Rand Stats


Revision history for Sparrowdo


0.1.33 2025-02-24T22:30:00Z

  - Bump Sparrow6 version
    to allow native Template6

0.1.32 2025-02-22T21:30:00Z

  - Rocky linux support

  - Fix default value for repo

0.1.31 2025-02-14T15:30:00Z

   Use latest version of Sparrow6

0.1.30 2025-02-06T13:50:00Z

    Fix changes log

0.1.29 2025-02-06T13:20:00Z

   - Fix host.docker.internal not resolving

   - Move ci to sparky

   -  Use latest version of Sparrow6

0.1.28 2025-02-05T23:55:00Z

    - Use latest (2025.01) version of Rakudo
      in bootstrap

    - Default config.raku (instead of config.pl6)

    - Use prebuilt rakudo binaries
      for most of linuxes
      to reduce dependencies on
      external packaging systems

0.1.27 2024-02-01T10:00:00Z

    - Don't use Distribution::Resource Str method

0.1.26 2024-01-05T14:10:00Z

    - Support to run on docker images
      by using `--image` method
    - Refactoring: rename pm6 to rakumod

0.1.25 2023-01-19T14:10:00Z

    - Fix bootstrap for the latest archlinux
    - Automate zef release using SparrowCI
    - Minor documentation changes

0.1.24 2022-11-03T01:10:00Z

    - Bootstrap - reliable way to install zef

0.1.23 2022-10-27T23:50:00Z

    - Support color option
    - Change docker directory layout
    - Runs docker bootstrap under root

0.1.22 2022-09-15T22:20:00Z

    - Update SparkyCI badge

0.1.21 2022-09-14T17:30:00Z

    Fixing bootstrap for archlinux

0.1.20 2022-09-08T13:40:00Z

    Install Tomtit during bootstrap

0.1.19 2022-09-07T20:50:00Z

    Fix alpine bootstrap - use 
    https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg script

0.1.18 2022-09-07T20:30:00Z

    Use `--login` when run tasks on docker,
    to ensure that `/opt/rakudo-pkg/bin` in PATH

0.1.17 2022-08-05T23:50:00Z

    Minor documentation changes
    pl6 -> raku for tomtit and tomty scenarios

0.1.16 2022-02-12T00:00:00Z

    New feature: Sparky JobApi support
    Improvement: Don't create dummy sparrowfile is the one exists
    Fix bootstrap issues for Debian/Ubuntu
    Add openssl to bootstrap to support Sparky JobApi with SSL
    Fix PATH calculation for docker and localhost
    Sparrowdo cli: new parameter `--with_sparky` 
    Sparrowdo cli: new parameter `--desc` 
    Improvement: clean up .sparrowdo dir every run to avoid subtle bugs

0.1.15 2021-12-14T00:00:00Z

    Support spaces in tags

0.1.14 2021-12-11T00:00:00Z

    Fix project parameter bug
    Output job id when runs with hosts file

0.1.13 2021-12-08T00:00:00Z

    New feature: watcher jobs
    Bug fix: clean sparrowdo cache dir on remote host before run( implemented only for docker and ssh )
    Bug fix: respect `sync` cli parameter when run in sparky integration mode
    Make compatible with the latest raked distribution installation method
    Fixing minor issues with bootstrap

0.1.12  2020-11-10T01:26:23Z

    New feature: Tags as Hash/Array support
    Improvement: calculate value for build description through tags

0.1.11  2020-11-04T19:04:23Z

    Make default repository http://sparrowhub.io/repo

0.1.10  2020-08-02T21:16:08-05:00

    Documenting `--tags`
    Passing key/value pairs as `--tags` in command line
    Dry run mode

0.1.9  2020-07-15T16:28:05-05:00

    Dynamic hosts support
    Bug fix for localhost bootstrap
    Remove Config::Simple dependency ( it has not been used ever )

0.1.8  2020-06-03T12:28:48Z

    Fix broken travis build since RakuDist moved to https://rakudist.raku.org
    Allocate a pseudo-TTY for docker

    Add `.sparrowdo` to prefix dir so that sparrow cache dir will be $sparrow_root/.sparrowdo/$prefix

0.1.7  2020-05-23T17:18:14-05:00

    Improvement - ssh builds concurrency support

0.1.6  2020-05-17T13:44:08-05:00

    Minor changes in documentation

0.1.5  2020-05-16T21:10:10-05:00

    Bugfix: ssh run: passing SP6_CONFIG to sudo
    Bugfix: ssh run: passing ssh-private-key to ssh hosts
    Improvement: replace rsync by scp, on some cases rsync fails to respect ssh key configurations

0.1.4  2020-02-05T21:39:20Z

    Docker - full prefix support ( allows concurrent requests )
    Simplifying and improving tests

0.1.3  2020-02-03T23:29:38Z

    Pass SP6_PREFIX to a docker

0.1.2  2020-01-01T17:51:10-06:00

    HotFix for alpine bootstrap ( now Rakudo is installed and downloaded )
    Fix some failing Travis tests
    Passing SP6_CARTON_OFF var

0.1.1  2019-07-16T21:22:17-05:00

    - Restore Readme

0.1.0  2019-07-16T21:16:21-05:00

    - Switched to Sparrow6

0.0.45  2019-01-07T13:19:02-06:00

    - sparrowdo cli - `--conf` option to pass a path to Sparrowdo configuration file
    - fix for `--color` in term-out sub

0.0.44  2018-12-30T22:01:39-06:00

    - Introducing `-q` option for `sparrowdo` cli
    - Refactoring - replace `say` by dedicated `term-out` function

