Rand Stats




A port of the RandomColor JavaScript library for Perl6.

Random Color

A tiny script for generating attractive random colors.


You can pass an options object to influence the type of color it produces. The options object accepts the following properties:

hue – Controls the hue of the generated color. You can pass a string representing a color name: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink and monochrome are currently supported. If you pass a hexidecimal color string such as #00FFFF, randomColor will extract its hue value and use that to generate colors.

luminosity – Controls the luminosity of the generated color. You can specify a string containing bright, light or dark.

count – An integer which specifies the number of colors to generate.

seed - An integer or string which when passed will cause randomColor to return the same color each time.

format – A string which specifies the format of the generated color. Possible values are rgb, rgba, rgbArray, hsl, hsla, hslArray and hex (default).

alpha – A decimal between 0 and 1. Only relevant when using a format with an alpha channel (rgba and hsla). Defaults to a random value.


# Returns a hex code for an attractive color

# Returns an array of ten green colors
   count => 10,
   hue => 'green'

# Returns a hex code for a light blue
   luminosity => 'light',
   hue => 'blue'

# Returns a hex code for a 'truly random' color
   luminosity => 'random',
   hue  => 'random'

# Returns a bright color in RGB
   luminosity => 'bright',
   format => 'rgb' # e.g. 'rgb(225,200,20)'

# Returns a dark RGB color with random alpha
   luminosity => 'dark',
   format => 'rgba' # e.g. 'rgba(9, 1, 107, 0.6482447960879654)'

# Returns a dark RGB color with specified alpha
   luminosity => 'dark',
   format => 'rgba',
   alpha => 0.5 # e.g. 'rgba(9, 1, 107, 0.5)',

# Returns a light HSL color with random alpha
   luminosity => 'light',
   format => 'hsla' # e.g. 'hsla(27, 88.99%, 81.83%, 0.6450211517512798)'

For more information, see the homepage