Rand Stats


Revision history for Tomty


0.1.22 2024-02-14T15:30:00Z

    - Use latest version of Sparrow6

0.1.21 2024-01-24T11:50:00Z

    - Move CI to sparky

0.1.20 2023-11-13T14:00:00Z

    - Support "untagged" tags semantic
    - Rename pl6 to rakumod

0.1.19 2022-09-15T22:50:00Z

    - Update SparkyCI badge

0.1.18  2022-08-16T17:40:00Z

    - `no-index-update` option support

0.1.17  2022-08-13T21:05:00Z

    - Adding `--dump-task` option
    - More accurate way to handle `--color` option

0.1.16  2022-07-12T11:10:00Z

    - Bump Sparrow6 dependency

0.1.15  2022-07-11T04:20:00Z

    - Breaking changes: ".pl6" -> ".raku"
      please rename all your Tomty scenarios / configurations
      to have ".raku" extension

    - Fix: Respect env in profile

    - Fix: all/only/skip in profile enables all-mode

0.0.14  2021-07-11T12:57:00Z

    - implemented tags listing (`--tags`)
    - `color` option now enables SP6_FORMAT_COLOR variable, to make Sparrow reports colorful
    - tags filtering refactoring, `+` (logical AND) support
    - tags filtering improved documentation

0.0.13  2020-10-15T01:39:18Z

    - Improve color output

0.0.12  2020-10-13T01:22:33Z

    - Use `HOME` to resolve path to completion resource
    - Color output support

0.0.11  2020-06-03T12:29:29Z

    - disable buffering ( using .out-buffer = 0 )
    - fix Travis build ( gets run from rakudist.raku.org )

0.0.10  2020-04-09T00:22:51Z

    - save stderr in log file too

0.0.9  2020-03-19T20:30:40Z

    - skip/only for multiple tags split by comma
    - only mode shows only executed tests ( less verbose behavior )

0.0.8  2020-02-10T21:55:17-06:00

    - Use RakuDist for CI

0.0.7  2019-10-29T19:07:27-06:00

    - Initialization - don't run tomty on uninitialized projects
    - test-log windows support

0.0.6  2019-09-24T20:33:47-05:00

    - windows support 
    - pass `--env` to `test-run` method

0.0.5  2019-09-13T21:07:08-05:00

    - `--only` should trigger `--all` mode
    - `--skip` should trigger `--all` mode

0.0.4  2019-09-04T21:30:13-05:00

    - `show-failed` option
    - minor cli improvements

0.0.3  2019-08-23T13:42:23-05:00

    - `-a` is alias for `-all`
    - `-noheader` option for test listing
    - documentation refined

0.0.2  2019-08-19T20:55:56-05:00
    - quiet mode is enabled by default
    - verbose mode gives details about every test

    - log command invokes less
    - all tests report improvement

0.0.1  2019-08-16T16:22:28-05:00
    - Initial version