
Native::Packing is a simple solution for structured reading
and writing of binary numerical data.
use v6;
use Native::Packing :Endian;
# open a GIF read the header
my class LogicalDescriptor
does Native::Packing[Endian::Vax] {
has uint16 $.width;
has uint16 $.height;
has uint8 $.flags;
has uint8 $.bgColorIndex;
has uint8 $.aspect;
my $fh = "t/lightbulb.gif" :r, :bin);
my $offset = 6; # skip GIF header
my LogicalDescriptor $screen .= read: $fh, :$offset;
say "GIF has size {$screen.width} X {$screen.height}";
It currently handles records containing native integers (int8
, uint8
, int16
, etc),
numerics (num32
, num64
) and sub-records of type Native::Packing
Data may read be and written to binary files, via the read
and write
Or read and written to buffers via the unpack
and pack
The two fixed modes are:
The endianess of the binary format needs to be known to correctly
read and write to it.
There is also a platform-dependant Host
mode. This will read and write
binary data in the same endianess as the host computer.
Endian Examples:
use Native::Packing :Endian;
class C { has int16 $.a }
my $c = :a(42);
say ($c but Native::Packing[Vax]).pack; # Buf[uint8]:0x<2a 00>
say ($c but Native::Packing[Network]).pack; # Buf[uint8]:0x<00 2a>
say ($c but Native::Packing[Host]).pack; # Depends on your host