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A Raku module for colorizing text using ANSI escape codes.


use Colorizable;

my $string = "Hello" but Colorizable;

given $string {
    say .colorize: red;                            # red text
    say .colorize: :fg(red);                       # same as previous
    say .red;                                      # same as previous

    say .colorize: red, blue;                      # red text on blue background
    say .colorize: :fg(red), :bg(blue);            # same as previous
    say .red.on-blue;                              # same as previous

    say .colorize: red, blue, bold;                # bold red text on blue background
    say .colorize: :fg(red), :bg(blue), :mo(bold); # same as previous
    say .red.on-blue.bold;                         # same as previous


From Raku module ecosystem using zef:

$ zef install Colorizable

From source code:

$ git clone https://gitlab.com/uzluisf/raku-colorizable.git
$ cd raku-colorizable/
$ zef install .


The module allows to colorize text using ANSI escape code by composing the Colorizable role into a string. After doing this, the method colorize can be used to set the text color, background color and text effects (e.g., bold, italic, etc.):

use Colorizable;

my $planet = "Arrakis" but Colorizable;
say $planet.colorize(:fg(blue), :bg(red), :mo(bold));

If composed into a class, Colorizable assumes the class implements the appropriate Str method:

use Colorizable;

class A does Colorizable {

say A.new.colorize(blue); #=> A<94065101711120>, in blue

class B does Colorizable {
    method Str { 'Class B' }

say B.new.colorize(blue); #=> class B, in blue

Invocations to the colorize method are chainable:

use Colorizable;

my $text = "Bold red text on yellow background" but Colorizable;

say $text

Colors and modes can be invoked as methods: .color for foreground, .on-color for background, and .mode for mode given color and mode respectively:

use Colorizable;

my $text = "Bold red text on yellow background" but Colorizable;

say $text.red.on-yellow.bold;

To get a list of available colors and modes, use the colors and modes methods respectively

Although this might not be advisable, you can make regular strings colorizable by augmenting the Str class:

use Colorizable;

# making strings colorizable
augment class Str {
    also does Colorizable;

say "Bold red text on yellow background"

Note the use of the pragma MONKEY-TYPING.



method colorize($fg, $bg, $mo)

Change color of string.


my $str = "Hello" does Colorizable;
say $str.colorize(yellow);          # yellow text
say $str.colorize('yellow');        # yellow text
say $str.colorize(blue, red, bold); # bold blue text in red background



method colorize(:fg(:$foreground), :bg(:$background), :mo(:$mode))

Change color of string.


my $str = "Hello" does Colorizable;
say $str.colorize(:fg(yellow));           # yellow text
say $str.colorize(:foreground('yellow')); # yellow text
say $str.colorize(:fg(blue), :bg(red));   # blue text in red background



method colors(--> List)

Return list of available colors as allomorphs. By default, the IntSt values for the foreground are returned. To return the values for the background, pass the Boolean named argument bg (or background).


my $str = "Hello" does Colorizable;
say $str.colors.head(3).join(' ');           #=> «black red green␤»
say $str.colors.head(3)».Int.join(' ');      #=> «30 31 32␤»
say $str.colors(:bg).head(3).join(' ');      #=> «black red green␤»
say $str.colors(:bg).head(3)».Int.join(' '); #=> «40 41 42␤»


method modes( --> List )

Return list of available modes as allomorphs.


my $str = "Hello" does Colorizable;
say $str.modes.head(3).join(' ');      #=> «default-mode bold italic␤»
say $str.modes.head(3)».Int.join(' '); #=> «0 1 3␤»


method is-colorized( --> Bool )

Return true if the string is colorized. Otherwise, false. A string is considered colorized if it has at least one element (foreground, background, or mode) set.


my $str = "Hello" does Colorizable;
say $str.is-colorized;


method uncolorize( --> Str )

Return uncolorized string.


my $str = "Hello" does Colorizable;
say $str.uncolorize;


method color-samples()

Display color samples.


my $str = "Hello" does Colorizable;
$str.color-samples; # display color samples

More examples

How to make rainbow-y strings?

An option is to create a subroutine that colorizes a string character by character:

sub rainbow( $str, :@only ) {
    sub rainbowize( @colors ) {
        .map({($_ Z @colors).map(-> ($ch, $fg) { ($ch does Colorizable).colorize($fg) }).join })

    return rainbowize(@only) if @only;
    return rainbowize Color.enums.keys.list;

say rainbow "Hello, World!";
say rainbow "Hello, World!", :only[blue, red, yellow];

Another "I know what I'm doing" alternative is to implement a somewhat similar routine right into the Str class after composing Colorizable into it:


augment class Str {
    also does Colorizable;

    method rainbow( $str : :@only ) {
        sub rainbowize( @colors ) {
            .map({($_ Z @colors).map(-> ($ch, $fg) { $ch.colorize($fg) }).join })

        return rainbowize(@only) if @only;
        return rainbowize Color.enums.keys.list;

say "Hello, World!".rainbow;
say "Hello, World!".rainbow: :only[blue, red, yellow];


This module is inspired by Michał Kalbarczyk's Ruby gem colorize.


Luis F. Uceta


You can use and distribute this module under the terms of the The Artistic License 2.0. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution for complete details.

The META6.json file of this distribution may be distributed and modified without restrictions or attribution.