
Raku package for (discrete mathematics) graph data structures and algorithms.
For a quick introduction see the video "Graph demo in Raku (teaser)", [AAv1], (5 min.)
Remark: This package is not for drawing and rendering images.
It is for the abstract data structure graph.
From Zef ecosystem:
zef install Graph
From GitHub:
zef install
Design and implementation details
- Needless to say, Graph theory is huge.
- But certain algorithms like path and cycle finding are relatively easy to implement
and are fundamental both mathematics-wise and computer-science-wise.
- Having fast shortest path finding algorithms in graphs should be quite a booster for geography related projects.
- The central entity is the
class. Graph
is as generic as possible.- Meaning it is for directed graphs.
- Undirected graphs are represented as directed graphs.
- I.e. with twice as many edges than necessary.
- The current graph representation is with hash-of-hashes, (
), that keeps from-to-weight relationships.- For example,
gives the weight of the edge connecting vertex "1" to vertex "2".
- The vertexes are only strings.
- Not a "hard" design decision.
- More general vertexes can be imitated (in the future) with vertex tags.
- This is related to having (in Raku) sparse matrices with named rows and columns.
- Since I know Mathematica / Wolfram Language (WL) very well, many of the method names and signatures are
strongly influenced by the corresponding functions in WL.
- I do not follow them too strictly, though.
- One reason is that with Raku it is much easier to have and use named arguments than with WL.
- I was considering re-programming Perl5’s "Graph", [JHp1], into Raku, but it turned out it was easier to write the algorithms directly in Raku.
- The classes creating special graphs, like, grid-graph, star-graph, etc., are sub-classes of
with files in the sub-directory "Graph".- See usage of such classes here.
- Visualizing the graphs (the objects of the class
) is very important.- Has to be done from the very beginning of the development.
- (Again, for me at least...)
- The class
has the methods dot
, graphml
, mermaid
, and wl
for representing the graphs for
GraphViz, GraphML, Mermaid-JS, and Wolfram Language (WL) respectively. - Mermaid's graph nodes and edges arrangement algorithm can produce "unexpected" images for the standard, parameterized graphs.
- Like, "grid graph", "cycle graph", etc.
- So far, I have tested the path finding algorithms on "Graph" on small graphs and moderate size graphs.
- The largest random graph I used had 1000 vertexes and 1000 edges.
- Mathematica (aka Wolfram Language) can be 500 ÷ 10,000 faster.
- I hope good heuristic functions for the "A* search" method would make
fast enough,
for say country / continent route systems.- With the larger, 1,000-vertex random graphs finding paths with the method "a-star" is ≈50 faster than with the method "dijkstra".
- Setting up comprehensive performance profiling and correctness testing is somewhat involved.
- One main impediment is that in Raku one cannot expect and specify same random numbers between different sessions.
Usage examples
Here we create a dataset of edges:
my @edges =
{ from => '1', to => '5', weight => 1 },
{ from => '1', to => '7', weight => 1 },
{ from => '2', to => '3', weight => 1 },
{ from => '2', to => '4', weight => 1 },
{ from => '2', to => '6', weight => 1 },
{ from => '2', to => '7', weight => 1 },
{ from => '2', to => '8', weight => 1 },
{ from => '2', to => '10', weight => 1 },
{ from => '2', to => '12', weight => 1 },
{ from => '3', to => '4', weight => 1 },
{ from => '3', to => '8', weight => 1 },
{ from => '4', to => '9', weight => 1 },
{ from => '5', to => '12', weight => 1 },
{ from => '6', to => '7', weight => 1 },
{ from => '9', to => '10', weight => 1 },
{ from => '11', to => '12', weight => 1 };
# 16
Remark: If there is no weight
key in the edge records the weight of the edge is taken to be 1.
