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QAST tree visualizer


Installs q command line script that parses out QAST trees from a program and makes an HTML file from them.

The HTML page provides these extra features unavailable in plain raku --target=ast and raku --target=optimize output:

calls, etc.

Example output:

An example


      q a '[<args> ...]'
      q o '[<args> ...]'

a command

$ q a raku -e 'say "hello"' > out.html; google-chrome out.html

a stands for --target=ast and the args that follow is a raku invocation to run the script (the --target=ast argument will be inserted automatically).

The script will parse QAST generated by the given raku program and output an HTML file to STDOUT. View the file in any browser to examine the QAST tree.

o command

$ q o raku -e 'say "hello"' > out.html; google-chrome out.html

o stands for --target=optimize . Same as a , except parses --target=optimize QAST. Once again, you don't need to manually specify --target parameter.

z command

$ q z raku -e 'say "hello"'

Just runs the raku command as is. Mnemonic: "zero". This command exists simply to easily switch between a`/`o runs and plain raku runs.



Fork this module on GitHub: https://github.com/raku-community-modules/CoreHackers-Q


To report bugs or request features, please use https://github.com/raku-community-modules/CoreHackers-Q/issues


Originally Zoffix Znet, now maintained by the Raku Community Adoption Center.


You can use and distribute this module under the terms of the The Artistic License 2.0. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution for complete details.

The META6.json file of this distribution may be distributed and modified without restrictions or attribution.