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Francis Grizzly Smit (grizzly@smit.id.au)
A Raku module for displaying lines in a listing.
Top of Document
A Raku module for managing the users GUI Editor preferences in a variety of programs.
This is a multi sub it has two signatures.
multi sub list-by(Str:D $prefix, Bool:D $colour is copy, Bool:D $syntax, Int:D $page-length,
Regex:D $pattern, Str:D $key-name, Str:D @fields, %defaults, %rows,
Int:D :$start-cnt = -3, Bool:D :$starts-with-blank = True,
Str:D :$overline-header = '', Bool:D :$underline-header = True, Str:D :$underline = '=',
Bool:D :$put-line-at-bottom = True, Str:D :$line-at-bottom = '=', Bool:D :$sort = True,
Str:D :%flags = default-zip-flags($key-name, @fields),
Str:D :%between-flags = default-zip-flags($key-name, @fields),
Str:D :%head-flags = default-zip-flags($key-name, @fields),
Str:D :%between-head-flags = default-zip-flags($key-name, @fields),
:&include-row:(Str:D $pref, Regex $pat, Str:D $k, Str:D @f, %r --> Bool:D) = &default-include-row,
:&head-value:(Int:D $idx, Str:D $fld, Bool:D $c, Bool:D $syn, Str:D @flds --> Str:D) = &default-head-value,
:&head-between:(Int:D $idx, Str:D $fld, Bool:D $c, Bool:D $syn, Str:D @flds --> Str:D) = &default-head-between,
:&field-value:(Int:D $idx, Str:D $fld, $val, Bool:D $c, Bool:D $syn, Str:D @flds, %r --> Str:D) = &default-field-value,
:&between:(Int:D $idx, Str:D $fld, Bool:D $c, Bool:D $syn, Str:D @flds, %r --> Str:D) = &default-between,
:&row-formatting:(Int:D $cnt, Bool:D $c, Bool:D $syn --> Str:D) = &default-row-formatting --> Bool:D) is export {
Top of Document
multi sub list-by(Str:D $prefix, Bool:D $colour is copy, Bool:D $syntax, Int:D $page-length,
Regex:D $pattern, Str:D @fields, %defaults, @rows, Int:D :$start-cnt = -3,
Bool:D :$starts-with-blank = True,
Str:D :$overline-header = '', Bool:D :$underline-header = True, Str:D :$underline = '=',
Bool:D :$put-line-at-bottom = True, Str:D :$line-at-bottom = '=', Bool:D :$sort = True,
Str:D :%flags = default-zip-flags(@fields),
Str:D :%between-flags = default-zip-flags(@fields),
Str:D :%head-flags = default-zip-flags(@fields),
Str:D :%between-head-flags = default-zip-flags(@fields),
:&include-row:(Str:D $pref, Regex:D $pat, Int:D $i, Str:D @f, %r --> Bool:D) = &default-include-row-array,
:&head-value:(Int:D $idx, Str:D $fld, Bool:D $c, Bool:D $syn, Str:D @flds --> Str:D) = &default-head-value-array,
:&head-between:(Int:D $idx, Str:D $fld, Bool:D $c, Bool:D $syn, Str:D @flds --> Str:D) = &default-head-between-array,
:&field-value:(Int:D $idx, Str:D $fld, $val, Bool:D $c, Bool:D $syn, Str:D @flds, %r --> Str:D) = &default-field-value-array,
:&between:(Int:D $idx, Str:D $fld, Bool:D $c, Bool:D $syn, Str:D @flds, %r --> Str:D) = &default-between-array,
:&row-formatting:(Int:D $cnt, Bool:D $c, Bool:D $syn --> Str:D) = &default-row-formatting-array --> Bool:D) is export {
Note: you have to be careful writing your own callbacks like :&include-row
you need to get the signature of said callback exactly right or you will run into difficult to debug errors, with no version of the list-by
multi sub matching etc.
