Graphics::TinyTIFF - Perl6 bindings to [a slightly modified] TinyTIFF
git clone
cd TinyTIFF
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
git clone
cd TinyTIFF
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
build generated ".sln" file with visual studio
zef install Graphics::TinyTIFF
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6.c;
use NativeCall;
use Graphics::TinyTIFF;
########## reader ##########
my $tiff = TinyTIFFReader_open('cell.tif');
my $frames = TinyTIFFReader_countFrames($tiff);
my $bits = TinyTIFFReader_getBitsPerSample($tiff, 0);
my $width = TinyTIFFReader_getWidth($tiff);
my $height = TinyTIFFReader_getHeight($tiff);
my $description = TinyTIFFReader_getImageDescription($tiff);
my $size = $width * $height;
my $sample-data := CArray[uint8].allocate($size);
TinyTIFFReader_getSampleData($tiff, $sample-data, 0);
# you now have $sample-data for the current frame
# and can manipulate it as you wish!
my $format = TinyTIFFReader_getSampleFormat($tiff);
my $samples-per-pixel = TinyTIFFReader_getSamplesPerPixel($tiff);
my $has-next = ?TinyTIFFReader_hasNext($tiff);
TinyTIFFReader_readNext($tiff) if $has-next;
my $success = ?TinyTIFFReader_success($tiff);
my $was-error = ?TinyTIFFReader_wasError($tiff);
my $last-error = TinyTIFFReader_getLastError($tiff) if $was-error;
########## writer ##########
my $tiff-file = TinyTIFFWriter_open('cell2.tif', $bits, $width, $height);
my $description-size = TinyTIFFWriter_getMaxDescriptionTextSize();
TinyTIFFWriter_writeImageVoid( $tiff-file, $sample-data);
TinyTIFFWriter_close( $tiff-file, 'test');
print qq:to/END/;
frames -> $frames
bits -> $bits
width -> $width
height -> $height
description -> $description
format -> $format
samples per pixel -> $samples-per-pixel
has next? -> $has-next
success? -> $success
was error? -> $was-error
description size -> $description-size
sample data -> $sample-data[^3] ...
frames -> 1
bits -> 8
width -> 191
height -> 159
description -> image description
format -> 1
samples per pixel -> 1
has next? -> False
success? -> True
was error? -> False
description size -> 1024
sample data -> 118 116 112 ...
sub TinyTIFFReader_open
sub TinyTIFFReader_open(
str $filename
) returns NativeCall::Types::Pointer
open tiff file for reading, returns tiff pointer
sub TinyTIFFReader_getSampleData
sub TinyTIFFReader_getSampleData(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff,
NativeCall::Types::CArray $sample-data is rw,
uint16 $sample
) returns int32
read data from current frame into supplied buffer
sub TinyTIFFReader_close
sub TinyTIFFReader_close(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff
) returns Mu
close the tiff file
sub TinyTIFFReader_getBitsPerSample
sub TinyTIFFReader_getBitsPerSample(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff,
int32 $sample
) returns uint16
return bits per sample of current frame
sub TinyTIFFReader_getWidth
sub TinyTIFFReader_getWidth(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff
) returns uint32
return width of current frame
sub TinyTIFFReader_getHeight
sub TinyTIFFReader_getHeight(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff
) returns uint32
return height of current frame
sub TinyTIFFReader_countFrames
sub TinyTIFFReader_countFrames(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff
) returns uint32
return number of frames
sub TinyTIFFReader_getSampleFormat(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff
) returns uint16
return sample format of current frame
sub TinyTIFFReader_getSamplesPerPixel
sub TinyTIFFReader_getSamplesPerPixel(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff
) returns uint16
return samples per pixel of current frame
sub TinyTIFFReader_getImageDescription
sub TinyTIFFReader_getImageDescription(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff
) returns str
return image descrition of current frame
sub TinyTIFFReader_hasNext
sub TinyTIFFReader_hasNext(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff
) returns int32
retun non-zero if another frame exists
sub TinyTIFFReader_readNext
sub TinyTIFFReader_readNext(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff
) returns int32
read the next frame from a multi-frame tiff
sub TinyTIFFReader_success
sub TinyTIFFReader_success(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff
) returns int32
return non-zero if no error in last function call
sub TinyTIFFReader_wasError
sub TinyTIFFReader_wasError(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff
) returns int32
return non-zero if error in last function call
sub TinyTIFFReader_getLastError
sub TinyTIFFReader_getLastError(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff
) returns str
return last error message
sub TinyTIFFWriter_open
sub TinyTIFFWriter_open(
str $filename,
uint16 $bits-per-sample,
uint32 $width,
uint32 $height
) returns NativeCall::Types::Pointer
create a new tiff file, returns tiff-file pointer
sub TinyTIFFWriter_getMaxDescriptionTextSize
sub TinyTIFFWriter_getMaxDescriptionTextSize() returns int32
get max size for image descrition
sub TinyTIFFWriter_writeImageDouble
sub TinyTIFFWriter_writeImageDouble(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff-file,
NativeCall::Types::CArray $sample-data is rw
) returns Mu
writes row-major image data to a tiff file
sub TinyTIFFWriter_writeImageFloat
sub TinyTIFFWriter_writeImageFloat(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff-file,
NativeCall::Types::CArray $sample-data is rw
) returns Mu
writes row-major image data to a tiff file
sub TinyTIFFWriter_writeImageVoid
sub TinyTIFFWriter_writeImageVoid(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff-file,
NativeCall::Types::CArray $sample-data is rw
) returns Mu
writes row-major image data to a tiff file
sub TinyTIFFWriter_close
sub TinyTIFFWriter_close(
NativeCall::Types::Pointer $tiff-file,
str $image-description
) returns Mu
close the tiff and write image description to first frame
Copyright 2018 ryn1x
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.