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Raku package for (discrete mathematics) graph data structures and algorithms.

For a quick introduction see the video "Graph demo in Raku (teaser)", [AAv1], (5 min.)

Remark: This package is not for drawing and rendering images. It is for the abstract data structure graph.


From Zef ecosystem:

zef install Graph

From GitHub:

zef install https://github.com/antononcube/Raku-Graph.git

Design and implementation details






Usage examples

Here we create a dataset of edges:

my @edges =
        { from => '1', to => '5', weight => 1 },
        { from => '1', to => '7', weight => 1 },
        { from => '2', to => '3', weight => 1 },
        { from => '2', to => '4', weight => 1 },
        { from => '2', to => '6', weight => 1 },
        { from => '2', to => '7', weight => 1 },
        { from => '2', to => '8', weight => 1 },
        { from => '2', to => '10', weight => 1 },
        { from => '2', to => '12', weight => 1 },
        { from => '3', to => '4', weight => 1 },
        { from => '3', to => '8', weight => 1 },
        { from => '4', to => '9', weight => 1 },
        { from => '5', to => '12', weight => 1 },
        { from => '6', to => '7', weight => 1 },
        { from => '9', to => '10', weight => 1 },
        { from => '11', to => '12', weight => 1 };

# 16

Remark: If there is no weight key in the edge records the weight of the edge is taken to be 1.

Here we create a graph object with the edges dataset:

use Graph;

my $graph = Graph.new;
# Graph(vertexes => 12, edges => 16, directed => False)

Here are basic properties of the graph:

say 'edge count   : ', $graph.edge-count;
say 'vertex count : ', $graph.vertex-count;
say 'vertex list  : ', $graph.vertex-list;
# edge count   : 16
# vertex count : 12
# vertex list  : (1 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

Here we display the graph using Mermaid-JS, (see also, [AAp1]):

graph TD
10 --- 2
10 --- 9
2 --- 3
3 --- 4
3 --- 8
2 --- 4
2 --- 7
12 --- 2
2 --- 8
2 --- 6
1 --- 5
1 --- 7
6 --- 7
12 --- 5
11 --- 12
4 --- 9

Here we find the shortest path between nodes "1" and "4":

say 'find-shortest-path : ', $graph.find-shortest-path('1', '4');
# find-shortest-path : [1 7 2 4]

Here we find all paths between "1" and "4", (and sort them by length and vertex names):

say 'find-path : ' , $graph.find-path('1', '4', count => Inf).sort({ $_.elems ~ ' ' ~ $_.join(' ') });
# find-path : ([1 7 2 4] [1 5 12 2 4] [1 7 2 3 4] [1 7 6 2 4] [1 5 12 2 3 4] [1 7 2 10 9 4] [1 7 2 8 3 4] [1 7 6 2 3 4] [1 5 12 2 10 9 4] [1 5 12 2 8 3 4] [1 7 6 2 10 9 4] [1 7 6 2 8 3 4])

Here we find a Hamiltonian path in the graph:

say 'find-hamiltonian-path : ' , $graph.find-hamiltonian-path();
# find-hamiltonian-path : [10 9 4 3 8 2 6 7 1 5 12 11]

Here we find a cycle:

say 'find-cycle : ' , $graph.find-cycle().sort({ $_.elems ~ ' ' ~ $_.join(' ') });
# find-cycle : ([2 3 4 2])

Here we find all cycles in the graph:

say 'find-cycle (all): ' , $graph.find-cycle(count => Inf).sort({ $_.elems ~ ' ' ~ $_.join(' ') });
# find-cycle (all): ([2 3 4 2] [2 3 8 2] [2 6 7 2] [10 2 4 9 10] [2 4 3 8 2] [1 5 12 2 7 1] [10 2 3 4 9 10] [1 5 12 2 6 7 1] [10 2 8 3 4 9 10])

Graph plotting

Graph formats

The class Graph has the following methods of graph visualization:

Visualizing via DOT format

In Jupyter notebooks with a Raku kernel graph visualization can be done with the method dot and its adverb ":svg".

First, install Graphviz.

On macOS the installation can be done with:

brew install graphviz

Here a wheel graph is made and its DOT format is converted into SVG format (rendered automatically in Jupyter notebooks):

use Graph::Wheel;

For more details see notebook "DOT-visualizations.ipynb".

Visualizing via D3.js

In Jupyter notebooks with a Raku kernel graph visualization can be done with the function js-d3-graph-plot of the package "JavaScript::D3".

The visualizations with "JavaScript::D3" are very capricious. Currently they:

The points above were the main reasons to develop the DOT format visualization. Most of the documentation notebooks show the graphs using both "JavaScript::D3" and DOT-SVG.


Main, core features

Graph programming

Paths, cycles, flows

Matching, coloring







[Wk1] Wikipedia entry, "Graph (discrete mathematics)".

[Wk2] Wikipedia entry, "Graph theory".

[Wk3] Wikipedia entry, "Glossary of graph theory".

[Wk4] Wikipedia entry, "List of graphs" (aka "Gallery of named graphs.")

[Wk5] Wikipedia entry, "Hamiltonian path".


[AAp1] Anton Antonov, WWW::MermaidInk Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp2] Anton Antonov, Proc::ZMQed Raku package, (2022), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp3] Anton Antonov, JavaScript:3 Raku package, (2022-2024), GitHub/antononcube.

[JHp1] Jarkko Hietaniemi, Graph Perl package, (1998-2014), MetaCPAN.


[AAv1] Anton Antonov, "Graph demo in Raku (teaser)", (2024), YouTube/@AAA4Prediction.

[AAv2] Anton Antonov, "Graph neat examples in Raku (Set 1)", (2024), YouTube/@AAA4Prediction.

[AAv3] Anton Antonov, "Sparse matrix neat examples in Raku", (2024), YouTube/@AAA4Prediction.