Raku WiX Installer Maker#
Written an application in Raku? Want to give Windows users an MSI so they can easily install it? That's what this little program is here to help with.
Fair warning: it does something close to the Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work, which may or may not meet your needs, and at the time of initial publication (in 2017) has been applied to make an installer for a single application.
- If you have some luck with it, feel free to send a Pull Request to change this description!
Please consider this tool "free as in puppy" - that is, you can freely take it and use it, and if it helps that's great, but you might need to give it some attention along the way. If you make changes that you think are useful to others, feel free to PR them.
How it works#
This tool:
Builds a private MoarVM, NQP, and Rakudo Raku of the requested version
Installs a zef (module installer) for use with this
Uses that to install your application alongside the privately built Rakudo, either from the module ecosystem or from on disk, together with all of its dependencies
Generates a WiX XML file
, resulting in an MSI
What this tool does NOT do#
Go to any effort to hide the original source code from anyone curious enough to spend a few minutes hunting inside the install directory
Compile your code into
filesHandle things that use
, etc. Modules that use native libraries are fine if they're in the set of modules that, when installed on Windows, will grab the required DLL and install it as a resource for the module to use at runtime. Modules that do this includeGTK::Simple
, andArchive::Libarchive
What you'll need#
Raku, to run this tool
Perl, to run the MoarVM/NQP/Rakudo configure programs (tested with ActiveState Perl, though likely shouldn't matter)
The Visual C++ build tools, and
on path. Note that this does not imply installing Visual Studio; it is possible to freely download the standalone compiler. It's probably possible, without too much trouble, to patch this tool to use other compilers.
How to use it#
Write a YAML configuration file like this:
# Versions of MoarVM, NQP, and Rakudo to use. Only 'rakudo' is required,
# and it will then use the same value for NQP and MoarVM. This will work
# except in the case where you want to refer to a commit/branch in the
# Rakudo repository for some reason, since these are actually used to do a
# checkout in the git repositories.
- moar: 2024.10
- nqp: 2024.10
- rakudo: 2024.10
# The installation target location (currently Raku is not relocatable).
install-location: C:\MyApplication
# The application to install (will be passed to `zef install`), so you can
# actually list multiple things here if you wish.) You can also pass a path
# if the project is not in the Raku module ecosystem.
application: App::MyGloriousApplication
# The name of the MSI file to generate. Optional; default is output.msi.
msi: my-glorious-application.msi
# By default, the PATH will be ammended to include both bin and site bin
# directories, meaning that every binary will be exposed (including the
# bundled MoarVM/Rakudo). This may be useful if you want to make a Raku
# distribution with modules, for example. On the other hand, if you are
# making an installer for an application that just happens to be written in
# Raku, it's not so good. If this `expose-entrypoints` section is included,
# then a folder will be created and added to path, which only contains
# launch scripts for the apps mentioned below (it should match the name of
# the application's entrypoint(s)). Note that you can't include names like
# "perl6" and "moar" in here, only those of scripts installed by the
# application definition above.
- myapp
# Some WiX configuration. You must generate unique GUIDs for your app. Get
# them [here](https://www.guidgenerator.com/) while supplies last! Check
# the dashes, uppercase, and braces boxes.
guid: '{YOUR-GUID-HERE}'
name: Your Glorious Application
manufacturer: Your Wonderful Company
version: 6.6.6
language: 1033
component-guid: '{A-DIFFERENT-GUID-HERE}'
Then run this application with that YAML file:
$ make-raku-wix-installer my-glorious-app.yml
All being well, you'll get an MSI file out.
Jonathan Worthington
Source can be located at: https://github.com/raku-community-modules/App-InstallerMaker-WiX . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome.
Copyright 2017 - 2020 Jonathan Worthington
Copyright 2024 Raku Community
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.