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Ranker - a module to rank a list of elements.


This is a module for ranking a list/array of scorable elements using various ranking strategies written in Raku.

It's mostly based on Ilya Scharrenbroich's Ruby library by the same name.




Default Ranking

Default ranking will assume values are numeric and rank them in their descending order. For example, a score of 100 is higher than a score of 50 and thus appears before as in [100, 50].

use Ranker;

my @scores = 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1, 0, 8;

my $rankings = Ranker::rank(@scores);
put $rankings.elems; #=> 8

my $ranking = $rankings[0];
given $ranking {
    .rank       .put; #=> 1
    .score      .put; #=> 8
    .rankables  .put; #=> [8, 8]
    .percentile .put; #=> 100
    .z-score    .put; #=> 1.83921346366645

Custom Ranking by Block

Custom ranking allows for ranking of objects by using an anonymous subroutine which can created with sub, with a pointy block or with a block.

class Player {
    has Int $.score;

my @players = (0, 100, 1000, 25).map: Player.new(score => *);
my (&score, $rankings);

# Explicit:
&score = -> $player { $player.score };
$rankings = Ranker::rank(@players, by => &score);

# Still more explicit:
&score = sub( Player:D $player ) { $player.score };
$rankings = Ranker::rank(@players, by => &score);

# Same thing but more succint: 
$rankings = Ranker::rank(@players, by => { $^player.score });

In some cases, objects need to be ranked by score in ascending order. For instance, if you were ranking golf players. In this case, 75 is higher than a score of 100 and thus appears before as in [75, 100].

class GolfPlayer is Player { }

my @golfplayers = (72, 100, 138, 54).map: GolfPlayer.new(score => *);
my $rankings = Ranker::rank(
    @golfplayers,              # Rankable values
    by => -> gp { $gp.score }, # Block to rank by
    :asc                       # Use ascending order

Ranking Strategies

Ranker provides several ranking strategies, which are mostly based on the Wikipedia entry for ranking. Strategies can be passed in as an option to the Ranker::rank subroutine.

my $rankings = Ranker::rank(
    by       => { $^p.score },
    strategy => 'ordinal',

The possible string values for the default strategies are: 'standard', 'modified', 'ordinal', 'dense', and 'fractional'.

Standard Competition Ranking ("1224" ranking)

This is the default ranking strategy used by Ranker. For more info, see the Wikipedia entry on Standard Competition Ranking.

my $rankings = Ranker::rank(
    by       => { $^p.score },
    strategy => 'standard',

Modified Competition Ranking ("1334" ranking)

For more info, see the Wikipedia entry on Modified Competition Ranking.

my $rankings = Ranker::rank(
    by       => { $^p.score },
    strategy => 'modified',

Dense Ranking ("1223" ranking)

For more info, see the Wikipedia entry on Dense Ranking

my $rankings = Ranker::rank(
    by       => { $^p.score },
    strategy => 'dense',

Ordinal Ranking ("1234" ranking)

For more info, see the Wikipedia entry on Ordinal Ranking.

my $rankings = Ranker::rank(
    by       => { $^p.score },
    strategy => 'ordinal',

Fractional Ranking ("1 2.5 2.5 4" ranking)

For more info, see the Wikipedia entry on Fractional Ranking.

my $rankings = Ranker::rank(
    by       => { $^p.score },
    strategy => 'fractional',

Custom Strategies

Ranker allows you to write your own strategies and supply them to the Ranker::rank subroutine. To do this, you must compose the Strategy role into a class and use ::() to interpolate the class name into a package or variable name. Strategy is the role from which the default «Strategy» classes are composed.

use Ranker;
use Ranker::Strategies;

# Composing Strategy into a class
class MyCustomStrategy does Strategy {

  method execute {
    # You must implement this method ;-)


my $rankings = Ranker::rank(
    by       => -> $p { $p.score },
    strategy => ::('MyCustomStrategy') # Passing the package-interpolated class name

By default, only the Strategy role is exported with use Ranker::Strategies, which must be composed before it's used. To export a default strategy, you must specify it with a use statement. For instance, use Ranker::Strategies :dense exports Strategies::Dense which can then be instantiated:

use Ranker::Strategies :dense;

my @scores = 44, 42, 42, 43;
my $ds = Dense.new: rankables => @scores, options => { :asc };



By default, values are assumed to be numeric and ranked in descending order using the standard-competition ranking strategy. Thus, the following two calls achieve the same thing:


Run p6doc on Ranker::Ranking, Ranker::Rankings and Ranker::Strategies to get the methods made available by Ranking, Rankings and Strategy respectively.


Luis F. Uceta


Artistic License 2.0