Top of Document
use Display::Listings;
my Str:D $prefix = '';
my Str:D $key-name = 'key';
my Str:D @fields = 'host', 'port', 'comment';
my %defaults = port => 22;
my %rows = one => { host => 'example.com', type => 'host', port => 22 },
two => { type => 'alias', host => 'one', comment => 'An alias' },
three => { port => 345, host => 'www.smit.id.au', type => 'host',
comment => 'mine all mine' };
my Bool:D $colour = False;
my Bool:D $syntax = True;
my Int:D $page-length = 20;
my Regex:D $pattern = rx:i/ ^ .* 'smit' .* $/;
my @rows = {key => 'one', host => 'example.com', type => 'host', port => 22 },
{ type => 'alias', host => 'one', comment => 'An alias', key => 'two', },
{ port => 345, host => 'www.smit.id.au', type => 'host',
comment => 'mine all mine', key => 'three' };
list-by($prefix, $colour, $syntax, $page-length, $pattern, $key-name,
@fields, %defaults, %rows);
list-by($prefix, $colour, $syntax, $page-length, $pattern, @fields, %defaults, @rows);
$pattern = rx/ ^ .* $/;
list-by($prefix, $colour, $syntax, $page-length, $pattern, $key-name,
@fields, %defaults, %rows);
list-by($prefix, $colour, $syntax, $page-length, $pattern,
@fields, %defaults, @rows);
Top of Document
A more complete example:
use Terminal::ANSI::OO :t;
use Display::Listings;
sub list-by-all(Str:D $prefix, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax,
Int:D $page-length, Regex:D $pattern --> Bool:D) is export {
my Str:D $key-name = 'key';
my Str:D @fields = 'host', 'port', 'comment';
my %defaults = port => 22;
sub include-row(Str:D $prefix, Regex:D $pattern, Str:D $key,
Str:D @fields, %row --> Bool:D) {
return True if $key.starts-with($prefix, :ignorecase) && $key ~~ $pattern;
for @fields -> $field {
my Str:D $value = '';
with %row{$field} { #`««« if %row{$field} does not exist then a Any
will be returned, and if some cases, you
may return undefined values so use some
sort of guard this is one way to do that,
you could use %row{$field}:exists or
:!exists or // perhaps.
TIMTOWTDI rules as always. »»»
$value = ~%row{$field};
return True if $value.starts-with($prefix, :ignorecase)
&& $value ~~ $pattern;
return False;
} # sub include-row(Str:D $prefix, Regex:D $pattern,
Str:D $key, @fields, %row --> Bool:D) #
sub head-value(Int:D $indx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour,
Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields --> Str:D) {
if $syntax {
t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ $field;
} elsif $colour {
t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ $field;
} else {
return $field;
} #`««« sub head-value(Int:D $indx, Str:D $field,
Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax,
Str:D @fields --> Str:D) »»»
sub head-between(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour,
Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields --> Str:D) {
if $colour {
if $syntax {
given $field {
when 'key' { return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ ' sep '; }
when 'host' { return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ ' : '; }
when 'port' { return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ ' # '; }
when 'comment' { return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ' '; }
default { return ''; }
} else {
given $field {
when 'key' { return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ ' sep '; }
when 'host' { return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ ' : '; }
when 'port' { return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ ' # '; }
when 'comment' { return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ ' '; }
default { return ''; }
} else {
given $field {
when 'key' { return ' sep '; }
when 'host' { return ' : '; }
when 'port' { return ' # '; }
when 'comment' { return ' '; }
default { return ''; }
} #`««« sub head-between(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour,
Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields --> Str:D) »»»
sub field-value(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, $value, Bool:D $colour,
Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields, %row --> Str:D) {
if $syntax {
given $field {
when 'key' { return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ ~$value; }
when 'host' {
my Str:D $type = %row«type»;
if $type eq 'host' {
return t.color(255, 0, 255) ~ ~$value;
} else {
return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ ~$value;
when 'port' {
my Str:D $type = %row«type»;
if $type eq 'host' {
return t.color(255, 0, 255) ~ ~$value;
} else {
return t.color(255, 0, 255) ~ '';
when 'comment' { return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ~$value; }
