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[Raku CSS Project] / [CSS-Specification]


This is a Raku module for parsing CSS property definitions.

These are widely used throughout the W3C CSS Specifications to describe properties. The syntax is described in http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/about.html#property-defs.

An example, from http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/propidx.html:

'content'	normal
           | none
           | [  <string> | <uri> | <counter> | attr(<identifier>)
              | open-quote | close-quote | no-open-quote | no-close-quote
           | inherit

Grammars and Classes

This module also provides some mixin grammars and actions as follows:


This module provides css-gen-properties. A program for translating property definitions to grammars, actions or interface classes.

See Also

See make-modules.raku in CSS::Module.