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Raku package for using clipboards of different operating systems. (I.e., copy and paste with any OS.)

The OS commands used to do the copy and paste to- and from the clipboard can be specified with the environment variables:

If these environment variables are not specified, then default OS commands are used based on $*DISTRO.

Remark: The package is (extensively) tested and used on macOS. At this point it is not tested on other OS. (Issues and pull requests are welcome!)


Zef ecosystem:

zef install Clipboard


zef install https://github.com/antononcube/Raku-Clipboard.git

Usage examples

Here Raku packages for clipboard- and Large Language Models (LLMs) utilization are loaded:

use Clipboard;
use LLM::Functions;
# (Any)

Here is an LLM prompt for code writing assistance (Raku-modified version of this one):

my $promptCodeWriter = q:to/END/;
You are Code Writer and as the coder that you are, you provide clear and concise code only, without explanation nor conversation. 
Your job is to output code with no accompanying text.
Do not explain any code unless asked. Do not provide summaries unless asked.
You are the best Raku programmer in the world but do not converse.
You know the Raku documentation better than anyone but do not converse.
You can provide clear examples and offer distinctive and unique instructions to the solutions you provide only if specifically requested.
Only code in Raku unless told otherwise.
Unless they ask, you will only give code.

# 622

Here we make a chat object with the code writing prompt:

my $chat = llm-chat($promptCodeWriter, chat-id => 'RakuWriter', conf => 'ChatGPT');
# LLM::Functions::Chat(chat-id = RakuWriter, llm-evaluator.conf.name = chatgpt, messages.elems = 0)

Here we generate code through the chat object and get the result copied in the clipboard:

$chat.eval('Generate a random dictionary of 5 elements. Return just code.') ==> copy-to-clipboard
# my %dictionary = (
#   "apple" => "a type of fruit",
#   "car"   => "a vehicle",
#   "house" => "a place to live",
#   "dog"   => "a pet animal",
#   "book"  => "a written work"
# );
# %dictionary;

The function copy-to-clipboard:

Here we get clipboard's content:

# my %dictionary = (
#   "apple" => "a type of fruit",
#   "car"   => "a vehicle",
#   "house" => "a place to live",
#   "dog"   => "a pet animal",
#   "book"  => "a written work"
# );
# %dictionary;

Here we evaluate clipboard's content (assuming it is Raku code):

EVAL paste;
# {apple => a type of fruit, book => a written work, car => a vehicle, dog => a pet animal, house => a place to live}


Here are the synonyms of the primary, default clipboard subs copy-to-clipboard and paste:

use Clipboard :DEFAULT;      # copy-to-clipboard, paste
use Clipboard :cb-prefixed;  # cbcopy, cbpaste
use Clipboard :long-names;   # copy-to-clipboard, paste-from-clipboard
use Clipboard :ALL;          # copy-to-clipboard, paste-from-clipboard, cbcopy, cbpaste, paste
# (Any)

Implementation notes

The first version of this code was implemented in the package "DSL::Shared", [AAp2], and used in the Command Line Interface (CLI) scripts of the DSL family of packages (for computational workflows.)

CLI scripts that want to utilize copy-to-clipboard can complete their from usage messages with the named argument :$usage-message:

say copy-to-clipboard(:usage-message);
# If --clipboard-command is the empty string then no copying to the clipboard is done.
#     If --clipboard-command is 'Whatever' then:
#         1. It is attempted to use the environment variable CLIPBOARD_COPY_COMMAND.
#             If CLIPBOARD_COPY_COMMAND is defined and it is the empty string then no copying to the clipboard is done.
#         2. If the variable CLIPBOARD_COPY_COMMAND is not defined then:
#             - 'pbcopy' is used on macOS
#             - 'clip.exe' on Windows
#             - 'xclip -sel clip' on Linux.


[AAp1] Anton Antonov, LLM::Functions, (2023), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp2] Anton Antonov, DSL::Shared, (2020-2023), GitHub/antononcube.