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Math::FFT::Libfftw3::C2C - High-level bindings to libfftw3 Complex-to-Complex transform

use v6;

use Math::FFT::Libfftw3::C2C;
use Math::FFT::Libfftw3::Constants; # needed for the FFTW_BACKWARD constant

my @in = (0, π/100  2*π)».sin;
put @in».Complex».round(10¹²); # print the original array as complex values rounded to 10⁻¹²
my Math::FFT::Libfftw3::C2C $fft .= new: data => @in;
my @out = $fft.execute;
put @out; # print the direct transform output
my Math::FFT::Libfftw3::C2C $fftr .= new: data => @out, direction => FFTW_BACKWARD;
my @outr = $fftr.execute;
put @outr».round(10¹²); # print the backward transform output rounded to 10⁻¹²
use v6;

use Math::FFT::Libfftw3::C2C;
use Math::FFT::Libfftw3::Constants; # needed for the FFTW_BACKWARD constant

# direct 2D transform
my Math::FFT::Libfftw3::C2C $fft .= new: data => 1..18, dims => (6, 3);
my @out = $fft.execute;
put @out;
# reverse 2D transform
my Math::FFT::Libfftw3::C2C $fftr .= new: data => @out, dims => (6,3), direction => FFTW_BACKWARD;
my @outr = $fftr.execute;
put @outr».round(10¹²);


Math::FFT::Libfftw3::C2C provides an OO interface to libfftw3 and allows you to perform Complex-to-Complex Fast Fourier Transforms.

new(:@data!, :@dims?, Int :$direction? = FFTW_FORWARD, Int :$flag? = FFTW_ESTIMATE, Int :$dim?, Int :$thread? = NONE, Int :$nthreads? = 1)

new(:$data!, Int :$direction? = FFTW_FORWARD, Int :$flag? = FFTW_ESTIMATE, Int :$dim?, Int :$thread? = NONE, Int :$nthreads? = 1)

The first constructor accepts any Positional of type Int, Rat, Num, Complex (and IntStr, RatStr, NumStr, ComplexStr); it allows List of Ints, Array of Complex, Seq of Rat, shaped arrays of any base type, etc.

The only mandatory argument is @data. Multidimensional data are expressed in row-major order (see [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation)) and the array @dims must be passed to the constructor, or the data will be interpreted as a 1D array. If one uses a shaped array, there's no need to pass the @dims array, because the dimensions will be read from the array itself.

The $direction parameter is used to specify a direct or backward transform; it defaults to FFTW_FORWARD.

The $flag parameter specifies the way the underlying library has to analyze the data in order to create a plan for the transform; it defaults to FFTW_ESTIMATE (see [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation)).

The $dim parameter asks for an optimization for a specific matrix rank. The parameter is optional and if present must be in the range 1..3.

The $thread parameter specifies the kind of threaded operation one wants to get; this argument is optional and if not specified is assumed as NONE. There are three possibile values:

THREAD will use specific POSIX thread library while OPENMP will select an OpenMP library.

The $nthreads specifies the number of threads to use; it defaults to 1.

The second constructor accepts a scalar: an object of type Math::Matrix (if that module is installed, otherwise it returns a Failure); the meaning of all the other parameters is the same as in the other constructor.

execute(Int :$output? = OUT-COMPLEX --> Positional)

Executes the transform and returns the output array of values as a normalized row-major array. The parameter $output can be optionally used to specify how the array is to be returned:

The default (OUT-COMPLEX) is to return an array of Complex. OUT-REIM makes the execute method return the native representation of the data: an array of couples of real/imaginary values. OUT-NUM makes the execute method return just the real part of the complex values.


Some of this class' attributes are readable:

Wisdom interface

This interface allows to save and load a plan associated to a transform (There are some caveats. See [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation)).

plan-save(Str $filename --> True)

Saves the plan into a file. Returns True if successful and a Failure object otherwise.

plan-load(Str $filename --> True)

Loads the plan from a file. Returns True if successful and a Failure object otherwise.

Advanced interface

This interface allows to compose several transformations in one pass. See [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation).

advanced(Int $rank!, @dims!, Int $howmany!, @inembed!, Int $istride!, Int $idist!, @onembed!, Int $ostride!, Int $odist!)

This method activates the advanced interface. The meaning of the arguments are detailed in the [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation).

