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Scheduler::DRMAA - Bindings for the DRMAA cluster library


use DRMAA;             # Loads the high-level bindings
use DRMAA::NativeCall; # Loads the C binings

The libdrmaa.so library needs to be installed in the loader path, or the directory added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.


Scheduler::DRMAA are the Perl 6 bindings for the DRMAA library. You can use them in order to submit pipelines of work to a supercomputer. We provide two different interfaces:

The library has been tested on a SLURM DRMAA implementation and does not provide any warrant or guarantee to work. First thing, in order to initialize and close the DRMAA session use the following commands:


# code goes here




The DRMAA session is a singleton and represent the session level API. Upon initialization it also takes care of the event loop. It provides the following methods:

method init(Str :$contact, DRMAA::Native-specification :native-specification(:$ns));

initializes the session, optional arguments are the contact code, and the Native-specification plugin: if not provided explicitly it gets autodetected through a reasonable euristics.

method exit()

closes the session.

method native-specification(--> DRMAA::Native-specification)

returns the native-specification plugin.

method events(--> Supply)

returns a Supply to the DRMAA events, mostly Job terminations events or failures

Other methods:

method attribute-names(--> List)
method vector-attribute-names(--> List)
method contact(--> Str)
method DRM-system(--> Str)
method implementation(--> Str)
method version(--> Version)


Represents a Job template, must be constructed in order to launch one, or more jobs

submethod BUILD(*%all)

Construct the object, use it as DRMAA::Job-template.new, named parameters corresponds to attributes and/or methods, making it straightforward to create a submission, a simple example:

my $template = DRMAA::Job-template.new(
   :remote-command<sleep> :argv<5>

creates a job template for something which will just sleep 5 seconds; an alternative way to do it uses heredocs:

my $template = DRMAA::Job-template.new(:script(q:to/⬅ 完/));
   sleep 5;
   say "Slept 5 seconds";
   ⬅ 完

will run the Perl 6 script, the library will exploit the following dynamic variables: $*EXECUTABLE, @*ARGS and %*ENV. For instance, to submit a shell script do the following:

my $*EXECUTABLE = "/bin/sh";
my @*ARGS = <5>;
my $template = DRMAA::Job-template.new(:script(q:to/⬅ 完/));
   sleep $1
   echo "Slept $1 seconds";
   ⬅ 完

Easy, isn't it?

To run a template, use one of the following methods:

method run(--> DRMAA::Submission) 
multi method run-bulk(Int:D $start, Int:D $end, Int :$by --> List)
multi method run-bulk(Range:D $range, Int :$by --> List)
multi method run-bulk(Int:D $size --> List)

run-bulk methods are discouraged, seriously, just use @list.map: DRMAA::Job-template.new...

To resume, the most important attributes, which are also building parameters, are:

remote-command        (scalar)
argv                  (list)
env                   (list)

The following are other available attributes, which are also building parameters

block-email           (scalar)
email                 (list)
start-time            (scalar)
deadline-time         (scalar)
duration-hlimit       (scalar)
duration-slimit       (scalar)
wct-hlimit            (scalar)
wct-slimit            (scalar)
error-path            (scalar)
input-path            (scalar)
output-path           (scalar)
job-category          (scalar)
job-name              (scalar)
join-files            (scalar)
transfer-files        (scalar)
js-state              (scalar)
native-specification  (scalar)
wd                    (scalar)

The following extra attributes are available if the Native-plugin implement the required functionality:

after                 (list)
afterend              (list)
afterok               (list)
afternotok            (list)

Queue after the start/end/success/failure of the values: which shoud be a list of DRMAA::Submission. To create a DRMAA::Submission out of a job name, in case it doesn't come out of a run method just do like this: DRMAA::Submission.new(:job-id("123456")).


First of all: a submission is an Awaitable:

my $submission = $template.run;
my $result = await $submission;

It can be created either by the run method of a DRMAA::Job-schedule or from a job id:

DRMAA::Submission.new(job-id => "123456");

It provides the following methods

method suspend
method resume
method hold
method release
method terminate

method status

Retuns the one of the following status objects:


method events(--> Supply)

Returns a Supply with all events regarding the Submission

method done(--> Promise)

Returns a Promise which will be kept when the job is over. The result of the promise will contain one of the following:

class X::DRMAA::Submission::Status::Aborted is Exception {
   has Str  $.id;
   has Bool $.exited;
   has Int  $.exit-code;
   has Str  $.signal;
   has Str  $.usage;

   method message(--> Str:D) {
       "Job $.id aborted";

class DRMAA::Submission::Status::Succeded {
   has Str  $.id;
   has Bool $.exited;
   has Int  $.exit-code;
   has Str  $.signal;
   has Str  $.usage;

The result can also be accessed through:

method result



Another handy method:

method then(DRMAA::Job-template $what)

chain the jobs, same as specify the attribute afterend to $what, and then run; an example:

DRMAA::Job-template.new( :remote-command<sleep>, :argv<20> ).run.then(
   DRMAA::Job-template.new( :remote-command<echo>, :argv<Hello world!> ));

the functionality should be implemented in the Native plugin, currently only works for SLURM.


Vittore F. Scolari vittore.scolari@gmail.com


Copyright 2017 Institut Pasteur

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the GPL License 3.0.