Some simple but useful URL utils
A collection of functions that can be used for URL parsing, building and changing.
Also provides an loose URL tokenizer
sub url-encode
sub url-encode(
Str $data
) returns Str
Transforms an string into an percent encoded string
sub url-decode
sub url-decode(
Str $data
) returns Str
Transforms an percent encoded string into an plain string
sub build-query-string
sub build-query-string(
Hash $hash
) returns Str
Build an query string from an Hash
sub build-query-string
sub build-query-string(
) returns Str
Build an query string from the named arguments
sub parse-query-string
sub parse-query-string(
Str $query-string
) returns Hash
Parse a query string
class PostCocoon::Url::URL-Parser
Loose URL parser that doesn't follow RFC3986 not completly.
sub is-valid-url
sub is-valid-url(
Str $uri
) returns Bool
Check if something is a valid url according to the parser
sub parse-url
sub parse-url(
Str $uri
) returns Hash
Return an hash with all items of the url
sub build-url
sub build-url(
Hash $hash
) returns Str
Build an url from given hash, this function does no error checking at all, it may result in an invalid url
sub build-url
sub build-url(
) returns Str
Build an url from given named parameters, this function does no error checking at all, it may result in an invalid url