Net::Postgres - an asynchronous postgresql client
use v6.d;
use Net::Postgres;
my $client = await Net::Postgres::Connection.connect-tcp(:$host, :$port, :$user, :$password, :$database, :$tls);
my $resultset = await $client.query('SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id = $1', 42);
for $resultset.hashes -> (:$name, :$description) {
say "$name is $description";
Net::Postgres is asynchronous implementation of (the client side of) the postgresql protocol based on Protocol::Postgres
. It is typically used through the Net::Postgres::Client
has the following methods
new(--> Protocol::Postgres::Client)
This creates a new postgres client. It takes the following named arguments:
* Str :$host = 'localhost'
* Int :$port = 5432
* Str :$user = ~$*USER
* Str :password
* Str :$database
* TypeMap :$typemap = Protocol::Postgres::TypeMap::Simple
* Bool :$tls = False
if $tls
is enabled, it will pass on all unknown named arguments to IO::Socket::Async::SSL
query($query, @bind-values --> Promise)
This will issue a query with the given bind values, and return a promise to the result.
For fetching queries such as SELECT
the result in the promise will be a ResultSet
object, for manipulation (e.g. INSERT
) and definition (e.g. CREATE
) queries it will result a string describing the change (e.g. DELETE 3
). For a COPY TO
query it will Supply
with the data stream, and for COPY FROM
it will be a Supplier
Both the input types and the output types will be typemapped between Raku types and Postgres types using the typemapper.
query-multiple($query --> Supply[ResultSet])
This will issue a complex query that may contain multiple statements, but can not use bind values. It will return a Supply
to the results of each query.
prepare($query --> Promise[PreparedStatement])
This prepares the query, and returns a Promise to the PreparedStatement object.
terminate(--> Nil)
This sends a message to the server to terminate the connection
listen(Str $channel-name --> Promise[Supply])
This listens to notifications on the given channel. It returns a Promise
to a Supply
of Notification
A Net::Postgres::ResultSet
represents the results of a query, if any. It defines the following methods:
columns(--> List)
This returns the column names for this resultset.
rows(--> Supply[List])
This returns a Supply of rows. Each row is a list of values.
hash-rows(--> Supply[Hash])
This returns a Supply of rows. Each row is a hash with the column names as keys and the row values as values.
This returns a sequence of arrays of results from all rows. This may await
This returns a single array of results from one row. This may await
This returns a single value from a single row. This may await
This returns a sequence of hashes of the results from all rows. This may await
This returns a single hash of the results from one rows. This may await
A Net::Postgres::PreparedStatement
represents a prepated statement. Its reason of existence is to call execute
on it.
execute(@arguments --> Promise)
This runs the prepared statement, much like the query
method would have done and with the same result values.
This closes the prepared statement.
This returns the columns of the result once executed.
has the following methods:
sender(--> Int)
This is the process-id of the sender
message(--> Str)
This is the message of the notification
Persistent connections
Connection pooling
Leon Timmermans fawaka@gmail.com
Copyright and License
Copyright 2022 Leon Timmermans
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.