default { return t.color(255, 0, 0) ~ ''; }
} # given $field #
} elsif $colour {
given $field {
when 'key' { return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ~$value; }
when 'host' { return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ~$value; }
when 'port' {
my Str:D $type = %row«type»;
if $type eq 'host' {
return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ~$value;
} else {
return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ '';
when 'comment' { return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ~$value; }
default { return t.color(255, 0, 0) ~ ''; }
} else {
given $field {
when 'key' { return ~$value; }
when 'host' { return ~$value; }
when 'port' {
my Str:D $type = %row«type»;
if $type eq 'host' {
return ~$value;
} else {
return '';
when 'comment' { return ~$value; }
default { return ''; }
} #`««« sub field-value(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, $value, Bool:D
$colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields, %row --> Str:D) »»»
sub between(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax,
Str:D @fields, %row --> Str:D) {
if $syntax {
given $field {
when 'key' {
my Str:D $type = %row«type»;
if $type eq 'host' {
return t.color(255, 0, 0) ~ ' => ';
} else {
return t.color(255, 0, 0) ~ ' --> ';
when 'host' {
my Str:D $type = %row«type»;
if $type eq 'host' {
return t.color(255, 0, 0) ~ ' : ';
} else {
return t.color(255, 0, 0) ~ ' ';
when 'port' { return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ' # '; }
when 'comment' { return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ' '; }
default { return t.color(255, 0, 0) ~ ''; }
} elsif $colour {
given $field {
when 'key' {
my Str:D $type = %row«type»;
if $type eq 'host' {
return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ' => ';
} else {
return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ' --> ';
when 'host' {
my Str:D $type = %row«type»;
if $type eq 'host' {
return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ' : ';
} else {
return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ' ';
when 'port' { return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ' # '; }
when 'comment' { return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ ' '; }
default { return t.color(255, 0, 0) ~ ''; }
} else {
given $field {
when 'key' {
my Str:D $type = %row«type»;
if $type eq 'host' {
return ' => ';
} else {
return ' --> ';
when 'host' {
my Str:D $type = %row«type»;
if $type eq 'host' {
return ' : ';
} else {
return ' ';
when 'port' { return ' # '; }
when 'comment' { return ' '; }
default { return ''; }
} #`««« sub between(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour,
Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields, %row --> Str:D) »»»
sub row-formatting(Int:D $cnt, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax --> Str:D) {
if $colour {
if $syntax {
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue
if $cnt == -3; # three heading lines. #
return t.bg-color(0, 0, 127) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue
if $cnt == -2;
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue
if $cnt == -1;
return (($cnt % 2 == 0) ?? t.bg-yellow !!
t.bg-color(0,255,0)) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue;
} else {
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue
if $cnt == -3;
return t.bg-color(0, 0, 127) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue
if $cnt == -2;
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue
if $cnt == -1;
return (($cnt % 2 == 0) ?? t.bg-yellow !!
t.bg-color(0,255,0)) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue;
} else {
return '';
} #`««« sub row-formatting(Int:D $cnt, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax --> Str:D) »»»
return list-by($prefix, $colour, $syntax, $page-length, $pattern, $key-name, @fields,
%defaults, %the-lot, :&include-row, :&head-value, :&head-between,
:&field-value, :&between, :&row-formatting);
} #`««« sub list-by-all(Str:D $prefix, Bool:D $colour is copy, Bool:D $syntax,
Int:D $page-length, Regex:D $pattern --> Bool:D) is export »»»
Top of Document
Another example
use Terminal::ANSI::OO :t;
use Display::Listings;
use File::Utils;
sub list-editors-backups(Str:D $prefix,
Bool:D $colour is copy,
Bool:D $syntax,
Regex:D $pattern,
Int:D $page-length --> Bool:D) is export {
$colour = True if $syntax;
my IO::Path @backups = $editor-config.IO.dir(:test(rx/ ^
'editors.' \d ** 4 '-' \d ** 2 '-' \d ** 2
[ 'T' \d **2 [ [ '.' || ':' ] \d ** 2 ] ** {0..2} [ [ '.' || '·' ] \d+
[ [ '+' || '-' ] \d ** 2 [ '.' || ':' ] \d ** 2 || 'z' ]? ]?
