Rand Stats


Revision history for Date-Easter

0.0.5  2024-02-23T21:09:40-06:00
    - Fix error in code for Good Friday which
        caused duplicate values
    - Add description of new sub in README

0.0.4  2024-02-23T19:48:12-06:00
    - Add more Easter-related events
      + Ash Wednesday
      + Palm Sunday
      + Good Friday
      + Ascension Day
      + Pentecost
    - Add a sub to return a hash of the Easter-related events
    - Add more tests
    - Update README

0.0.3  2024-02-20T17:12:58-06:00
    - Add 3-OS workflows testing
    - Change README.pod to .rakudoc
    - Update copyright dates
    - Use copyright symbol

0.0.2  2022-01-06T18:41:57-06:00
    - Mention the sub returms a Raku Date object

0.0.1  2021-12-20T07:02:46-06:00
    - Initial version