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Path::Router - A tool for routing paths


my $router = Path::Router.new;

$router.add-route('blog' => %(
    conditions => %( :method<GET> ),
    defaults => {
        controller => 'blog',
        action     => 'index',
    # you can provide a fixed "target"
    # for a match as well, this can be
    # anything you want it to be ...
    target => My::App.get_controller('blog').get_action('index')

$router.add-route('blog/:year/:month/:day' => %(
    conditions => %( :method<GET> ),
    defaults => {
        controller => 'blog',
        action     => 'show_date',
    # validate with ...
    validations => {
        # ... raw-Regexp refs
        year       => rx/\d ** 4/,
        # ... custom types you created
        month      => NumericMonth,
        # ... anon-subsets created inline
        day        => (anon subset NumericDay of Int where * <= 31),

$router.add-route('blog/:action/?:id' => %(
    defaults => {
        controller => 'blog',
    validations => {
        action  => rx/\D+/,
        id      => Int,  # also use Perl6 types too

# even include other routers
$router.include-router( 'polls/' => $another_router );

# ... in your dispatcher

# returns a Path::Router::Route::Match object
my $match = $router.match('/blog/edit/15', context => %( method => 'GET' ));

# ... in your code

my $uri = $router.path-for(
    controller => 'blog',
    action     => 'show_date',
    year       => 2006,
    month      => 10,
    day        => 5,


This module provides a way of deconstructing paths into parameters suitable for dispatching on. It also provides the inverse in that it will take a list of parameters, and construct an appropriate uri for it.


This module places a high degree of importance on reversability. The value produced by a path match can be passed back in and you will get the same path you originally put in. The result of this is that it removes ambiguity and therefore reduces the number of possible mis-routings.


This module also provides additional tools you can use to test and verify the integrity of your router. These include:

Validated and Automatically Coerced

Each path may use one or more variables, each given a validation. If a numeric type is used, the value passed on to the action will also be coerced into the correct value.


This module has no opinions about what it might be useful for. It simply produces a hash of values that can be used for dispatch, logging, or whatever your application is.



has Path::Router::Route @.routes

Stores all the route objects that have been added to the router.


method add-route

method add-route(Str $path, *%options --> Int)

Adds a new route to the end of the routes list.

Returns the number of routes stored.

method insert-route

method insert-route(Str $path, *%options --> Int)

Adds a new route to the routes list. You may specify an at parameter, which would indicate the position where you want to insert your newly created route. The at parameter is the index position in the list, so it starts at 0.

Returns the number of routes stored.


# You have more than three paths, insert a new route at
# the 4th item
$router.insert-route($path => %(
    at => 3, |%options

# If you have less items than the index, then it's the same as
# as add_route -- it's just appended to the end of the list
$router.insert-route($path => %(
    at => 1_000_000, |%options

# If you want to prepend, omit "at", or specify 0
$router.insert-route($path => %(
    at => 0, |%options

method include-router

method include-router (Str $path, Path::Router $other-router --> Int)

This extracts all the route from $other-router and includes them into the invocant router and prepends $path to all their paths.

It should be noted that this does not do any kind of redispatch to the $other-router, it actually extracts all the paths from $other-router and inserts them into the invocant router. This means any changes to $other-router after inclusion will not be reflected in the invocant.

Returns the number of routes stored.

method match

method match(Str $path, :%context --> Path::Router::Route::Match)

Return a Path::Router::Route::Match object for the best route that matches the given the $path and %context (if given), or an undefined type-object if no routes match.

The %context is an optional value that is only used if routes with conditions are present. The context is used as an additional match in the process and can be used to apply extra conditions, such as matching the HTTP method when used in a web application.

The "best route" is chosen by first matching the $path against every route and then applying the following rules:


method path-for

method path-for(:%context, *%path_descriptor --> Str)

Find the path that, when passed to method match , would produce the given arguments. Returns the path without any leading /. Returns an undefined type-object if no routes match.

The %context is optional, but if present, this will also apply any route conditions to the given %context.

This will throw an X::Path::Router::AmbiguousMatch::ReverseMatch exception if multiple URLs match. This exception includes the possible routes so your code can disambiguate them in whatever fashion makes sense to you.


You can turn on the verbose debug logging with the PATH_ROUTER_DEBUG environment variable. Set that environment variable to a truthy value to enable debugging.



All path router exceptions inherit from this exception class.


This exception is thrown when a path is found to match two different routes equally well.



This exception is thrown when two paths are found to match a given criteria when looking up the path-for a path



This exception is thrown whenever an attempt is made to include one router in another incorrectly.


This exception is thrown when a route has some serious flaw.



This is an X::Path::Router::BadRoute exception that is thrown when a validation for a variable that is not found in the path.



This is an X::Path::Router::BadRoute exception that is thrown when a validation attempts to add a slurpy parameter that is not at the end of the path.


Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp lthanenkamp@cpan.orggt

Based very closely on the original Perl 5 version by Stevan Little ltstevan.little@iinteractive.comgt


Copyright 2015 Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp.


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.