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Raku interface to PostgresQL notifies.

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use Pg::Notify;
use DBIish;

my $db = DBIish.connect('Pg', database => "dbdishtest");
my $channel = "test";

my $notify = Pg::Notify.new(:$db, :$channel );

react {
    whenever $notify -> $notification {
        say $notification.extra;
	# Provide a notification
	whenever Supply.interval(1) -> $v {
		$db.do("NOTIFY $channel, '$v'");


This provides a simple mechanism to get a supply of the PostgresQL notifications for a particular channel. The supply will emit a stream of pg-notify objects corresponding to a NOTIFY executed on the connected Postgres database.

Typically the NOTIFY will be invoked in a trigger or other server side code but could just as easily be in some other user code (as in the Synopsis above,)

The objects of type Pg::Notify have a Supply method that allows coercion in places that expect a Supply (such as whenever in the Synopsis above.) but you can this Supply directly if you want to tap it for instance.


This relies on DBIish and ideally you will have a working PostgreSQL database connection for the user that you will run the tests as.

For the tests you can control how it connects to the database with the environment variables:

These should be set before the tests (or install,) are run.

Assuming you have a working Rakudo installation you should just be able to use zef :

zef install Pg::Notify

# or from a local copy

zef install .

But I can't think there should be any problem with any installer that may come along in the future.


This relies on the poll C library function, on Linux this is part of the runtime library that is always loaded but it might not be on other operating systems, if you have one of those systems I'd be grateful for a patch to make it work there.

If you have any other suggestions or problems please report at https://github.com/jonathanstowe/Pg-Notify/issues

This is free software, please see the LICENCE file in the distribution.

© Jonathan Stowe 2017 - 2021