Identity::Utils - Provide utility functions related to distribution identities
use Identity::Utils;
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>:from<Perl5>";
say short-name($identity); # Foo::Bar
say ver($identity); # 0.0.42
say without-ver($identity); # Foo::Bar:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>:from<Perl5>
say version($identity); # v0.0.42
say auth($identity); # zef:lizmat
say without-auth($identity); # Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:api<2.0>:from<Perl5>
say ecosystem($identity); # zef
say nick($identity); # lizmat
say api($identity); # 2.0
say without-api($identity); # Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:from<Perl5>
say from($identity); # Perl5
say without-from($identity); # Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>
say sanitize($identity); # Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>:from<Perl5>
say build("Foo::Bar", :ver<0.0.42>); # Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>
say is-short-name($identity); # False
say is-short-name("Foo::Bar"); # True
say is-pinned($identity); # True
say is-pinned("Foo::Bar"); # False
Identity::Utils provides some utility functions for inspecting various aspects of distribution identity strings. They assume any given string is a well-formed identity in the form name:ver<0.0.1>:auth<eco:nick>
with an optional api:<1>
A general note with regards to api
: if it consists of "0"
, then it is assumed there is no api field specified.
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>";
say api($identity); # 2.0
Returns the api
field of the given identity, or Nil
if no api
field could be found.
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>";
say auth($identity); # zef:lizmat
Returns the auth
field of the given identity, or Nil
if no auth
field could be found.
my $ver = "0.0.42";
my $auth = "zef:lizmat";
my $api = "2.0";
my $from = "Perl5";
say build("Foo::Bar", :$ver, :$auth, :$api, :$from);
# Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>:from<Perl5>
say build("Foo::Bar", :$ver, :nick<lizmat>);
# Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>
Builds an identity string from the given short name and optional named arguments:
ver - the "ver" value to be used
auth - the "auth" value to be used, overrides "ecosystem" and "nick"
api - the "api" value to be used
from - the "from" value to be used, 'Perl6' and 'Raku' will be ignored
ecosystem - the ecosystem part of "auth", defaults to "zef"
nick - the nick part of "auth", unless overridden by "auth"
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>";
say ecosystem($identity); # zef
Returns the ecosystem part of the auth
field of the given identity, or Nil
if no auth
field could be found.
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>:from<Perl5>";
say from($identity); # Perl5
Returns the from
field of the given identity as a Str
, or Nil
if no from
field could be found.
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>";
say is-pinned($identity); # True
say is-pinned("Foo::Bar"); # False
Returns a boolean indicating whether the given identity is considered to be pinned to a specific release. This implies: having an auth
and having a version without a +
or a *
in it.
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>";
say is-short-name($identity); # False
say is-short-name("Foo::Bar"); # True
Returns a boolean indicating whether the given identity consists of just a short-name
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>";
say nick($identity); # lizmat
Returns the nickname part of the auth
field of the given identity, or Nil
if no auth
field could be found.
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:auth<zef:lizmat>:ver<0.0.42>:api<2.0>";
say sanitize($identity); # Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>
Returns a version of the given identity in which any ver
, auth
and api
fields are put in the correct order.
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>";
say short-name($identity); # Foo::Bar
Returns the short name part of the given identity, or the identity itself if no ver
, auth
or api
fields could be found.
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>";
say ver($identity); # 0.0.42
Returns the ver
field of the given identity as a Str
, or Nil
if no ver
field could be found.
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>";
say version($identity); # v0.0.42
Returns the ver
field of the given identity as a Version
object, or Nil
if no ver
field could be found.
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>";
say without-api($identity); # Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>
Returns the identity without any api
field of the given identity.
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>";
say without-auth($identity); # Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:api<2.0>
Returns the identity without any auth
field of the given identity.
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:from<Perl5>";
say without-from($identity); # Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>
Returns the identity without any from
field of the given identity.
my $identity = "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.42>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>";
say without-ver($identity); # Foo::Bar:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<2.0>
Returns the identity without any ver
field of the given identity.
Elizabeth Mattijsen
Source can be located at: . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome.
If you like this module, or what I’m doing more generally, committing to a small sponsorship would mean a great deal to me!
Copyright 2022 Elizabeth Mattijsen
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.