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Color - Format conversion, manipulation, and math operations on colors


use Color;

my $white        = Color.new(255, 255, 255);
my $almost_black = Color.new('#111');
say Color.new(:hsv<152 80 50>).hex; # convert HSV to HEX
say "$white is way lighter than $almost_black";

my $lighter_pink = Color.new('#ED60A2').lighten(20);
my $lighter_pink = Color.new('#ED60A2') โ— 20; # same as above

my $saturated_pink = Color.new('#ED60A2').saturate(20);
my $saturated_pink = Color.new('#ED60A2') ๐Ÿž‰ 20; # same as above

# Create an inverted colour scheme:
$_ = .invert for @colours_in_my_colourscheme;

# Some ops to use on Color objects
my $gray = $white / 2;
say $gray.hex; # prints "#808080"
say $almost_black + 25; # prints "42, 42, 42"


This module allows you to perform mathematical operations on RGB color tuples, as well as convert them into other color formats, like hex, and manipulate them by, for example, making them lighter, darker, or more or less saturated.



my $rgb = Color.new('abc');
Color.new(:hex<abc>); # same applies to all other hex variants
Color.new( 255, 100, 25 ); # RGB
Color.new( .5, .1, .3, .4 ); # CMYK
Color.new( rgb => [ 255, 100, 25 ] );
Color.new(:rgb<255 100 25>); # same works on other formats
Color.new( rgbd => [.086, .165, .282] ); # decimal RGB
Color.new( rgba => [ 22, 42, 72, 88 ] );
Color.new( rgbad => [ .086, .165, .282, .345 ] );
Color.new( cmyk => [.55, .25, .85, .12] );
Color.new( hsl => [ 72, 78, 65] );
Color.new( hsla => [ 72, 78, 65, 42] );
Color.new( hsv => [ 90, 60, 70] );
Color.new( hsva => [ 90, 60, 70, 88] );

Creates new Color object. All of the above formats are supported. Note: internally, the color will be converted to RGBA, which might incur slight precision loss when converting from other formats.



my $c = Color.new('abc');
$c.alpha-math = True;

my $c = Color.new('abca');
$c.alpha-math = False;

Boolean. Specifies whether operator math from Color::Operators should affect the alpha channel. Colors constructed from RGBA automatically get this attribute set to True, rest of formats have it set as False.



my Color $c .= new('#ff0088');
say $c.alpha;                   # OUTPUT: 255
say $c.alpha-math;              # OUTPUT: True

Get or set the alpha channel value.


say $c.darken(10).cmyk; # darken by 10%

Creates a new Color object that is darkened by the percentage given as the argument.


say $c.desaturate(20).cmyk;

Creates a new Color object that is desaturated by the percentage given as the argument.


say $c.invert.cmyk;

Creates a new Color object that is inverted (black becomes white, etc).


say $c.lighten(10).cmyk; # lighten by 10%

Creates a new Color object that is lightened by the percentage given as the argument.


say $c.saturate(20).cmyk;

Creates a new Color object that is saturated by the percentage given as the argument.


$inverse = $c.rotate( 180 );

Creates a new Color object, rotated around the HSL color wheel by the angle $ฮฑ (in degrees).

For all methods darken, desaturate, invert, lighten, saturate and rotate the colors will have their alpha channel copied from the input color. The attribute alpha-math is copied as well.



$c.to-string('cmyk'); #   cmyk(0.954955, 0.153153, 0, 0.129412)
$c.to-string('hsl');  #   hsl(189.622642, 91.379310, 45.490196)
$c.to-string('hsla'); #   hsl(189.622642, 91.379310, 45.490196, 255)
$c.to-string('hsv');  #   hsv(189.622642, 95.495495, 87.058824)
$c.to-string('hsva'); #   hsva(189.622642, 95.495495, 87.058824, 255)
$c.to-string('rgb');  #   rgb(10, 188, 222)
$c.to-string('rgba'); #   rgba(10, 188, 222, 255)
$c.to-string('rgbd'); #   rgb(0.039216, 0.737255, 0.870588)
$c.to-string('rgbad');#   rgba(0.039216, 0.737255, 0.870588, 1)
$c.to-string('hex');  #   #0ABCDE
$c.to-string('hex3'); #   #1CE
$c.to-string('hex8'); #   #0ABCDEFF

Converts the color to the format given by the argument and returns a string representation of it. See above for the format of the string for each color format.