my $actions = EditorsActions;
@backups .=grep: -> IO::Path $fl {
my @file = $fl.slurp.split("\n");
Editors.parse(@file.join("\x0A"), :enc('UTF-8'), :$actions).made;
@backups .=sort;
my @_backups = @backups.map: -> IO::Path $f {
my %elt = backup => $f.basename, perms => symbolic-perms($f, :$colour, :$syntax),
user => $f.user, group => $f.group, size => $f.s, modified => $f.modified;
my Str:D @fields = 'perms', 'size', 'user', 'group', 'modified', 'backup';
my %defaults;
my Str:D %fancynames = perms => 'Permissions', size => 'Size',
user => 'User', group => 'Group',
modified => 'Date Modified', backup => 'Backup';
sub include-row(Str:D $prefix, Regex:D $pattern, Int:D $idx, Str:D @fields, %row --> Bool:D) {
my Str:D $value = ~(%row«backup» // '');
return True if $value.starts-with($prefix, :ignorecase) && $value ~~ $pattern;
return False;
} # sub include-row(Str:D $prefix, Regex:D $pattern, Int:D $idx, Str:D @fields, %row --> Bool:D) #
sub head-value(Int:D $indx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields --> Str:D) {
#dd $indx, $field, $colour, $syntax, @fields;
if $colour {
if $syntax {
return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ %fancynames{$field};
} else {
return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ %fancynames{$field};
} else {
return %fancynames{$field};
} # sub head-value(Int:D $indx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields --> Str:D) #
sub head-between(Int:D $indx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields --> Str:D) {
return ' ';
} # sub head-between(Int:D $indx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields --> Str:D) #
sub field-value(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, $value, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields, %row --> Str:D) {
my Str:D $val = ~($value // ''); #`««« assumming $value is a Str:D »»»
#dd $val, $value, $field;
if $syntax {
given $field {
when 'perms' { return $val; }
when 'size' {
my Int:D $size = +$value;
return t.color(255, 0, 0) ~ format-bytes($size);
when 'user' { return t.color(255, 255, 0) ~ uid2username(+$value); }
when 'group' { return t.color(255, 255, 0) ~ gid2groupname(+$value); }
when 'modified' {
my Instant:D $m = +$value;
my DateTime:D $dt = $m.DateTime.local;
return t.color(0, 0, 235) ~ $dt.Str;
when 'backup' { return t.color(255, 0, 255) ~ $val; }
default { return t.color(255, 0, 0) ~ $val; }
} # given $field #
} elsif $colour {
given $field {
when 'perms' { return $val; }
when 'size' {
my Int:D $size = +$value;
return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ format-bytes($size);
when 'user' { return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ uid2username(+$value); }
when 'group' { return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ gid2groupname(+$value); }
when 'modified' {
my Instant:D $m = +$value;
my DateTime:D $dt = $m.DateTime.local;
return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ $dt.Str;
when 'backup' { return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ $val; }
default { return t.color(255, 0, 0) ~ $val; }
} # given $field #
} else {
given $field {
when 'perms' { return $val; }
when 'size' {
my Int:D $size = +$value;
return format-bytes($size);
when 'user' { return uid2username(+$value); }
when 'group' { return gid2groupname(+$value); }
when 'modified' {
my Instant:D $m = +$value;
my DateTime:D $dt = $m.DateTime.local;
return $dt.Str;
when 'backup' { return $val; }
default { return $val; }
} # given $field #
} # sub field-value(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, $value, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields, %row --> Str:D) #
sub between(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields, %row --> Str:D) {
return ' ';
} # sub between(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields, %row --> Str:D) #
sub row-formatting(Int:D $cnt, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax --> Str:D) {
if $colour {
if $syntax {
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -3; # three heading lines. #
return t.bg-color(0, 0, 127) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -2;
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -1;
return (($cnt % 2 == 0) ?? t.bg-yellow !! t.bg-color(0,195,0)) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue;
} else {
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -3;
return t.bg-color(0, 0, 127) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -2;
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -1;
return (($cnt % 2 == 0) ?? t.bg-yellow !! t.bg-color(0,195,0)) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue;
} else {
return '';
} # sub row-formatting(Int:D $cnt, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax --> Str:D) #
return list-by($prefix, $colour, $syntax, $page-length,
$pattern, @fields, %defaults, @_backups,
} #`««« sub list-editors-backups(Str:D $prefix,
Bool:D $colour is copy,
Bool:D $syntax,
Regex:D $pattern,
Int:D $page-length --> Bool:D) is export »»»
Top of Document
An Example of the above code list-editors-backups(…)
at work:

Top of Document
The default callbacks
The hash of hashes stuff
sub default-include-row(Str:D $prefix, Regex:D $pattern, Str:D $key, Str:D @fields, %row --> Bool:D) is export {
return True if $key.starts-with($prefix, :ignorecase) && $key ~~ $pattern;
for @fields -> $field {
my Str:D $value = '';
with %row{$field} { #`««« if %row{$field} does not exist then a Any will be retured,
and if some cases, you may return undefined values so use
some sort of guard this is one way to do that, you could
use %row{$field}:exists or :!exists or // perhaps.
