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Shell::DSL - Run and pipe commands from one to another like you would in Bash.


Shell::DSL is a module that provides a shell-like experience for running external commands (without shell's interpretation) and redirecting their I/O's. A command's standard output can be captured, and commands can be connected to form a pipeline easily.

NOTE: This module is not thread-safe.

Caveat: I've only tested it on Ubuntu, but it should work on any Unix-like system with the right native library dependencies. Moreover, although an implementation detail, this module currently depends on Bash to connect the pipes and to set up user specified I/O redirections for sub processes.


use Shell::DSL;
my @words;
shell :!pipefail, {
    .curl<-fsSL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random>
      |> .xmllint--html --xpath '//*[name()!="script"]/text()' -», (:w2</dev/null>))
      |> .tr<-cs A-Za-z  \n>
      |> .tr<A-Z a-z>
      |> .sort
      |> .uniq<-c>
      |> .sort<-rn>
      |> .head<-30>
      |> pb({
          for .lines {
              my $match = $_ ~~ /\s* \d+ ' ' (\w+)$/;
              next if !$match;
              @words.push: $match[0];
      |> .nl;
my $i = (^@words).pick;
say "The word, '@words[$i]', is No. {$i+1} in the list.";

See examples/ for more usage examples.