Revision history for Date-Calendar-MayaAztec
0.1.0 released on 4 Imix 4 Kankin, or 4 Cipactli 18 Tozoztontli, or Thursday 19 December 2024
- use file extensions '.rakumod' and '.rakutest' instead of '.pm6' and '.t'
- add a "daypart" method, so the dates will be properly converted from / to midnight-to-midnight calendars and sunset-to-sunset calendars
0.0.3 released on 13 Chiccan 8 Zac, or 13 Coatl 2 Atlcahualo, or Thursday 24 October 2024
- add an "api" property to the classes
- migration from CPAN6 to zef
- fewer t/*.t tests and adding xt/*.t tests
0.0.2 released on 1 Yaskin 13 Etznab, or 20 Quecholli 13 Tecpatl, or Thursday 30 July 2020
- Add a C attribute to the Aztec dates, to allow programs to convert I Aztec calendar to other calendars.
- Add a method to build Aztec and Maya dates from the calendar round values.
0.0.1 released on 0 Pop 9 Caban, the first day of the new Haab year, or,
or 9 Ollin 19 Huei Tecuilhuitl, or Tuesday 31 March 2020
- Initial version