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Abbreviations - Provides abbreviations for an input set of one or more words


use Abbreviations;
my $words = 'A ab Abcde';
# The exported routine:
my %abbrevs = abbreviations $words;

There are two shorter routine name abbreviations one can use that are always exported:


In the sprit of the module, one can use Abbreviations :ALL; and have these additional short forms available:


Each of those is individually available by adding its name as an adverb, e.g.:

use Abbreviations :abb;
my %abb = abb $words;


Abbreviations is a module with one automatically exported subroutine, abbreviations, which takes as input a set of words and returns the original set with added unique abbreviations for the set. (Note the input words are also abbreviations in the context of this module.)

A word satisfies the Raku regex $word ~~ /\S+/ which is quite loose. Using programs can of course further restrict that if need be. For example, for use with module Opt::Handler words must satisfy this regex: $word ~~ /<ident>/. (CAUTION: Words containing other than letters have not been tested and results are unknown. The author is willing to investigate those words if any user is so interested and files an issue indicating such.)

The input word set can be in one of two forms: a list or a string containing the words separated by spaces. Duplicate words will be automatically and quietly eliminated. An empty word set will cause an exception.

Note the input word set will not be modified unless the :lower-case option is used. In that case, all characters will be transformed to lower-case.

One will normally get the result as a hash, but the return type can be specified via an enum if desired by selecting one of the :out-type options: AH (AbbrevHash), AL (AbbrevList), H (Hash), L (List), or S (String). For example,

my %abbrevs = abbrevs @words, :out-type(AH);

Output types by enum Out-type

The default Hash (H) returned will have input words as keys whose value will be a sorted list of one or more valid abbreviations (sorted by length, shortest first).

An AbbrevHash (AH) is keyed by all of the valid abbreviations for the input word list and whose values are the word from which that abbreviation is defined.

An AbbrevList (AL) is special in that the returned list is the one, shortest abbreviation for each of the input words in input order. For example,

my @w = <Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday>;
my @abb = abbrevs @w, :lower-case, :out-type(AL);
say @abb; # OUTPUT: «[m tu w th f sa su]␤»

A List (L) contains all of the valid abbreviations for the input word list, including the words themselves, sorted first by the default Raku sort and then by length (shortest first).

A String (S) is the string formed by joining the List by a single space between words.

The abbreviation algorithm has been improved in the following way: The input word set is formed into subgroups comprised of each input word. Abbreviations are created for each word, abbreviations shared by two or words are eliminated, then all those abbreviations are combined into one set. The result will be the largest possible set of unique abbreviations for a given input word set.

For example, given an input set consisting of the words A ab Abcde, the default output hash of abbreviations (with the original words as keys) contains a total of seven abbreviations:

    A     => ['A'],
    ab    => ['a', 'ab'],
    Abcde => ['Ab', 'Abc', 'Abcd', 'Abcde'],

If the :lower-case option is used, we get a slightly different result since we have fewer unique abbreviations from the lower-cased words. The new hash has only five abbreviations:

my $words = 'A ab Abcde':
my %abbr = abbrevs $words, :lower-case;

The result is

    a     => ['a'],
    ab    => ['ab],
    abcde => ['abc', 'abcd', 'abcde'],

Other exported symbols

sub sort-list

sub sort-list(@list, :longest-first --> List) is export(:sort) {...}

This routine sorts the input list first by the default Raku sort and then by word length. The order by length is by shortest abbreviation first unless the :longest-first option is used. This is the routine used for all the lists produced as output in this module except for the AbbrevList (AL) which keeps the original word set order.

enum Out-type

The enum Out-type is exported automatically as it is required for use of sub abbreviations.


Tom Browder tbrowder@acm.org



Copyright © 2020-2022 Tom Browder

This library is free software; you may redistribute or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.