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Manage symlink-based repositories of local Perl6 modules


  6lib init -- create repository in current working directory
  6lib add [<libs> ...] -- eagerly add libs to repository
  6lib rm [<libs> ...] -- lazily remove libs from repository
  6lib sync -- synchronize repository with indexed libs
  6lib list -- list indexed libs
  6lib prune -- lazily remove missing libs from index
  6lib flush -- delete precompilation cache
  6lib clear -- clear repository but keep index
  6lib clobber -- remove repository
  6lib -C <dir> [<command> ...] -- specify location of target repository

Example Usage

perl6 -Ilib -I../other/lib script.p6

# equivalent call using a local repository
6lib init
6lib add . ../other
perl6 -I.6lib script.p6

# equivalent call using a global repository
export PERL6LIB=$HOME/.6lib
6lib -C $HOME init
6lib -C $HOME add . ../other
perl6 script.p6


Modules are identified by their absolute paths. For each file in a module's lib subdirectory, a symbolic link is created in the .6lib repository.

Paths to module directories are kept in an index file .6lib/lib.list.


When adding source files to a module's lib directory, you need to re-add the module or call 6lib sync afterwards!

A Note on Windows Usage

The creation of symbolic links in non-administrator mode is only permitted if Developer mode has been enabled. This can be done in Windows 10 in the settings under Update & security / For developers.

Bugs and Development

Development happens at GitHub. If you found a bug or have a feature request, use the issue tracker over there.

Copyright and License

Copyright (C) 2019 by cygx <cygx@cpan.org>

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0