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Raku interface to the Gd graphics library.


Raku interface to Thomas Boutell's gd graphics library. GD allows you to create color drawings using a large number of graphics primitives, and emit the drawings in multiple formats. You will need the Linux gd-libgd library or OS X gd2 port installed in order to use raku-GD (preferably a recent version).


WARNING: This module is Work in Progress, which means: this interface is not final. This will perhaps change in the future.
A sample of the code can be seen below.

use GD;

if GD::Image.new(200, 200) -> $image {

  my $black = $image.colorAllocate(
     red   => 0,
     green => 0,
     blue  => 0);

  my $white = $image.colorAllocate(
     red   => 255,
     green => 255,
     blue  => 255);

  my $red = $image.colorAllocate("#ff0000");
  my $green = $image.colorAllocate("#00ff00");
  my $blue = $image.colorAllocate(0x0000ff);

     location => (10, 10),
     size     => (100, 100),
     fill     => True,
     color    => $white);

     start => (10, 10),
     end   => (190, 190),
     color => $black);

  my $png_fh = $image.open("test.png", "wb");

  $image.output($png_fh, GD_PNG);





Assuming you have a working Rakudo install (and you have the GD library installed as described above,) you should be able to do:

zef install GD

Or if you have a local copy of this repository:

zef install .


Please report any bugs or send any patches on Github


Henrique Dias Raku Community Module Authors

See Also


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Please see the LICENCE in the source directory for full details.