Still very early stage of development... It doesn't even have tests...
App::RakuCron - Is a cron-like system and module configured in Raku
rcron -e '.run-at: :5hours, :Mon, :Wed, :Fri, { say "running a job" }'
It's still on early stages of development, everything may change! App::RakuCron is a cron like system and module written and configured in Raku. It runs as the user that called it and runs in foreing ground (at least for now).
It uses the Configuration raku module You can run it with a configuration file (by convention using the .rakuconfig
extension, but not required) (as seen on ./examples/1.rakuconfig). Or as string (with -e
flag as shown on synopsis)
It can also be used as a module:
use App::RakuCron;
await rcron-manager config {
.run-at: :minutes(* %% 5), :business-days, { say "run on every divisible by 5 minutes on business days" }
is the most important method, it configures a new job. It can receive many different adverbs:
:$y | :$year | :$years
Defines what year (or years) the job should run on, if nothing else is defined, it will run on the first second of that year(s). It expects an Int, a List, a Range or a Callable
:$m | :$month | :$months
:January | :january | :Jan | :$jan
:February | :fabruary | :Feb | :$feb
:March | :march | :Mar | :$mar
:April | :april | :Apr | :$apr
:May | :$may
:June | :june | :Jun | :$jun
:July | :july | :Jul | :$jul
:August | :august | :Aug | :$aug
:September | :september |:Sep | :$sep
:October | :october | :Oct | :$oct
:November | :november | :Nov | :$nov
:December | :december | :Dec | :$dec
Defines what month (or months) the job should run on, if nothing else is defined, it will run on the first second of that month(s). It expects an Int, a List, a Range or a Callable
:$d | :$day | :$days
Defines what day (or days) the job should run on, if nothing else is defined, it will run on the first second of that day(s). It expects an Int, a List, a Range or a Callable
:$h | :$hour | :$hours
Defines what hour (or hours) the job should run on, if nothing else is defined, it will run on the first second of that day(s). It expects an Int, a List, a Range or a Callable
:$min | :$mins | :$minute | :$minutes
Defines what minute (or minutes) the job should run on, if nothing else is defined, it will run on the first second of that minute(s). It expects an Int, a List, a Range or a Callable
:$sec | :$secs | :$second | :$seconds
Defines what second (or seconds) the job should run on. It expects an Int, a List, a Range or a Callable
:$week-days | :$week-day | :$weekdays | :$weekday | :$w-days | :$w-day | :$wdays | :$wday
:Sundays | :sundays | :Sunday | :sunday | :Sun | :sun
:Mondays | :mondays | :Monday | :monday | :Mon | :mon
:Tuesdays | :tuesdays | :Tuesday | :tuesday | :Tue | :tue
:Wednesdays | :wednesdays | :Wednesday | :wednesday | :Wed | :wed
:Thursdays | :thursdays | :Thursday | :Thursday | :Thu | :thu
:Fridays | :fridays | :Friday | :friday | :Fri | :fri
:Saturdays | :saturdays | :Saturday | :saturday | :Sat | :sat
:business-days | :business-day | :b-days | :b-day | :bdays | :bday
Defines what week day (or week days) the job should run on. It expects an Int, a List, a Range or a Callable
Defines a Callable that will receives a DateTime object as the only parameter and return a Bool meaning it it should run the job or not.
:$delta-seconds | :$delta-secs | :$delta | :$d-seconds | :$d-sec | :$d-secs
:$delta-minute | :$delta-mins | :$d-minutes | :$d-min | :$d-mins
:$delta-hour | :$delta-hours | :$d-hour | :$$d-hours
:$delta-day | :$delta-days | :$d-day | :$d-days
:$delta-month | :$delta-monthss | :$d-month | :$d-months
:$delta-year | :$delta-years | :$d-year | :$d-years
Defined the minimum time a job should have ran before running it again
Runs a job at the last day of the month
:$st-of-the-month | :$nd-of-the-month | :$rd-of-the-month | :$th-of-the-month ) ) ),
:$st-last-of-the-month | :$nd-last-of-the-month | :$rd-last-of-the-month( $th-last-of-the-month ) ) ),
Defines it should on the nth first or last occurrence of that rule on the month
:year-before | :$years-before
:year-after | :$years-after
:month-before | :$months-before
:month-after | :$months-after
:day-before | :$days-before
:day-after | :$days-after
:hour-before | :$hours-before
:hour-after | :$hours-after
:min-before | :$minute-before | :$minutes-before | :$mins-before
:min-after | :$minute-after | :$minutes-after | :$mins-after
:sec-before | :$second-before | :$seconds-before | :$secs-before
:sec-after | :$second-after | :$seconds-after | :$secs-after
Run the job some time after or before the specified time
Fernando Corrêa fernando.correa@humanstate.com
Copyright 2023 Fernando Corrêa
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.