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A Cro::HTTP::BodySerializer that knows about JSON::Class objects

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use Cro::HTTP::Router;
use Cro::HTTP::Server;
use JSON::Class;
use Cro::HTTP::BodySerializerJSONClass;

class Foo does JSON::Class {
   has DateTime $.date is marshalled-by('Str') = DateTime.now;

my $app = route {
    get -> {
        content 'application/json', Foo.new;

my Cro::Service $service = Cro::HTTP::Server.new(
   host                 => 'localhost', 
   port                 => 7798,
   application          => $app, 
   add-body-serializers => [ Cro::HTTP::BodySerializerJSONClass]


react whenever signal(SIGINT) { $service.stop; exit; }


This provides a body serializer for Cro::HTTP that allows you to pass an object that does JSON::Class as an application/json response body. It simply needs to be added to the body serializers with the add-body-serializers parameter to the constructor of the Cro::HTTP::Server. Similarly it can be used to serialize a request body of a Cro::HTTP::Client if the add-body-serializers is provided to the constructor of Cro::HTTP::Client.

It might simplify programme design by using, for example, existing objects as the response to a web request.


Assuming you have a working Rakudo installation you should be able to install this with zef :

zef install Cro::HTTP::BodySerializerJSONClass


Please feel free to post suggestions/patches/etc at Github.

This library is free software. Please see the LICENCE file in the distribution.

© Jonathan Stowe 2021