This method returns self, so it can be concatenated to the .new() method:

my $fft = Math::FFT::Libfftw3.new(data => (1..30).flat)
                                  .advanced: $rank, @dims, $howmany,
                                             @inembed, $istride, $idist,
                                             @onembed, $ostride, $odist;


Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2C - High-level bindings to libfftw3 Real-to-Complex transform

use v6;

use Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2C;
use Math::FFT::Libfftw3::Constants; # needed for the FFTW_BACKWARD constant

my @in = (0, π/100  2*π)».sin;
put @in».Complex».round(10¹²); # print the original array as complex values rounded to 10⁻¹²
my Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2C $fft .= new: data => @in;
my @out = $fft.execute;
put @out; # print the direct transform output
my Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2C $fftr .= new: data => @out, direction => FFTW_BACKWARD;
my @outr = $fftr.execute;
put @outr».round(10¹²); # print the backward transform output rounded to 10⁻¹²
use v6;

use Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2C;
use Math::FFT::Libfftw3::Constants; # needed for the FFTW_BACKWARD constant

# direct 2D transform
my Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2C $fft .= new: data => 1..18, dims => (6, 3);
my @out = $fft.execute;
put @out;
# reverse 2D transform
my Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2C $fftr .= new: data => @out, dims => (6,3), direction => FFTW_BACKWARD;
my @outr = $fftr.execute;
put @outr».round(10¹²);


Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2C provides an OO interface to libfftw3 and allows you to perform Real-to-Complex Fast Fourier Transforms.

The direct transform accepts an array of real numbers and outputs a half-Hermitian array of complex numbers. The reverse transform accepts a half-Hermitian array of complex numbers and outputs an array of real numbers.

new(:@data!, :@dims?, Int :$direction? = FFTW_FORWARD, Int :$flag? = FFTW_ESTIMATE, Int :$dim?, Int :$thread? = NONE, Int :$nthreads? = 1)

new(:$data!, Int :$direction? = FFTW_FORWARD, Int :$flag? = FFTW_ESTIMATE, Int :$dim?, Int :$thread? = NONE, Int :$nthreads? = 1)

The first constructor accepts any Positional of type Int, Rat, Num, Complex (and IntStr, RatStr, NumStr, ComplexStr); it allows List of Ints, Array of Complex, Seq of Rat, shaped arrays of any base type, etc.

The only mandatory argument is @data. Multidimensional data are expressed in row-major order (see [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation)) and the array @dims must be passed to the constructor, or the data will be interpreted as a 1D array. If one uses a shaped array, there's no need to pass the @dims array, because the dimensions will be read from the array itself.

The $direction parameter is used to specify a direct or backward transform; it defaults to FFTW_FORWARD.

The $flag parameter specifies the way the underlying library has to analyze the data in order to create a plan for the transform; it defaults to FFTW_ESTIMATE (see [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation)).

The $dim parameter asks for an optimization for a specific matrix rank. The parameter is optional and if present must be in the range 1..3.

The $thread parameter specifies the kind of threaded operation one wants to get; this argument is optional and if not specified is assumed as NONE. There are three possibile values:

THREAD will use specific POSIX thread library while OPENMP will select an OpenMP library.

The $nthreads specifies the number of threads to use; it defaults to 1.

The second constructor accepts a scalar: an object of type Math::Matrix (if that module is installed, otherwise it returns a Failure); the meaning of all the other parameters is the same as in the other constructor.

execute(Int :$output? = OUT-COMPLEX --> Positional)

Executes the transform and returns the output array of values as a normalized row-major array. The parameter $output can be optionally used to specify how the array is to be returned:

The default (OUT-COMPLEX) is to return an array of Complex. OUT-REIM makes the execute method return the native representation of the data: an array of couples of real/imaginary values. OUT-NUM makes the execute method return just the real part of the complex values.

When performing the reverse transform, the output array has only real values, so the :$output parameter is ignored.


Some of this class' attributes are readable:

Wisdom interface

This interface allows to save and load a plan associated to a transform (There are some caveats. See [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation)).

plan-save(Str $filename --> True)

Saves the plan into a file. Returns True if successful and a Failure object otherwise.

plan-load(Str $filename --> True)

Loads the plan from a file. Returns True if successful and a Failure object otherwise.

Advanced interface

This interface allows to compose several transformations in one pass. See [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation).

advanced(Int $rank!, @dims!, Int $howmany!, @inembed!, Int $istride!, Int $idist!, @onembed!, Int $ostride!, Int $odist!)

This method activates the advanced interface. The meaning of the arguments are detailed in the [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation).

This method returns self, so it can be concatenated to the .new() method:

my $fft = Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2C.new(data => (1..30).flat)
                                  .advanced: $rank, @dims, $howmany,
                                             @inembed, $istride, $idist,
                                             @onembed, $ostride, $odist;


Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2R - High-level bindings to libfftw3 Real-to-Complex transform

use v6;

use Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2R;
use Math::FFT::Libfftw3::Constants; # needed for the FFTW_R2HC and FFTW_HC2R constants

my @in = (0, π/100  2*π)».sin;
put @in».round(10¹²); # print the original array as complex values rounded to 10⁻¹²
my Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2R $fft .= new: data => @in, kind => FFTW_R2HC;
my @out = $fft.execute;
put @out; # print the direct transform output
my Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2R $fftr .= new: data => @out, kind => FFTW_HC2R;
my @outr = $fftr.execute;
put @outr».round(10¹²); # print the backward transform output rounded to 10⁻¹²
use v6;

use Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2R;
use Math::FFT::Libfftw3::Constants; # needed for the FFTW_R2HC and FFTW_HC2R constants

# direct 2D transform
my Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2R $fft .= new: data => 1..18, dims => (6, 3), kind => FFTW_R2HC;
my @out = $fft.execute;
put @out;
# reverse 2D transform
my Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2R $fftr .= new: data => @out, dims => (6, 3), kind => FFTW_HC2R;
my @outr = $fftr.execute;
put @outr».round(10¹²);


Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2R provides an OO interface to libfftw3 and allows you to perform Real-to-Real Halfcomplex Fast Fourier Transforms.

