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Tomty - Raku Test Framework.


zef install Tomty

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tomty --edit test-01

bash "echo Hello World"

tomty --edit test-02

bash "echo Upps && exit 1";

tomty --edit test-03

bash "echo Hello Again!";

tomty --all # Run all tests and make reports

[1/3] / [test-01] .......  2 sec. OK
[2/3] / [test-02] .......  3 sec. FAIL
[3/3] / [test-03] .......  3 sec. OK
)=: (2) tests passed / (1) failed

# save tests to Git

echo ".tomty/.cache" >> .gitignore

git add .tomty


Writing tests

Tomty test is just a Sparrow6 scenario:

tomty --edit test-meta6-file-exist


bash "test -f META6.json"

You can write more advanced tests, for example:

# Check if perl6.org is accessible

tomty --edit test-perl6-org-alive



# Check if META6.json file is a valid json

tomty --edit test-meta6-is-valid-json


task-run "meta6 is a valid json", "json-lint";

Check out Sparrow6 DSL on what you can use writing your tests.

Running tests

It will find all the tests and run them in sequence.

For example:

tomty test-meta6-is-valid-json

Examining tests

To list all the tests just say tomty --list

This command will list all tests.

Managing tests

Removing test

To remove test use --remove option:

tomty --remove $test

Edit test source code

Use --edit to create test from the scratch or to edit existed test source code:

tomty --edit $test

Getting test source code

Use --cat command to print out test source code:

tomtit --cat $test

Use --lines flag to print out test source code with line numbers.



    dbname => "products",
    dbhost => "localhost"


When tomty runs it picks the .tomty/env/config.pl6 and read configuration from it variables will be accessible as config Hash, inside Tomty scenarios:

my $dbname = config<dbname>;
my $dbhost = config<dbhost>;

To define named configuration ( environment ), simply create .tomty/env/config{$env}.pl6 file and refer to it through --env=$env parameter:

nano .tomty/env/config.prod.pl6

tomty --env=prod ... other parameters here # will run with production configuration

You can run editor for environment configuration by using --edit option:

tomty --env-edit test    # edit test environment configuration

tomty --env-edit default # edit default configuration

You can activate environment by using --env-set parameter:

tomty --env-set prod    # set prod environment as default
tomty --env-set         # to list active (current) environment
tomty --env-set default # to set current environment to default

To view environment configuration use --env-cat command:

tomty --env-cat $env

Use --lines flag to print out environment source code with line numbers.

You print out the list of all environments by using --env-list parameters:

tomty --env-list


Tomty macros allow to pre-process test scenarios. To embed macros use =begin tomty .. =end tomty syntax:

=begin tomty
  tag => "slow"
=end tomty

Macros could be any Perl6 code, returning Hash. The example above set tag=slow for slow running tests, you can skip test execution by using --skip option:

tomty --skip=slow


Tomty profile sets command line arguments for a named profile:

cat .tomty/profile

  default => %(
    skip => "broken"

One can override following command line arguments through a profile:

In the future more arguments will be supported.

A default profile sets default command line arguments when tomty cli run.

To add more profiles just add more Hash keys and define proper settings:

  default => %(
    skip => "broken"
  development => %(
    only => "new-bugs"

To chose profile use --profile option:

tomty --profile development

Bash completion

Tomty comes with nice Bash completion to easy cli usage, use --completion option to install completion:

tomty --completion

And then source ~/.tomty_completion.sh to activate one.

Tomty cli


Run all tests

Show failed tests. Usefull

Runs tests in verbose mode, print more details about every test

Run in color mode

List tests

Omit header when list tests. Allow to edit tests one by one:

for i in $(tomty --noheader); do tomty --edit $i; done

Edit, dump, remove test

Edit, list, set environment

Install Tomty Bash completion

Get log for given test run, useful when running in all tests mode:

tomty -all

tomty --log test-01

Conditionally skip tagged tests:

tomty --skip=slow

You can skip over multiple tags, split by comma:

tomty --skip=slow,windows # skip slow or windows tests

Conditionally run only tagged tests:

tomty --only=database

You can excute over multiple tags, split by comma:

tomty --only=database,frontend # execute only database or frontend tests

Environment variables

Use it when debugging Tomty itself:

TOMTY_DEBUG=1 tomty --all

See also


Alexey Melezhik

Thanks to

God, as my inspiration