Rand Stats


Revision history for Algorithm-LibSVM

0.0.16  2022-07-24T12:06:18+09:00
    - Fix build issue on OSX [#67]

0.0.15  2022-02-26T21:51:13+09:00
    - Make Problem enable to have nr-feature [#58]
    - Cast Int into Bool [#59]
    - Allow explicit + sign when parsing label column [#61]
    - Fix allocation size of CArray [#62]
    - Deprecate load-problem [#60]

0.0.14  2021-07-23T13:38:45+09:00
    - Make sure problem.y is feasible even if its instance was used by cross-validation [#56]

0.0.13  2021-05-23T14:55:51+09:00
    - Even if given Num (stringified) include "e" the parser doesn't fail now [#54]

0.0.12  2021-05-23T14:07:36+09:00
    - Migrate to Github actions [#52]
    - Add "or die" at the end of parser process [#51]
    - Use libsvm 3.25 instead of 3.22 [#50]

0.0.11  2019-12-24T00:48:50+09:00
    - Replace p6/perl6 with raku

0.0.10  2019-12-18T07:57:34+09:00
    - Add CustomBuilder into build-depends

0.0.9  2019-10-27T22:25:03+09:00
    - load-problem takes into account comment lines [#46]

0.0.8  2019-10-20T18:51:36+09:00
    - Fix default gamma value [#44]
    - Use .all ~~ Pair comparison instead of Positional[Pair] constraint [#45]

0.0.7  2019-10-15T07:05:00+09:00
    - Enable to parse libsvm format files that contain comments [#41]

0.0.6  2019-10-06T23:37:50+09:00
    - Delete Build.pm and add CustomBuilder

0.0.5  2019-10-05T22:30:22+09:00
    - Fix double free [#37]
    - Fix memory allocation way (i.e., Use .allocate) [#36]

0.0.4  2019-03-17T00:27:33+09:00
    - Use single pointer instead of pointer of pointer [#33]

0.0.3  2018-04-25T00:40:08+09:00
    - Use more proper syntax

0.0.2  2018-04-03T23:55:43+09:00
    - Fix documentation

    - Initial version