The direct transform accepts an array of real numbers and outputs a half-complex array of real numbers. The reverse transform accepts a half-complex array of real numbers and outputs an array of real numbers.

new(:@data!, :@dims?, Int :$flag? = FFTW_ESTIMATE, :$kind!, Int :$dim?, Int :$thread? = NONE, Int :$nthreads? = 1)

new(:$data!, Int :$flag? = FFTW_ESTIMATE, :$kind!, Int :$dim?, Int :$thread? = NONE, Int :$nthreads? = 1)

The first constructor accepts any Positional of type Int, Rat, Num (and IntStr, RatStr, NumStr); it allows List of Ints, Seq of Rat, shaped arrays of any base type, etc.

The only mandatory argument are @data and $kind. Multidimensional data are expressed in row-major order (see [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation)) and the array @dims must be passed to the constructor, or the data will be interpreted as a 1D array. If one uses a shaped array, there's no need to pass the @dims array, because the dimensions will be read from the array itself.

The kind argument, of type fftw_r2r_kind, specifies what kind of trasform will be performed on the input data. fftw_r2r_kind constants are defined as an enum in Math::FFT::Libfftw3::Constants. The values of the fftw_r2r_kind enum are:

The Half-Complex transform uses the symbol FFTW_R2HC for a Real to Half-Complex (direct) transform, while the corresponding Half-Complex to Real (reverse) transform is specified by the symbol FFTW_HC2R. The reverse transform of FFTW_RDFT10 is FFTW_RDFT01 and vice versa, of FFTW_RDFT11 is FFTW_RDFT11, and of FFTW_RDFT00 is FFTW_RDFT00.

The $flag parameter specifies the way the underlying library has to analyze the data in order to create a plan for the transform; it defaults to FFTW_ESTIMATE (see [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation)).

The $dim parameter asks for an optimization for a specific matrix rank. The parameter is optional and if present must be in the range 1..3.

The $thread parameter specifies the kind of threaded operation one wants to get; this argument is optional and if not specified is assumed as NONE. There are three possibile values:

THREAD will use specific POSIX thread library while OPENMP will select an OpenMP library.

The $nthreads specifies the number of threads to use; it defaults to 1.

The second constructor accepts a scalar: an object of type Math::Matrix (if that module is installed, otherwise it returns a Failure), a $flag, and a list of the kind of trasform one wants to be performed on each dimension; the meaning of all the other parameters is the same as in the other constructor.

execute(--> Positional)

Executes the transform and returns the output array of values as a normalized row-major array.


Some of this class' attributes are readable:

Wisdom interface

This interface allows to save and load a plan associated to a transform (There are some caveats. See [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation)).

plan-save(Str $filename --> True)

Saves the plan into a file. Returns True if successful and a Failure object otherwise.

plan-load(Str $filename --> True)

Loads the plan from a file. Returns True if successful and a Failure object otherwise.

Advanced interface

This interface allows to compose several transformations in one pass. See [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation).

advanced(Int $rank!, @dims!, Int $howmany!, @inembed!, Int $istride!, Int $idist!, @onembed!, Int $ostride!, Int $odist!)

This method activates the advanced interface. The meaning of the arguments are detailed in the [C Library Documentation](C Library Documentation).

This method returns self, so it can be concatenated to the .new() method:

my $fft = Math::FFT::Libfftw3::R2R.new(data => 1..30)
                                  .advanced: $rank, @dims, $howmany,
                                             @inembed, $istride, $idist,
                                             @onembed, $ostride, $odist;

C Library Documentation

For more details on libfftw see http://www.fftw.org/. The manual is available here http://www.fftw.org/fftw3.pdf


This module requires the libfftw3 library to be installed. Please follow the instructions below based on your platform:

Debian Linux

sudo apt-get install libfftw3-double3

The module looks for a library called libfftw3.so.


To install it using zef (a module management tool):

$ zef install Math::FFT::Libfftw3


To run the tests:

$ prove -e "raku -Ilib"


Math::FFT::Libfftw3 relies on a C library which might not be present in one's installation, so it's not a substitute for a pure Raku module. If you need a pure Raku module, Math::FourierTransform works just fine.

This module needs Raku ≥ 2018.09 only if one wants to use shaped arrays as input data. An attempt to feed a shaped array to the new method using $*RAKU.compiler.version < v2018.09 results in an exception.


Fernando Santagata


The Artistic License 2.0