A simple almost-port of CPAN's HTML::Template to Raku
This is the fork from: https://github.com/masak/html-template
Module HTML::Template
is free and opensource software, so you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Artistic License 2.0.
Nested IF statements don't seem to work:
It seems that in <TMPL_VAR name>
name is case sensitive.
Originally taken from AUTHORS
Here is a list of people and their CPAN id. These people have either submitted patches or suggestions, or their bug reports or comments have inspired the appropriate patches. Corrections, additions, deletions welcome:
Ilya Belikin (aka Ihrd) Илья Беликин <forihrd@gmail.com>
Moritz Lenz (MORITZ)
Lyle <http://groups.google.com/group/november-wiki/browse_thread/thread/c046d7892a60eaa5>
Carl Masak (MASAK) Carl Mäsak <cmasak@gmail.com>
Johan Viklund (VIKLUND) <johan.viklund@gmail.com>