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SQL::Abstract - Generate SQL from Raku data structures


use SQL::Abstract;

my $abstract = SQL::Abstract.new(:placeholders<dbi>);
my $query = $abstract.select('table', <foo bar>, :id(3));
my $result = $dbh.query($result.sql, $result.arguments);

my $join = { :left<books>, :right<authors>, :using<author_id> };
my $result = $abstract.select($join, ['books.name', 'authors.name'], { 'cost' => { '<' => 10 }});


SQL::Abstract abstracts the generation of SQL queries. Fundamentally its functionality has three components

It should be able to represent any SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE query that is valid in both Postgresql and SQLite. This subset should be generally portable to other databases as well.

Helper types

SQL::Abstract uses various helper types:


This represents an identifier (typically a table name or column name, or an alias for such). It can be created from either:


This takes either a list of Identifier(), or a single Identifier(). Note that a single list will be interpreted will be interpreted as a list of string identifiers, if one wants to pass a single list-from identifier the list must be nested (e.g. [ <table column>,]).


A source is source of data, usually a table or a join. If not passed as a Source object it will upconvert from the following types:

SQL::Abstract::Table does SQL::Abstract::Source

This role takes the same conversions as Source, but only the ones that represent a table. Unlike other sources, this can be used for mutating operations (update/insert/delete).


This is a list much like Identifiers, however it will accept not just identifiers but any expression (e.g. comparisons, function calls, etc…). If given a pair it will rename the value to the key (value AS key). A whatever-star will represent all columns.


This is a pair, a list of pairs, a hash or an Expression. In the former three cases, the key (called left in the rest of this section) shall be an Identifier() designating a column name, or an Expression. The right hand side can be one of several types:


This will be used as-is


This will check if the left expression is NULL; :left(Any) equals left IS NULL.


This will use the key as operator to compare left against another value or expression. E.g. :left('<' => 42) renders like left < 42 . The following keys are known:


This will check if a value is in a certain range. E.g. :left(1..42) will render like left BETWEEN 1 AND 42.


This will be interpreted as a conjunction of the hash pairs. E.g. :left{ '>' => 3, '<' => 42 } will render like left > 3 AND left < 42 .


This will check against the values in the function. E.g. :left(1|2|4) will render like left IN (1, 2, 4).


This will be used as a literal value. E.g. :left(\'NOW()') will render like left = NOW().


If none of the above options match, the value will be compared to as is (as a placeholder). :left(2) will render equivalent to left = 2.


This takes a list of pairs, or a hash. The keys shall be a value or an expression. E.g. :name<author>, :id(SQL::Abstract::Values::Default), :timestamp(\'NOW()')


This takes a list of things to sort by. Much like Column::List this accepts identifiers and expressions, but * isn't allowed and pair values are interpreted as order modifier (e.g. :column<desc>). A hash element will be expanded as well (e.g. { :column<column_name>, :order<desc>, :nulls<last> } )

Class SQL::Abstract

This is the main class of the


This creates a new SQL::Abstract object. It has one mandatory name argument, $placeholders, which takes one of the following values:

select(Source() $source, Column::List() $columns = *, Conditions() $where?, Column::List() :$group-by, Conditions() :$having, OrderBy() :$order-by, Int :$limit, Int :$offset)

This will generate a SELECT query. It will select $columns from $source, filtering by $conditions.

my $join = { :left<books>, :right<authors>, :using<author_id> };
my $result = $abstract.select($join, ['books.name', 'authors.name'], { :cost{ '<' => 10 } });
# SELECT books.name, authors.name FROM books INNER JOIN authors USING (author_id) WHERE cost < 10

my @columns = [ 'name', :sum{ :function<count>, :arguments(*) } ];
$abstract.select('artists', @columns, { :name(:like('A%')) }, :group-by<name>, :order-by(:sum<desc>));
# SELECT name, COUNT(*) as sum FROM artists WHERE name LIKE 'A%' GROUP BY name ORDER BY sum DESC

update(Table(Cool) $target, Assigns(Hash) $set, Conditions() $where?, Source() :$from, Column::List() :$returning)

This will update $target by assigning the columns and values from $set if they match $where, returning $returning.

insert(Table(Cool) $target, Column::List() $columns, Rows(List) $rows, Column::List() :$returning)

Insert into $target, assigning each of the values in Rows to a new row in the table.

$abstract.insert('artists', ['name'], [ [ 'Metallica'], ], :returning(*));
# INSERT INTO artists (name) VALUES ('Metallica') RETURNING *

$abstract.insert('artists', List, [ [ 'Metallica'], ], :returning(*));
# INSERT INTO artists VALUES ('Metallica') RETURNING *

insert(Table(Cool) $target, Assigns() $values, Column::List() :$returning)

Inserts the values in $values into the table $target, returning the columns in $returning

$abstract.insert('artists', { :name<Metallica> }, :returning(*));
# INSERT INTO artists (name) VALUES ('Metallica') RETURNING *

insert(Table(Cool) $target, Identifiers() $columns, Select(Map) $values, Column::List() :$returning)

$abstract.insert('artists', 'name', { :source<new_artists>, :columns<name> }, :returning(*));
# INSERT INTO artists (name) SELECT name FROM new_artists RETURNING *

delete(Table(Cool) $target, Conditions() $where?, Column::List() :$returning)

$abstract.delete('artists', { :name<Madonna> });
# DELETE FROM artists WHERE name = 'Madonna'


Leon Timmermans fawaka@gmail.com

Copyright and License

Copyright 2022 Leon Timmermans

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.