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Experimental method (and public attribute accessor,) level authorisation for Raku objects.

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use Object::Permission;

class Foo {
	has $.baz is authorised-by('baz');

	method bar() is authorised-by('barbar') {

# Object::Permission::User is a role, just use type pun
$*AUTH-USER = Object::Permission::User.new(permissions => <barbar zub>);

my $foo = Foo.new;

$foo.bar();   # Executes okay
say $foo.baz; # Throws X::NotAuthorised


This is an experimental module to provide a rudimentary authorisation mechanism for classes whereby selected methods or public attribute accessors can require a named permission to execute, the permissions associated with the dynamic variable $*AUTH-USER being checked at invocation and an exception being thrown if the User object does not have the required permission.

The intent is that $*AUTH-USER is initialised with an object of some class that does the role Object::Permission::User which populates the permissions as per the application logic.


Assuming you have a working Rakudo installation you should be able to install this with zef :

# From the source directory

zef install .

# Remote installation

zef install Object::Permission


Suggestions/patches are welcomed via github


This is free software.

Please see the LICENCE file in the distribution

© Jonathan Stowe 2015 - 2021