Here we create a graph object with the edges dataset:
use Graph;
my $graph =;
# Graph(vertexes => 12, edges => 16, directed => False)
Here are basic properties of the graph:
say 'edge count : ', $graph.edge-count;
say 'vertex count : ', $graph.vertex-count;
say 'vertex list : ', $graph.vertex-list;
# edge count : 16
# vertex count : 12
# vertex list : (1 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
Here we display the graph using Mermaid-JS, (see also, [AAp1]):
graph TD
10 --- 2
10 --- 9
2 --- 3
3 --- 4
3 --- 8
2 --- 4
2 --- 7
12 --- 2
2 --- 8
2 --- 6
1 --- 5
1 --- 7
6 --- 7
12 --- 5
11 --- 12
4 --- 9
Here we find the shortest path between nodes "1" and "4":
say 'find-shortest-path : ', $graph.find-shortest-path('1', '4');
# find-shortest-path : [1 7 2 4]
Here we find all paths between "1" and "4", (and sort them by length and vertex names):
say 'find-path : ' , $graph.find-path('1', '4', count => Inf).sort({ $_.elems ~ ' ' ~ $_.join(' ') });
# find-path : ([1 7 2 4] [1 5 12 2 4] [1 7 2 3 4] [1 7 6 2 4] [1 5 12 2 3 4] [1 7 2 10 9 4] [1 7 2 8 3 4] [1 7 6 2 3 4] [1 5 12 2 10 9 4] [1 5 12 2 8 3 4] [1 7 6 2 10 9 4] [1 7 6 2 8 3 4])
Here we find a Hamiltonian path in the graph:
say 'find-hamiltonian-path : ' , $graph.find-hamiltonian-path();
# find-hamiltonian-path : [10 9 4 3 8 2 6 7 1 5 12 11]
Here we find a cycle:
say 'find-cycle : ' , $graph.find-cycle().sort({ $_.elems ~ ' ' ~ $_.join(' ') });
# find-cycle : ([2 3 4 2])
Here we find all cycles in the graph:
say 'find-cycle (all): ' , $graph.find-cycle(count => Inf).sort({ $_.elems ~ ' ' ~ $_.join(' ') });
# find-cycle (all): ([2 3 4 2] [2 3 8 2] [2 6 7 2] [10 2 4 9 10] [2 4 3 8 2] [1 5 12 2 7 1] [10 2 3 4 9 10] [1 5 12 2 6 7 1] [10 2 8 3 4 9 10])
Graph plotting
The class Graph
has the following methods of graph visualization:
In Jupyter notebooks with a Raku kernel graph visualization can be done with the method dot
and its adverb ":svg".
First, install Graphviz.
On macOS the installation can be done with:
brew install graphviz
Here a wheel graph is made and its DOT format is converted into SVG format (rendered automatically in Jupyter notebooks):
use Graph::Wheel;
For more details see notebook "DOT-visualizations.ipynb".
Visualizing via D3.js
In Jupyter notebooks with a Raku kernel graph visualization can be done with the function js-d3-graph-plot
of the package "JavaScript::D3".
The visualizations with "JavaScript::D3" are very capricious. Currently they:
- Do not work with JupyterLab, but only with the "classical" Jupyter notebook.
- Work nicely with the Jupyter notebook plugin(s) of Visual Studio Code, but often require re-loading of the notebooks.
The points above were the main reasons to develop the DOT format visualization.
Most of the documentation notebooks show the graphs using both "JavaScript::D3" and DOT-SVG.
Main, core features
- TODO Object methods
- DONE Str and gist methods
- DONE Deep copy
- DONE Creation from another graph.
- TODO Ingest vertexes and edges of another
object - TODO Comparison:
and ne
- DONE Disjoint graphs
- The graphs can be disjoint as long as the components have edges.
- Related, the class
does supports "lone vertices."- They have empty adjacency values.
- TODO Vertexes
- DONE Vertex list
- DONE Vertex count
- DONE Vertex degree
- DONE in-degree, edges-at
- DONE out-degree, edges-from
- DONE Delete vertex(es)
- DONE Add vertex
- DONE Has vertex
- TODO Vertex tags support
- TODO Edges
- DONE Edge list
- DONE Edge dataset
- DONE Edge count
- DONE Add edge
- DONE Delete edge(s)
- DONE Has edge
- TODO Edge tags support
- TODO Matrix representation
- Sparse matrices are needed before "seriously" considering this.
- Sparse matrices should be easy to create using the (already implemented) edge dataset.
- DONE Adjacency matrix (dense)
- TODO Adjacency matrix (sparse)
- Incidence matrix (dense)
- Incidence matrix (sparse)
Graph programming
- Depth first scan / traversal
- Scan a graph in a depth-first order.
- This is already implemented, it has to be properly refactored.
