Raku ML::Clustering

This repository has the code of a Raku package for
Machine Learning (ML)
Clustering (or Cluster analysis)
functions, [Wk1].
The Clustering framework includes:
The algorithms
and others
The distance functions Euclidean, Cosine, Hamming, Manhattan, and others,
and their corresponding similarity functions
The data in the examples below is generated and manipulated with the packages
"Data::Reshapers", and
"Data::Summarizers", described in the article
"Introduction to data wrangling with Raku",
The plots are made with the package
"Text::Plot", [AAp6].
Via zef-ecosystem:
zef install ML::Clustering
From GitHub:
zef install https://github.com/antononcube/Raku-ML-Clustering
Usage example
Here we derive a set of random points, and summarize it:
use Data::Generators;
use Data::Summarizers;
use Text::Plot;
my $n = 100;
my @data1 = (random-variate(NormalDistribution.new(5,1.5), $n) X random-variate(NormalDistribution.new(5,1), $n)).pick(30);
my @data2 = (random-variate(NormalDistribution.new(10,1), $n) X random-variate(NormalDistribution.new(10,1), $n)).pick(50);
my @data3 = [|@data1, |@data2].pick(*);
# +------------------------------+------------------------------+
# | 0 | 1 |
# +------------------------------+------------------------------+
# | Min => 1.9418286393831807 | Min => 2.5537453527288423 |
# | 1st-Qu => 5.23355791998377 | 1st-Qu => 5.802659698503382 |
# | Mean => 7.812329106122415 | Mean => 8.221053043444616 |
# | Median => 8.529233471757092 | Median => 8.859544342245552 |
# | 3rd-Qu => 9.74722507929462 | 3rd-Qu => 10.392817343154189 |
# | Max => 12.161509848446896 | Max => 11.851232468041157 |
# +------------------------------+------------------------------+
Here we plot the points:
use Text::Plot;
# +---+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----+
# + + 12.00
# | * * * * |
# | **** * ** ** *** |
# + * * ** ** * + 10.00
# | * **** ** |
# + * * * * + 8.00
# | * * * |
# + * * * ** + 6.00
# | * ** **** * * |
# | * * * * |
# + ** ** * + 4.00
# | * * |
# + + 2.00
# +---+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----+
# 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00
Problem: Group the points in such a way that each group has close (or similar) points.
Here is how we use the function find-clusters
to give an answer:
use ML::Clustering;
my %res = find-clusters(@data3, 2, prop => 'All');
# (30 50)
Remark: The first argument is data points that is a list-of-numeric-lists.
The second argument is a number of clusters to be found.
(It is in the TODO list to have the number clusters automatically determined -- currently they are not.)
Remark: The function find-clusters
can return results of different types controlled with the named argument "prop".
Using prop => 'All'
returns a hash with all properties of the cluster finding result.
Here are sample points from each found cluster:
.say for %res<Clusters>>>.pick(3);
# ((6.8442730684339805 2.5537453527288423) (5.988371242806578 6.690825577391333) (3.9052242620581974 5.826205768330279))
# ((10.302490764954882 10.91125277165973) (8.821337333605817 9.715938302825638) (8.278089768928224 8.666124184959127))
Here are the centers of the clusters (the mean points):
# [(4.693753655533249 4.977193937166397) (9.411502770521118 9.768925531106525)]
We can verify the result by looking at the plot of the found clusters:
text-list-plot((|%res<Clusters>, %res<MeanPoints>), point-char => <▽ ☐ ●>, title => '▽ - 1st cluster; ☐ - 2nd cluster; ● - cluster centers')
# ▽ - 1st cluster; ☐ - 2nd cluster; ● - cluster centers
# +--+----------+---------+----------+---------+----------+--+
# + ☐ + 12.00
# | ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ |
# | ☐ ☐☐☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ |
# + ☐☐ ☐ ●☐☐ ☐☐ ☐ + 10.00
# | ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐☐ |
# + ▽ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ + 8.00
# | ▽ ▽ |
# + ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽▽ + 6.00
# | ▽ ▽▽ ▽ ▽▽ ▽ ▽ |
# | ▽ ▽ ●▽ ▽ |
# + ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ + 4.00
# | |
# + ▽ ▽ + 2.00
# +--+----------+---------+----------+---------+----------+--+
# 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00
Remark: By default find-clusters