0.0.43  2018-12-04T21:56:24Z

    - Fix: `no index update` handling subtle bugs
    - Fix: resolve path to sparrowdo.ini configuration file for root user

0.0.42  2018-10-19T15:48:12Z

    - Windows support

    - Add cwd to `bash` command

    - Workaround for weird bug when `shell` does not raise exception in case of unsuccessful exit code from run command - https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2292#issuecomment-422848157

    - Fixing bugs in integration tests

0.0.41  2018-10-18T20:55:45Z

    - Windows support

0.0.40  2018-08-14T16:52:16-05:00

    - Feature - Sparrowdo variables - https://github.com/melezhik/sparrowdo/pull/31/ , thanks to @spigel

    - Bug fix - handle sparrowdo.ini file

    - Bug fix - travis tests are fixed ( used ubuntu as api box instead of centos )

    - Minimal support for Darwin OS ( make sparrowdo runnable on OSx )

0.0.39  2018-05-30T20:52:47Z

    - Fixed sparrowdo travis tests
    - Hot fix for cwd parameter default value

# 0.0.38 2018-05-30

* `--cwd parameter` default value is current working directory ( which is good choice for `--local_mode` run )
* README.md refactored and improved, added "Getting started with Sparrowdo" section, thanks to @Tyil - #24
* git-scm may accept ssh key, thanks to @spigell
* copy-local-file now may copy directories, thanks to @spigell
* running sparrowdo on none bootstrapped system now emerges more friendly/understandable message #26
* don't raise errors when `--boostrap` and sparrowfile does not exist

# 0.0.37 2018-01-20

- Git Scm now is able to checkout branch 
- Vagrant support

# 0.0.36 2017-12-04

- docker exec do not allocate pseudo tty

# 0.0.35 2017-10-16

- Git scm - add user and debug parameters
- Use mi6 CPAN uploader to upload distro to CPAN

# 0.0.34 2017-10-16

- Sparrowdo bootstrap is complete rewritten, huge thanks to @Tyil
- Parallel tests for various OS, huge thanks for @Tyil

# 0.0.33 2017-10-11

- Funtoo Linux  Bootstrap
- Minor bug fixes (#13)
- Minor fixes in bootstrap function

# 0.0.32 2017-10-09

Core-dsl doc: `on_change` parameter for `template` function

# 0.0.31 2017-09-21

- Ssh passwords support, acknowledges to @Spigell - https://github.com/melezhik/sparrowdo/pull/12
- Minor fixes at sparrowdo cache method
- Improvement of tests
- bin/sparrowdo small refactoring

# 0.0.30 2017-09-21

- Minoca OS bootstrap support 

# 0.0.29 2017-09-13

- Archlinux bootstrap improved, thanks to @Spigell (https://github.com/melezhik/sparrowdo/pull/10 , https://github.com/melezhik/sparrowdo/pull/11 )

# 0.0.28 2017-09-01

- Sets format for reports by using `--format`, `OUTTENTIC_FORMAT`, or sparrowdo.ini file

# 0.0.26 2017-08-03

- Core dsl - minor fixes for subroutines signatures to make it sure it works on recent Rakudo

# 0.0.26 2017-08-03

- Core dsl - make hash parameters optional ( the bug appears on the recent Rakudo )
- `sparrowhub_api` - `~/sparrowdo.ini` parameter to set SparrowHub API Url 

# 0.0.25 2017-07-25

- Git SCM support 

# 0.0.24 2017-07-20

- Minor correction to alpine bootstrap
- Documenting zef DSL

# 0.0.23 2017-07-07

- Universal bootstrap: ubuntu / alpine bugfix

# 0.0.22 2017-07-06

- Universal bootstrap

# 0.0.21 2017-06-29

- Support for --cwd option
- Sparrow/Sparrowdo cache files refactoring to allow run multiple sparrowdo scenarios on the same host safely
- Now respect no_color completely
- Various zef dsl fixes

# 0.0.20 2017-06-22

- Experimental zef support ( not even documented )

# 0.0.19 2017-06-15

- Http-ok function now is able to check web page content

# 0.0.18 2017-05-05

- Improve http-ok asserts ( support many signatures )

# 0.0.17

- Asserts
- Added license to META6 file

# 0.0.16 

copy-local-file - experimental feature

# 0.0.15 2017-04-12

Figure out my tests. Fix for #3

# 0.0.14 2017-04-12

* Pass module parameters by command line
* Change colors in reports ( to be more readable at travis and asciinema )

# 0.0.12 2017-04-11

A minor fixes for Travis and bootstrap

# 0.0.11 2017-04-11

Final version for: running multiple tasks (plugins) with multiples parameters via command line

# 0.0.10 2017-04-10

Running multiple tasks from command line

# 0.0.9 2017-04-04

Changing reports layout

# 0.0.8 2017-03-17

* Add SparrowRoot input parameter

# 0.0.7 2017-02-01

* a lot of improvements for bash/ssh/scp core dsl functions

# 0.0.6

* core-dsl/ssh - refactoring

# 0.0.5

* core-dsl/ssh - fix documentation issues / add `create` parameter

# 0.0.4

* core-dsl/ssh - explicit exit at the end of ssh command

# 0.0.3

* core-dsl/bash - generated a proper description for command ( if not set ) instead of dummy "execute bash command"
* core-dsl/ssh function added

# 0.0.2

* File core-dsl : Add support for `source` parameter
* Add alias for task_run - task-run 
* Prettified the docs ( minor changes ) 

# 0.0.1

* First version