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Compress::PDF - Provides PDF compression binary executables compress-pdf and its alias pdf-compress


use Compress::PDF

In your terminal window:

$ compress-pdf calendar.pdf
Input file: calendar.pdf
  Size: 2.9M
Compressed output file: calendar-150dpi.pdf
  Size: 247.7K


Compress::PDF requires a system utitlity program: 'ps2pdf'. On Debian systems it can be installed by executing sudo aptitude install ps2pdf.

Installing this module results in an exported subroutine as well as one primary and one aliased Raku PDF compression programs:


Executing either program name without input arguments results in:

Usage: compress-pdf <pdf file> [..options...]

Without options, the program compresses the input PDF file to the
  default 150 dpi.

The input file is not modified, and the output file is
  named as the input file with any extension or suffix
  replaced by '-NNNdpi.pdf' where 'NNN' is the selected
  value of '150' (the default) or '300'.

  dpi=X    - where X is the PDF compression level: '150' or '300' DPI.
  force    - allows overwriting an existing output file
  outpdf=X - where X is the desired output name

Note the the default output file will overwrite an existing file of the same name without warning.


The subroutine has the following signature:

sub compress($inpdf, :$quiet, :$dpi = 150,
             :$outpdf, :$force) is export {...}

The :$quiet option is designed for use in programs where the user's desired output file name is designed to be quietly and seamlessly compressed by default. Other options provide more flexibilty and choices to offer the user if the $quiet option is not used.

If the :$outpdf is not entered, the $outpdf is named using the same scheme as the programs. The :$force option allows overwriting an existing file.


Tom Browder tbrowder@acm.org


© 2024 Tom Browder

This library is free software; you may redistribute it or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.