Provides strftime(), strptime() (coming soon), and a few predetermined
formats for use with both.
It also comes with some localizations for month and day names.
Convenience subroutines
These are exported by use DateTime::Format
Format the DateTime object using the format as specified in the string.
If you don't specify the language, it uses the currently set default.
If you want to specify the use of subseconds in the time display, set the
subseconds argument to the precision you wish to use in significant digits.
Setting subseconds to 'True' would be equivalent of using a subseconds value of
For example: using a subseconds value of 3 would format 33.3145692 seconds as
Parse the string using the format as specified in the second string.
If you don't specify the language, it uses the currently set default.
Set the default language to use. This can be 'en' (the default language),
or any language you have added using one of the Localization libraries.
Parse or Stringify a DateTime in the RFC 2822 format.
my $ts = 'Tue, 30 Apr 2013 13:02:10 -0700';
my $rfc = DateTime::Format::RFC2822.new();
my $dt = $rfc.parse($ts);
my $dt2 = $dt.utc();
say ~$dt2; ## Tue, 30 Apr 2013 20:02:10 +0000
The default localization is English, using the code 'en'.
There is no loadable module for English, since it's strings are included
by default in the DateTime::Format module.
The following are additional libraries that can add localizations to the
DateTime::Format library. The languages will then be immediately usable.
- DateTime::Format::Lang::FR -- French
use DateTime::Format::Lang::FR;
## You can also specify the :lang<fr> parameter to the
## strftime(), strptime() subroutines, or the parse() and format()
## methods within a DateTime::Format::* subclass such as RFC2822.
## This overrides the language for a single call, rather than setting
## a default value.
- Add strptime().
- More bundled formats.
- More localizations, and tests for them.
Anyone missing that may have contributed, feel free to create an issue to
add you to the credits.
Copyright 2013 - 2018 Timothy Totten
Copyright 2019 - 2022 Raku Community
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.