Tree::Binary - Roles for building and traversing binary trees
use Tree::Binary;
class IntTree does Tree::Binary::Role::BinaryTree[Int] {};
my IntTree(Str) $tree = "1(2)(3)";
say $tree;
2 3
Tree::Binary is intended to be a framework that can be used as the basis for building binary trees. The core Role
provided is Tree::Binary::Role::BinaryTree
which encapsulates binary tree storage, traversing, parsing and rendering.
does not include code for inserting or deleting nodes as this is dependent on the concreate class using it.
role Tree::Binary::Role::BinaryTree[
Tree::Binary::Role::Renderer :$gist-renderer=Tree::Binary::PrettyTree,
Tree::Binary::Role::Renderer :$Str-renderer=BasicStrRenderer,
Tree::Binary::TraverseType :$traverse-type=Tree::Binary::TraverseType::InOrder,
Tree::Binary::TraverseDirection :$traverse-direction=Tree::Binary::TraverseDirection::LeftToRight,
The Tree::Binary::Role::BinaryTree Role
accepts one postional and four named parameters :
The type of object it should allow (defaulting to Any)
An output renderer used for creating the Tree::Binary::Role::BinaryTree
's gist representation. The default for this is Tree::Binary::PrettyTree
but any class that does Tree::Binary::Role::Renderer
will work.
An output renderer used for creating the Tree::Binary::Role::BinaryTree
's Str representation. The default for this is BasicStrRenderer
but any class that does Tree::Binary::Role::Renderer
will work.
How the tree should be iterated one of Tree::Binary::Enums::TraverseType
defaults to Tree::Binary::TraverseType::InOrder
The direction the tree should be iterated one of Tree::Binary::Enums::TraverseDirection
defaults to Tree::Binary::TraverseDirection::LeftToRight
The default constructor takes two named arguments :
ValueType :$value
The value of the current node
Array[Tree::Binary::Role::BinaryTree] :@nodes[2]
An array of 0-2 Tree::Binary::Role::BinaryTree nodes that are the children of the current node.
The role also allows for basic string coercion where a tree can be represented with the following structure.
Where value
is a Str
that can be coerced into a ValueType
and node1
and node2
another Tree::Binary
representation. The Str
method should produce a value that can be coered into a Tree::Binary of the appropriate ValueType
Alternate construction options using Str
coercion are :
# Coercion from a Str to a Tree::Binary
my Tree::Binary(Str) $tree1 = "1(a)(£)";
# Using the from-Str constructor
my $tree2 = Tree::Binary.from-Str("1(a)(£)");
has Positional[Tree::Binary::Role::BinaryTree] @!nodes
The child nodes
method nodes
method nodes() returns Array[Tree::Binary::Role::BinaryTree]
The child nodes of this node, undefined nodes will not be returned.
method elems
method elems() returns UInt
Returns the number of defined nodes for the current node. Note that the elems method does NOT return the count of all nodes in the tree just the current nodes children.
method elems
method elems(
Bool :$all!
) returns UInt
With the :all flag returns the total number of nodes in the tree including the current one but not any undefined ones.
method elems
method elems(
Bool :$leaf!
) returns UInt
With the :leaf flag returns the total number of leaf nodes
method Str
method Str() returns Str
Returns a Str representation of the tree using the :$Str-renderer parameter
method gist
method gist() returns Str
Returns the gist for this tree using the defined $gist-renderer parameter
method raku
method raku() returns Str
Returns a raku representation of the tree
method reverse
method reverse() returns Tree::Binary::Role::BinaryTree
Returns a new Tree::Binary where the node pairs have been swapped at each level
method from-Str
method from-Str(
Str $in
) returns Tree::Binary::Role::BinaryTree
Object creation method using the Str coercion rules.
Scimon Proctor simon.proctor@gmail.com
Copyright 2021 Scimon Proctor
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.