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Menu::Simple - Create, display, and execute a simple option menu on the command line


Simple usage:

use Menu::Simple;

# menu sorted alphabetically
my $m = Menu.new();         # construct a menu
$m.add-option: 'Opt A';     # add options to it
$m.add-option: 'Opt B';
my $option = $m.execute;    # execute the menu
say $option.option-number;  # get user's choice

# a menu sorted with option sort numbers
my $m = Menu.new(:strip-sort-num);  # hides sort numbers
$m.add-option: '01 - Opt Z';        # displayed first
$m.add-option: '02 - Opt A';        # displayed second

# Menu options are output as:
1 - Opt Z     # not "1 - 01 - Opt Z"
2 - Opt A     # not "2 - 02 - Opt A"

More advanced usage:

use Menu::Simple;

# The code to run after an option is selected
sub some-action {
  say "running some-action";

# Construct a submenu and add two options to it
my $submenu = Menu.new().add-options: <'First option', 'Second option'>;

# Create a main menu
my $menu = Menu.new();

# Add an option to the main menu with an action that runs an action
    action => &some-action,
    option-value => 'some value',
    display-string => "Do an action"

# Add an option that will show the submenu
    submenu        => $submenu,
    option-value => 'some other value',
    display-string => 'Show submenu'

# Add an option that calls the action and shows the submenu
    action         => &some-action,
    submenu        => $submenu,
    display-string => 'Do an action and show submenu' );

# Execute the menu

Generate a menu from a hash:

use Menu::HashtoMenu;

my %hash = 'Option A' => 'Value A',
    'Option B' => 'Value B',
    'Option C' =>
        {submenu1 =>
            { subsubmenu => 1},
            'Option D' => 'hello' };

my $menu = HashToMenu.new(%hash2);

Subroutines for adding actions and processing values of selected options can also be added to the menu with HashToMenu. See the Menu::HashToMenu class for more details.


Assuming Raku and zef is already installed, install the module with:

zef install Menu::Simple


The Menu::Simple module outputs a list of numbered menu options to a terminal. Users are prompted to enter the option on the command line.

After a user selects an option, a submenu can be shown or an action can be executed, or both a submenu and an action can be executed. If neither a submenu or action is executed, an option's object is returned back can control is given back to to code calling the menu.

Menus are always sorted alphabetically. Add a sort number to the beginning of an option's display string to sort in a more arbitrary fashion. The sort numbers can be hidden from the menu by using the :strip-sort-num argument when constructing the menu.

TIP: When using sort numbers, leave large gaps between the numbers so you can easily add new menus between existing menu items. Pad the option sort numbers with leading zeroes if you expect to have more than a handful of options.

Current Features


Menu Class

Higher level instance methods

The following higher level methods are the most useful methods for generating and executing menus.


my $menu = Menu.new();

Creates a new menu object. Returns the menu object created.

add-options(*@options where { $options.all ~~ Str })

my $menu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;

Accepts a series of strings to add to a menu group.

Returns the menu the option was added to.

Use this method to quickly add several menu options to a menu at once.

multi method add-option(Str $display-string, $option-value? where * !~~ Menu|Callable)

multi method add-option(Str $display-string, &action, $option-value?)

multi method add-option(Str $display-string, Menu $submenu, $option-value?)

multi method add-option(Str $display-string, Menu $submenu, &action, $option-value?)

multi method add-option(Str:D :$display-string, Menu :$submenu, :&action, :$option-value)

my $menu = Menu.new();
my $submenu = Menu.new.add-option('Option 1');
$menu.add-option('Run submenu and action', $submenu, { say 'hi' } );

Adds a single option to the menu. It can accept a submenu to display and/or a subroutine to execute after the option is selected by the user. Options are displayed in the menu alphabetically by default. A value can optionally be associated with a option.

Returns the menu the option was added to.

Use this method to add an option to a menu that executes a submenu and/or calls a subroutine when selected.


my $menu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;

Outputs a menu, prompts the user for a selection, validates the selection, and then returns the selected option or executes the appropriate action and/or displays a submenu based on the user's selection.

This method wraps many of the lower-level methods for processing the user's input.

After a menu is built, use This method to display a menu and collect, validate, and execute responses to a user's selection from the menu.

add-submenu(Menu:D $menu)

my $main-menu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option A', 'Option B'>;
$main-menu.add-option: Option.new(display-string => 'Some string');
my $submenu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option A', 'Option B', 'Option C'>

Adds a submenu to the most recently added option. The submenu will be executed if the option is selected by the user.

