Revision history for Terminal-LineEditor
0.0.13 2022-07-23T16:31:17-07:00
[Bug fix]
- Remove now-dead code that just caused GC churn
0.0.12 2022-07-16T20:13:26-07:00
[Bug fix]
- Switch to Terminal::ANSIParser 0.0.3 and use its new codepoint semantics
to fix
- Support ShiftTab, which has a special encoding and must be supported as
a SpecialKey rather than as Ctrl-Shift-I
0.0.11 2022-03-17T13:41:59-07:00
[Bug fix]
- Add Delete to the default keymap
0.0.10 2022-01-13T16:00:32-08:00
- Sketch out a simple todo doc
- Support mouse input decoding
- Provide RawTerminalIO.set-mouse-event-mode method
- Switch release method to `mi6 release` with UploadToZef
- Optimize CSI decoding, especially for unmodified special-keys
- Improve subclassability of CLIInput
0.0.9 2021-11-08
- Support Linenoise-style tab completion (tab rotates through options)
0.0.8 2021-11-08
[Bug fix]
- Make sure history-start and history-end are mappable as special actions
- Expand and update README considerably
0.0.7 2021-11-07
[Bug fix]
- Fix hang on Alt-; moon-child++ for noticing this
0.0.6 2021-11-07
- Support char and word recasing edit methods, binding word variants for
uppercase, lowercase, and tclc (title case followed by lowercase)
- Implement and bind swap-words
- Simplify cursor position/terminal size detection (patrickb++ for noticing
that refactoring had left more complex code than needed)
- Extend word-start/end helpers for repeated use or use at arbitrary buffer
0.0.5 2021-11-06
[Incompatible Changes]
- Rename move-back/forward edit actions to move-char-back/forward to make
namespace room for word variants; this will be invisible unless you have
been binding these actions to new keys manually
- Support (and bind) history-start/end and move-word-back/forward
- Bind Alt-d to delete-word-forward (previously supported but unbound)
- Refactor word boundary seeks in SingleLineTextInput to allow many more
word-based edit methods
- Factor KeyMappable.decode-keyname out of
0.0.4 2021-11-06
[Bug Fixes]
- Unbreak runtime require of Terminal::LineEditor::RawTerminalInput
- Support mapping Alt-[normal key], though none mapped yet
- Add support for load/save history in a history file
- Split the Terminal::LineEditor::HistoryTracking role out to its own module
0.0.3 2021-11-03
- Add TYPICAL USE subsection to SYNOPSIS
- Support mapping arbitrary special keys
- Map cursor keys, in addition to previously supported C0 control keys
- Rebase input stream parsing on Terminal::ANSIParser
0.0.2 2021-10-23
- Expand/improve README
- Support basic input history add/prev/next
- Major refactoring of RawTerminalInput module, including factoring out
Terminal::LineEditor::ScrollingSingleLineInput::ANSI class
0.0.1 2021-10-18
- Initial version, first green build