Algorithm::LBFGS - A Raku bindings for libLBFGS
use Algorithm::LBFGS;
use Algorithm::LBFGS::Parameter;
my Algorithm::LBFGS $lbfgs .= new;
my &evaluate = sub ($instance, $x, $g, $n, $step --> Num) {
my Num $fx = ($x[0] - 2.0) ** 2 + ($x[1] - 5.0) ** 2;
$g[0] = 2.0 * $x[0] - 4.0;
$g[1] = 2.0 * $x[1] - 10.0;
return $fx;
my Algorithm::LBFGS::Parameter $parameter .= new;
my Num @x0 = [0e0, 0e0];
my @x = $lbfgs.minimize(:@x0, :&evaluate, :$parameter);
@x.say; # [2e0, 5e0]
Algorithm::LBFGS is a Raku bindings for libLBFGS. libLBFGS is a C port of the implementation of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) method written by Jorge Nocedal.
The L-BFGS method solves the unconstrainted minimization problem,
minimize F(x), x = (x1, x2, ..., xN),
only if the objective function F(x) and its gradient G(x) are computable.
my $lbfgs = Algorithm::LBFGS.new;
my Algorithm::LBFGS $lbfgs .= new; # with type restrictions
minimize(:@x0!, :&evaluate!, :&progress, Algorithm::LBFGS::Parameter :$parameter!) returns Array
my @x = $lbfgs.minimize(:@x0!, :&evaluate, :&progress, :$parameter); # use &progress callback
my @x = $lbfgs.minimize(:@x0!, :&evaluate, :$parameter);
Runs the optimization and returns the resulting variables.
is the initial value of the variables.
is the callback function. This requires the definition of the objective function F(x) and its gradient G(x).
is the callback function. This gets called on every iteration and can output the internal state of the current iteration.
is the instance of the Algorithm::LBFGS::Parameter
The one of the simplest &evaluate
callback function would be like the following:
my &evaluate = sub ($instance, $x, $g, $n, $step --> Num) {
my Num $fx = ($x[0] - 2.0) ** 2 + ($x[1] - 5.0) ** 2; # F(x) = (x0 - 2.0)^2 + (x1 - 5.0)^2
# G(x) = [∂F(x)/∂x0, ∂F(x)/∂x1]
$g[0] = 2.0 * $x[0] - 4.0; # ∂F(x)/∂x0 = 2.0 * x0 - 4.0
$g[1] = 2.0 * $x[1] - 10.0; # ∂F(x)/∂x1 = 2.0 * x1 - 10.0
return $fx;
is the user data. (NOTE: NYI in this binder. You must set it as a first argument, but you can't use it in the callback.)
is the current values of variables.
is the current gradient values of variables.
is the number of variables.
is the line-search step used for this iteration.
requires all of these five arguments in this order.
After writing the definition of the objective function F(x) and its gradient G(x), it requires returning the value of the F(x).
The one of the simplest &progress
callback function would be like the following:
my &progress = sub ($instance, $x, $g, $fx, $xnorm, $gnorm, $step, $n, $k, $ls --> Int) {
"Iteration $k".say;
"fx = $fx, x[0] = $x[0], x[1] = $x[1]".say;
return 0;
is the user data. (NOTE: NYI in this binder. You must set it as a first argument, but you can't use it in the callback.)
is the current values of variables.
is the current gradient values of variables.
is the current value of the objective function.
is the Euclidean norm of the variables.
is the Euclidean norm of the gradients.
is the line-search step used for this iteration.
is the number of variables.
is the iteration count.
the number of evaluations called for this iteration.
requires all of these ten arguments in this order.
Algorithm::LBFGS::Parameter :$parameter
Below is the examples of creating a Algorithm::LBFGS::Parameter instance:
my Algorithm::LBFGS::Parameter $parameter .= new; # sets default parameter
my Algorithm::LBFGS::Parameter $parameter .= new(max_iterations => 100); # sets max_iterations => 100
Int m
is the number of corrections to approximate the inverse hessian matrix.
Num epsilon
is epsilon for convergence test.
Int past
is the distance for delta-based convergence test.
Num delta
is delta for convergence test.
Int max_iterations
is the maximum number of iterations.
Int linesearch
is the line search algorithm. This requires one of LBFGS_LINESEARCH_DEFAULT
Int max_linesearch
is the maximum number of trials for the line search.
Num min_step
is the minimum step of the line search routine.
Num max_step
is the maximum step of the line search.
Num ftol
is a parameter to control the accuracy of the line search routine.
Num wolfe
is a coefficient for the Wolfe condition.
Num gtol
is a parameter to control the accuracy of the line search routine.
Num xtol
is the machine precision for floating-point values.
Num orthantwise_c
is a coeefficient for the L1 norm of variables.
Int orthantwise_start
is the start index for computing L1 norm of the variables.
Int orthantwise_end
is the end index for computing L1 norm of the variables.
titsuki titsuki@cpan.org
Copyright 2016 titsuki
Copyright 1990 Jorge Nocedal
Copyright 2007-2010 Naoki Okazaki
libLBFGS by Naoki Okazaki is licensed under the MIT License.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License.