Use this method to add a submenu to the last option in an existing menu.

add-submenu(Menu:D $menu, Int:D $option-number)

my $main-menu = Menu.new.add-options: <'Option A', 'Option B'>;
my $submmenu = Menu.new.add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;
$main-menu.add-submenu($submenu, 1);   # adds a submenu to o 'Option A'

Adds a submenu to an existing option as indicated by the $option-number within the number group. The submenu will be executed when the option is selected by the user.

Use this method to add a submenu that's executed when an option is selected.


sub some-action() { say 'doing some actionn' };
my $menu = Menu.new();
$menu.add-option(display-string = 'Option 1';
$menu.add-action(&some-action);  # added to Option 1

Adds an action to the last option added to the menu. The action will get executed if the option is selected.

Use this method to add an action that's executed when an option is selected.

add-action(&action, Int:D $option-number)

my $menu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;
$menu.add-action({ say 'running action'}, 1);   # adds the action to o 'Option 1'

Adds an action to an existing option as indicated by the $option-number argument. The action is executed when the option is selected by the user.

Use this method to execute an action when the option is selected.

Lower level instance methods

The Menu class methods below are typically not called directly and are provided in case you wish to override them or have more control over how menus are executed.


my $menu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;

Outputs a menu's option group and the prompt to the command line.

This is a lower level method and is not usually not run directly.


my $menu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;

Outputs a menu's option group to the command line.

This is a lower level method and is not usually not run directly.

get-option($option-number where Str:D|Int:D)

my $menu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;
my $option = $menu.get-option(3);

Returns an option object that has already been added to a menu. Accepts an integer value representing the number value of ordinal position of the option in the menu.

This is a lower level method and is not usually not run directly.


my $menu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;
my $count = $menu.option-count();

Returns the number of options that have been added to a menu.

This is a lower level method and is not usually not run directly.


my $menu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;

Displays a menu's prompt on the command line.

This is a lower level method and is not usually not run directly.


my $menu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;

Gets selection input from the user.

This is a lower level method and is not usually not run directly.

validate-selection( --> Bool )

my $menu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;
$menu.selection = 3;
my $is-valid = $menu.validate-selection;

Determines if the user has selected a valid option. Returns a True or False value.

This is a lower level method and is not usually not run directly.


my $menu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;
$menu.selection = 2;


my $menu1 = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;
my $menu2 = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option A', 'Option B', 'Option C'>;
$menu1.menuID;   # returns the Int value '1'
$menu2.menuID;   # returns the Int value '2'

Returns the internal menu id of the menu.

This is a lower level method and is not usually not run directly.

Class methods

get-menu(Int:D $id)

my $menu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'>;
my $submenu = Menu.new().add-options: <'Option A', 'Option B', 'Option C'>;
Menu.get-menu(1);   # returns $menu
Menu.get-menu(2);   # returns $submenu

Returns the menu that corresponds to the $id passed to get-menu

This is a lower level method and is not usually not run directly.


Dumps the hash containing the options counters for all menus

This is a lower level method and is not usually not run directly.


has Bool $.strip-sort-num;

Hides the sort number which can be used for sorting options. The menu will Look for digits at the beginning of the option's display string followed by a dash character. Whitespace surrounding the dash is optional.


A hash of the options in an options groups.

$.menuID = ++$ID;

A unique ID number for the menu

$.option-format is rw = "%d - %s";

The format string for displaying options where %d is the option number and %s is the display string.

$.selection is rw;

The string the user has input

$.validated-selection is rw = Nil;

The validated string of the user's input

$.option-separator is rw = "\n";

The string that separates menu options

$.prompt = "\nMake selection: ";

The prompt shown to the user

$.error-msg = "\nSorry, invalid entry. Try again. ";

The error show when a user make an invalid selection

Option Class


Option.new(Str:D :display-string, :action, :submenu)

my $menu = Option.new(
    display-string => Str,
    action => Callable?,
    submenu => Menu?

Creates a new option.

The display-string is the string shown to the user.

The action is the subroutine run when the option is selected.

The submenu is the menu displayed when the option is selected.



The number of the option


An optional value associated with an option

$.display-string is required;

The string shown when an option is printed

$.submenu is rw;

The submenu executed when an option is selected

Int $.parent-menuID is rw;

The menuID of the option belongs to

Int $.child-menuID is rw;

The menuID of the submenu the option executes. Return 0 if none.

&.action is rw;

The action executed when an option is selected