- See Depth-First Search (DFS) named (private) methods.
- Breadth first scan / traversal
- Scan a graph in a breadth-first order.
Paths, cycles, flows
- DONE Shortest paths
- DONE Find shortest path
- DONE Find Hamiltonian paths
- For both the whole graph or for a given pair of vertexes.
- Algorithms:
- Backtracking,
method => 'backtracking'
) - Application Warnsdorf's rule for backtracking,
- Angluin-Valiant (probabilistic),
method => 'random'
- TODO Flows
- TODO Find maximum flow
- TODO Find minimum cost flow
- TODO Distances
- DONE Graph distance
- TODO Graph distance matrix
- Again, requires choosing a matrix Raku class or package.
- DONE Longest shortest paths
- DONE Vertex eccentricity
- DONE Graph radius
- DONE Graph diameter
- DONE Graph center
- DONE Graph periphery
- DONE Weakly connected component
- DONE Strongly connected component
- DONE Topological sort
- TODO Cycles and tours
- DONE Find cycle
- TODO Find shortest tour
- TODO Find postman tour
- DONE Eulerian and semi-Eulerian graphs
- TODO General graphs
- TODO Find Eulerian cycle
- TODO Find Hamiltonian cycle
- TODO Find cycle matrix
- TODO Independent paths
- DONE Find paths
- TODO Find edge independent paths
- TODO Find edge vertex paths
Matching, coloring
- TODO Unary graph operations
- DONE Reversed graph
- DONE Complement graph
- DONE Subgraph
- For given vertices and/or edges.
- DONE Neighborhood graph
- For given vertices and/or edges.
- DONE Make undirected
- Can be implemented as$g, :!directed)
. - But maybe it is more efficient to directly manipulate
- DONE Make directed
- It is not just a flag change of
. - Implement the methods:
, "Acyclic", "Random".
- TODO Edge contraction
- TODO Vertex contraction
- TODO Line graph
- TODO Dual graph
- TODO Binary graph operations
- DONE Union of graphs
- DONE Intersection of graphs
- DONE Difference of graphs
- DONE Disjoint union of graphs
- TODO Product of graphs (AKA "box product")
- TODO Cartesian
- TODO Co-normal
- TODO Lexicographic
- TODO Normal
- TODO Rooted
- TODO Strong
- TODO Tensor
- DONE Construction of parameterized graphs
- DONE Construction of random graphs
- TODO Construction of individual graphs
- TODO Bull graph
- TODO Butterfly graph
- TODO Chavatal graph
- TODO Diamond graph
- TODO Durer graph
- TODO Franklin graph
- DONE Petersen graph
- TODO Wagner graph
- Creation from
- Adjacency matrix (dense)
- Adjacency matrix (sparse)
- Incidence matrix (dense)
- Incidence matrix (sparse)
- TODO Unit tests
- DONE Sanity
- DONE Undirected graphs
- DONE Vertex removal
- DONE Edge removal
- DONE Bipartite graph check
- TODO Directed graphs cycles
- TODO Cross-verification with Mathematica
- DONE General workflow programming/setup
- TODO Path finding
- TODO Cycle finding
- DONE Basic usage over undirected graphs
- TODO Basic usage over directed graphs
- DONE Regular graphs creation (Grid, Wheel, etc.)
- DONE Random graphs creation
- DONE DOT language visualizations
[Wk1] Wikipedia entry, "Graph (discrete mathematics)".
[Wk2] Wikipedia entry, "Graph theory".
[Wk3] Wikipedia entry, "Glossary of graph theory".
[Wk4] Wikipedia entry, "List of graphs" (aka "Gallery of named graphs.")
[Wk5] Wikipedia entry, "Hamiltonian path".
[AAp1] Anton Antonov,
WWW::MermaidInk Raku package,
[AAp2] Anton Antonov,
Proc::ZMQed Raku package,
[AAp3] Anton Antonov,
JavaScript:3 Raku package,
[JHp1] Jarkko Hietaniemi,
Graph Perl package,
[AAv1] Anton Antonov,
"Graph demo in Raku (teaser)",
[AAv2] Anton Antonov,
"Graph neat examples in Raku (Set 1)",
[AAv3] Anton Antonov,
"Sparse matrix neat examples in Raku",