
Simple coroutines for Perl 6, inspired by the Lua's coroutines.
This is a module for stackful asymmetric coroutines, which suspend
their control flows with yield instead of shift the flow to another
coroutine with transfer (these are called symmetric coroutines).
If you want to know more about coroutines, I suggest you to read this
nice paper: ...
Features and Issues
The coro / yield functions from this module are implemented using
the gather / take built-in P6's functions, which has some
interesting features:
It has a dynamic scope: it doesn't care about how many calls down are needed
to find a take.
Is a list generator: useful for list processing with filters and transformers.
And also lazy: delaying the evaluation until you really need the result.
Some p6 programmers argue that the gather / take itself is like a
coroutine. In fact, the lazy property of gather / take fulfills very well the definitions of Marlin’s doctoral thesis:
the values of data local to a coroutine persist between successive calls;
the execution of a coroutine is suspended as control leaves it, only
to carry on where it left off when control re-enters the coroutine at
some later stage.
Based on the brief discussion above, the coro / yield also has some
The coroutine doesn't care about how many calls down are needed to find a yield,
even inside many other nested function stacks.
The yield generates only one value per cycle, but you can yield an
anonymous list to avoid it.
But there are some issues too:
I advise you to not use gather / take inside any coroutine, even I
don't know what will happen.
It doesn't generate the last values with return (as is the case of Lua),
so you must use yield again.
You can also yield "nothing" using the suspend function (and with none
argument, just for a temporary shift of control). Don't worry about,
it will return internally the True value (as a status that the coroutine is alive).
Coroutine: Declaration
So, let's go see some examples.
First and foremost, you declare a coroutine with:
coro { ... }; # zero-arity coroutine
Or with:
coro -> $param1, $param2, $param3 { ... }; # 3-arity coroutine
Or even with:
coro -> @params {
for @params -> $param { do-some-thing-with ($param) }
# variadic arguments through an array
Coroutine: Constructor
The coro keyword above gives back a constructor, and you may think "but why it returns a constructor?"...
Well, for two main reasons:
For code reuse: you can use the coroutine on different places, without declare / return
again it every time.
Recovering to a initial state: when the coroutine dies, you can just reassign it to the generator.
With Lua, if you want to reuse a coroutine, you will need explicitly return a coroutine that will
reuse the given arguments as a closure:
function iter (xs)
return coroutine.wrap (function ( )
for _, x in ipairs (xs) do
coroutine.yield (x)
So, I decided implement a different approach...
Some example (an iterator function):
my &iter = coro -> $xs {
for @$xs -> $x { yield $x }
The iter function above will receive an anonymous list and then give back a generator
function... generator? Well-minded, now we will see generators.
Coroutine: Generator
Note: here, the generator definition is just for a function that returns the next value (every
time that it's called), not as is usually called an asymmetric coroutine without dedicated stacks
(which cares about if you will call yield out of its block / lexical scope).
Reusing the iter example:
my $generator = iter [ 1 ... 3 ];
say $generator( ); # >>> 1
say $generator( ); # >>> 2
say $generator( ); # >>> 3
say $generator( ); # >>> False, here, the coroutine is dead.
# Use "$generator = iter [ 1, 2, 3 ];" again if you want...
Coroutine: More complex examples
Following the "coroutines generalize functions" idea (a function may be thought as a coroutine without any yield keywords), we can write map / grep / range functions like coroutines / generators!
# map coroutine
my &transform = coro -> &fn, $xs {
for @$xs -> $x { yield fn($x) }
# grep coroutine
my &filter = coro -> &pred, $xs {
for @$xs -> $x {
yield $x if pred($x);
# range-like coroutine
my &xrange = coro -> $min, $max {
for ($min ...^ $max) -> $value {
yield $value;
# Usage:
# sub incr ($x) { $x + 1 } # >>> number.
# sub even ($x) { $x % 2 == 0 } # >>> boolean. use "$x %% 2" if you wish a short version
# my $generator = ([ @array ] ==> transform &incr);
# my $filtered = ([ @array ] ==> filter &even);
# my $get-next = xrange ($x, $y);
# :)
Coroutine: "casting" generator to a lazy list
Thinking in access the values that a generator yields in a nice way? No problem, there's from to solve that.
The from function does the opposite from iter above: rather than taking an array and
mapping it to a generator, it takes a reference to a generator and returns a lazy array to bind.
Some examples:
my @lazy-array := from $some-generator;
Or, too:
my @lazy-array := from some-constructor ($x, $y, $z);
Build more complex things with it isn't hard entirely, for instance: "pipelines" running on demand, without
evaluate the whole thing at all (because map and grep are lazy as well :) ...):
my @lazy-array-1 := (from some-constructor($arg1, $arg2, ...)).map: * + 1;
my @lazy-array-2 := (from (coro { ... })(...)).grep: * %% 2;
Coroutine: Verifying
There's also a function called ensure in this module (the other function, called 'assert',
now is deprecated... 'ensure' is the new name for this functionality). Its main purpose is to check a
value, so:
- If given value isn't False, return it.
- Otherwise, runs given block (other argument).
Let's see a small example below:
$some-value = $some-generator( );
($some-value ==> ensure {
warn "Sorry, but your coroutine is dead."
}) ==> say;
# prints $some-value or generates a warning if is false
$some-value = ensure ({ $some-generator = some-constructor( ) }, $some-generator( ));
# reassign to the generator if $some-generator returns False or returns a value
Coroutine: Implementing symmetric coroutines
The support to a transfer function is still experimental. Check the 't/transfer.t' test if
you wish to know more about. There's also a test about tasks...
Pull requests are welcome.
Happy Hacking using this module! :)
Tips and Tricks
Normally, it is possible to build a enumerator / generator as this case below ('cause gather / take
has a dynamic scope):
# receives many arguments (e.g flattened array) and yields each one
my &iter = coro sub (*@xs) { @xs ==> map &yield }
And some short version (which receives an anonymous list) with:
my &iter = coro { @$^ &yield }
Insert more examples here (i.e, show the code).
Document the module with Perl 6's Pods.
Fix the module for the coro function accept lazy-lists / streams (infinite-length lists)
as argument.