCII).

Could not convert string to locale encoding.

Could not allocate buffer (this is typically a fatal error).

Could not dlopen the libcidn DSO (only used internally in LibC).


Ben Davies kaiepi@outlook.com


Copyright 2018 Ben Davies

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.