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[Raku CSS Project] / [CSS::TagSet]



# interrogate styling rules for various XHTML tags and attributes
use CSS::TagSet::XHTML;
my CSS::TagSet::XHTML $tag-set .= new;

# show styling for various XHTML tags
say $tag-set.tag-style('i');  # font-style:italic;
say $tag-set.tag-style('b');  # font-weight:bolder;
say $tag-set.tag-side('th');  # display:table-cell;

# styling for <img width="200px" height="250px"/>
say $tag-set.tag-style('img', :width<200px>, :height<250px>);
# height:250px; width:200px;


This module implements document specific styling rules for several markup languages, including XHTML, Pango and Tagged-PDF.

TagSet classes perform the role CSS::TagSet and implement the follow methods, to define how stylesheets are associated with documents and how CSS styling is determined from document content, including the extraction of stylesheets and applying styling to nodes in the document. The methods that need to be implemented are:

stylesheet-content($doc)Extracts and returns stylesheets for a document
tag-style(Str $tag, :$hidden, *%attrs)Computes styling for a node with a given tag-name and attributes
inline-style-attribute()Returns inline styling attribute. Defaults to style

In the case of XHTML (CSS::TagSet::XHTML):

The default styling for given tags can be adjusted via the base-style method:

say $tag-set.tag-style('small'); # font-size:0.83em;
$tag-set.base-style('small').font-size = '0.75em';
say $tag-set.tag-style('small'); # font-size:0.75em;

base-style can also be used to define styling for simple new tags:

$tag-set.base-style('shout').text-transform = 'upppercase';
say $tag-set.tag-style('shout');  # text-transform:upppercase;
