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Deepgrep - Grep elements inside nested iterables.


use Deepgrep;

my @xs = (
    [< a  b  c  d >],
    [< e  f* g  h >],
    [< i  j* k  l >],
    [< m  n  o  p >],

say deepgrep(@xs, *.ends-with('*')).raku;
# ("f*", "j*").Seq

say deepgrep(@xs, *.ends-with('*'), :k).raku;
# ((1, 1), (2, 1)).Seq

say deepgrep(@xs, *.ends-with('*'), :kv).raku;
# ((1, 1), "f*", (2, 1), "j*").Seq

say deepgrep(@xs, *.ends-with('*'), :p).raku;
# ((1, 1) => "f*", (2, 1) => "j*").Seq


Similar to deepmap, this function will descend into Iterables. It returns a flattened list of values that match the given predicate.

You might think that like deepmap, the nesting structure should be maintained, but that functionality can already be achieved with deepmap

say @xs.deepmap(-> $x { $x if $x.ends-with('*') }).raku;
# [[], ["f*"], ["j*"], []]

However deepmap cannot return keys (indices), or pairs, etc. Getting the indicies is useful if you want to modify deeply nested mutable elements in-place

for deepgrep(@xs, *.ends-with('*'), :k) -> ($x, $y) {
    @xs[$x;$y] .= chop

This extends down to deeper nested structures as expected

my @zs = [
        ['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'],
        ['e', 'F'], ['g', 'h'],
        ['i', 'J'], ['k', 'l'],
        ['m', 'n'], ['o', 'p'],

for @zs.&deepgrep(/<:Lu>/, :k) -> ($x, $y, $z) {
    @zs[$x;$y;$z] .= lc


If you are running under v6.e, Raku has support for Semilist syntax on Iterables, which allows this

use v6.e.PREVIEW;

for @zs.&deepgrep(/<:Lu>/, :k) -> @idx {
    @zs[||@idx] .= lc

Without Semilist support, you will have to manually unpack your indices and index into the array, which means the shape should be uniform (eg. a M×N matrix).


The Artistic License 2.0

See LICENSE file in the repository for the full license text.