uses the K-means algorithm. The functions k-means
and k-medoids
call find-clusters
with the option settings method=>'K-means'
and method=>'K-medoids'
More interesting looking data
Here is more interesting looking two-dimensional data, data2D2
use Data::Reshapers;
my $pointsPerCluster = 200;
my @data2D5 = [[10,20,4],[20,60,6],[40,10,6],[-30,0,4],[100,100,8]].map({
random-variate(NormalDistribution.new($_[0], $_[2]), $pointsPerCluster) Z random-variate(NormalDistribution.new($_[1], $_[2]), $pointsPerCluster)
@data2D5 = flatten(@data2D5, max-level=>1).pick(*);
# 1000
Here is a plot of that data:
# +---------------+---------------+---------------+----------+
# | |
# | ***** *** |
# + *************** + 100.00
# | ************** |
# | * * * *** |
# | *********** |
# + *********** + 50.00
# | *** * * |
# | ***** |
# | ******* ********* |
# | ******* **** * ********** |
# + ******* * ** *** + 0.00
# | |
# +---------------+---------------+---------------+----------+
# 0.00 50.00 100.00
Here we find clusters and plot them together with their mean points:
my %clRes = find-clusters(@data2D5, 5, prop=>'All');
text-list-plot([|%clRes<Clusters>, %clRes<MeanPoints>], point-char=><1 2 3 4 5 ●>)
# +--------------+-----------------+----------------+--------+
# + 3 33 + 120.00
# | 3 33333 5555 |
# + 333333●355●55555 + 100.00
# | 3335555555555 |
# + 1 11 1 + 80.00
# | 111111111 11 |
# + 11111●111111 + 60.00
# + 1 11 11 1 + 40.00
# | 2 2 |
# + 22222222 22 222222 + 20.00
# | 444444 2222222 ●2222222222 |
# +4444●444 2 222222222 + 0.00
# | 44444 4 2 |
# +--------------+-----------------+----------------+--------+
# 0.00 50.00 100.00
Detailed function pages
Detailed parameter explanations and usage examples for the functions provided by the package are given in:
Implementation considerations
UML diagram
Here is a UML diagram that shows package's structure (in Mermaid-JS):
to-uml-spec ML::Clustering --format=mermaid
class k_means {
k_means --|> Routine
k_means --|> Block
k_means --|> Code
k_means --|> Callable
class find_clusters {
find_clusters --|> Routine
find_clusters --|> Block
find_clusters --|> Code
find_clusters --|> Callable
class ML_Clustering_KMeans {
ML_Clustering_KMeans --|> Math_DistanceFunctionish
Remark: Maybe it is a good idea to have an abstract class named, say,
that is a parent of
, ML::Clustering::KMedoids
, ML::Clustering::BiSectionalKMeans
, etc.,
but I have not found to be necessary. (At this point of development.)
Remark: It seems it is better to have a separate package for the distance functions, named, say,
"ML::DistanceFunctions". (Although distance functions are not just for ML...)
After thinking over package and function names I will make such a package.
DONE Factor-out the distance functions in a separate package.
TODO Implement Bi-sectional K-means algorithm, [AAp1].
TODO Implement K-medoids algorithm.
TODO Automatic determination of the number of clusters.
TODO Allow data points to be Pair
objects the keys of which are point labels.
- Hence, the returned clusters consist of those labels, not points themselves.
TODO Implement Agglomerate algorithm.
[Wk1] Wikipedia entry, "Cluster Analysis".
[AA1] Anton Antonov,
"Introduction to data wrangling with Raku",
RakuForPrediction at WordPress.
[AAp1] Anton Antonov,
Bi-sectional K-means algorithm in Mathematica,
MathematicaForPrediction at GitHub/antononcube.
[AAp2] Anton Antonov,
Data::Generators Raku package,
[AAp3] Anton Antonov,
Data::Reshapers Raku package,
[AAp4] Anton Antonov,
Data::Summarizers Raku package,
[AAp5] Anton Antonov,
UML::Translators Raku package,
[AAp6] Anton Antonov,
Text::Plot Raku package,