Note: the .gist and .Str methods of the Color object are equivalent to .to-string('hex').


say $c.cmyk; # (<106/111>, <17/111>, 0.0, <11/85>)

Converts the color to CMYK format and returns a list containing each color (ranging 0..1).


say $c.hex; #  (0A BC DE);

Returns a list of 3 2-digit hex numbers representing the color.


say $c.hex3; #  (1 C E);

Returns a list of 3 1-digit hex numbers representing the color. They will be rounded and they need to be doubled (i.e. the above would be 11CCEE) to get the actual value.


say $c.hex4; #  (1 C E F);

Returns a list of 4 1-digit hex numbers representing the color. They will be rounded and they need to be doubled (i.e. the above would be 11CCEEFF) to get the actual value.


say $c.hex8; #  (0A BC DE FF);

Returns a list of 4 2-digit hex numbers representing the color, including the Alpha space.


say $c.hsl; # (<10050/53>, <10600/111>, <1480/17>),

Converts the colour to HSL format and returns the three values (hue, saturation, lightness). The S/L are returned as percentages, not decimals, so 50% saturation is returned as 50, not .5.


say $c.hsla; # (<10050/53>, <10600/111>, <1480/17>, 255),

Converts the color to HSL format and returns the three values, and alpha channel.


say $c.hsv; # (<10050/53>, <10600/111>, <1480/17>),

Converts the colour to HSV format and returns the three values (hue, saturation, value). The S/V are returned as percentages, not decimals, so 50% saturation is returned as 50, not .5.


say $c.hsva; # (<10050/53>, <10600/111>, <1480/17>, 255),

Converts the color to HSV format and returns the three values, and alpha channel.


say $c.rgb; # (10, 188, 222)

Converts the color to RGB format and returns a list of the three colors.


say $c.rgba; # (10, 188, 222, 255);

Converts the color to RGBA format and returns a list of the three colors, and alpha channel.


say $c.rgbd; # (<2/51>, <188/255>, <74/85>)

Converts the color to RGB format ranging 0..1 and returns a list of the three colours.


say $c.rgbad; # (<2/51>, <188/255>, <74/85>, 1.0)

Converts the color to RGBA format ranging 0..1 and returns a list of the three colours, and alpha channel.



Color.new('424') + 10;
10 + Color.new('424');
Color.new('424') + Color.new('424');

Add individual RGB values of each color. Plain numbers are added to each value. If /alpha-math is turned on, alpha channel is affected as well. The operation returns a new Color object.


Color.new('424') - 10;
10 - Color.new('424');
Color.new('424') - Color.new('666');

Subtract individual RGB values of each color. Plain numbers are subtracted from each value. If /alpha-math is turned on, alpha channel is affected as well. The operation returns a new Color object.


Color.new('424') * 10;
10 * Color.new('424');
Color.new('424') * Color.new('424');

Multiply individual RGB values of each color. Plain numbers are multiplied with each value. If /alpha-math is turned on, alpha channel is affected as well. The operation returns a new Color object.


Color.new('424') / 10;
Color.new('424') / 0; # doesn't die; sets values to 0
10 / Color.new('424');
Color.new('424') / Color.new('424');

Divide individual RGB values of each color. Plain numbers are divided with each value. If /alpha-math is turned on, alpha channel is affected as well. The operation returns a new Color object. Illegal operation of division by zero, doesn't die and simply sets the value to 0.


say $c โ— 20; # lighten by 20%

U+25D0 (e2 97 90): CIRCLE WITH LEFT HALF BLACK [โ—]. Same as /lighten


say $c โ—‘ 20; # darken by 20%

U+25D1 (e2 97 91): CIRCLE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK [โ—‘]. Same as /darken


say $c ๐Ÿž‰ 20; # saturate by 20%

U+1F789 (f0 9f 9e 89): EXTREMELY HEAVY WHITE CIRCLE [๐Ÿž‰]. Same as /desaturate


say $cยก; # invert colour

U+00A1 (c2 a1): INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK [ยก]. Same as /invert


say $c;
say "$c";

The Color object overrides .Str and .gist methods to be equivalent to .to-string('hex').

Functional interface

The color conversion, manipulation and utility functions are defined within the modules Color::Conversion, Color::Manipulation and Color::Utilities and can be used without the OO interface. The names of functions are the same as those of methods.


Zoffix Znet

Source can be located at: https://github.com/raku-community-modules/Color . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome.


Thanks to timotimo++, jnthn++, psch++, RabidGravy++, ab5tract++, moritz++, holli++, and anyone else who I forgot who helped me with questions on IRC.


Copyright 2015 - 2018 Zoffix Znet

Copyright 2019 - 2022 Raku Community

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.