TIMTOWTDI rules as always. »»»
$value = ~%row{$field};
return True if $value.starts-with($prefix, :ignorecase) && $value ~~ $pattern;
return False;
sub default-head-value(Int:D $indx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields --> Str:D) {
if $colour {
if $syntax { #`««« no real syntax Highlighting here this
is a generic function write your own. »»»
return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ $field;
} else {
return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ $field;
} else {
return $field;
sub default-field-value(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, $value, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields, %row --> Str:D) {
my Str:D $val = ~($value // ''); #`««« assumming $value is a Str:D; if
this asumption is false you will
need to wrte your own function
to pass to list-by(…) »»»
if $colour {
if $syntax { #`««« no real syntax Highlighting here this
is a generic function write your own. »»»
return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ $val;
} else {
return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ $val;
} else {
return $val;
sub default-head-between(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields --> Str:D) is export {
if $idx < @fields.elems {
return ' ';
} else {
return '';
sub default-between(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields, %row --> Str:D) is export {
if $idx < @fields.elems {
return ' ';
} else {
return '';
sub default-row-formatting(Int:D $cnt, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax --> Str:D) is export {
if $colour {
if $syntax { #`««« no real syntax Highlighting here this
is a generic function write your own. »»»
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -3; # three heading lines. #
return t.bg-color(0, 255, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -2;
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -1;
return (($cnt % 2 == 0) ?? t.bg-yellow !! t.bg-color(0,255,0)) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue;
} else {
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -3;
return t.bg-color(0, 255, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -2;
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -1;
return (($cnt % 2 == 0) ?? t.bg-yellow !! t.bg-color(0,255,0)) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue;
} else {
return '';
multi sub default-zip-flags(Str:D $key-name, Str:D @fields --> Hash[Str:D] ) is export {
my Str:D %hash = @fields Z=> @fields.map: { '-' };
%hash{$key-name} = '-';
return %hash;
The array of hashes stuff
sub default-include-row-array(Str:D $prefix, Regex:D $pattern, Int:D $indx, Str:D @fields, %row --> Bool:D) is export {
for @fields -> $field {
my Str:D $value = ~(%row{$field} // '');
return True if $value.starts-with($prefix, :ignorecase) && $value ~~ $pattern;
return False;
sub default-head-value-array(Int:D $indx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields --> Str:D) {
if $colour {
if $syntax { #`««« no real syntax Highlighting here this
is a generic function write your own. »»»
return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ $field;
} else {
return t.color(0, 255, 255) ~ $field;
} else {
return $field;
sub default-field-value-array(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, $value, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields, %row --> Str:D) {
my Str:D $val = ~($value // ''); #`««« assumming $value is a Str:D; if
this asumption is false you will
need to wrte your own function
to pass to list-by(…) »»»
if $colour {
if $syntax { #`««« no real syntax Highlighting here this
is a generic function write your own. »»»
return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ $val;
} else {
return t.color(0, 0, 255) ~ $val;
} else {
return $val;
sub default-head-between-array(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields --> Str:D) is export {
if $idx < @fields.elems {
return ' ';
} else {
return '';
sub default-between-array(Int:D $idx, Str:D $field, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax, Str:D @fields, %row --> Str:D) is export {
if $idx < @fields.elems {
return ' ';
} else {
return '';
sub default-row-formatting-array(Int:D $cnt, Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax --> Str:D) is export {
if $colour {
if $syntax { #`««« no real syntax Highlighting here this
is a generic function write your own. »»»
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -3; # three heading lines. #
return t.bg-color(0, 255, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -2;
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -1;
return (($cnt % 2 == 0) ?? t.bg-yellow !! t.bg-color(0,255,0)) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue;
} else {
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -3;
return t.bg-color(0, 255, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -2;
return t.bg-color(255, 0, 255) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue if $cnt == -1;
return (($cnt % 2 == 0) ?? t.bg-yellow !! t.bg-color(0,255,0)) ~ t.bold ~ t.bright-blue;
} else {
return '';
multi sub default-zip-flags(Str:D @fields --> Hash[Str:D] ) is export {
my Str:D %hash = @fields Z=> @fields.map: { '-' };
return %hash;