Rand Stats


2.2.3  2022-06-04T10:07:36-05:00
    - Remove Test::META dependency

2.2.2  2022-01-22T09:20:35-06:00
    - Added Ukranian language data
    - Improved contribution documentation
    - Add resources to META6.json per App::Mi6 error

2.2.1  2021-12-06T07:36:29-06:00
    - Published on the Raku module Zef repository

2.2.0  2021-05-27T05:45:29-05:00
    - Improved documentation
    - Added a document showing all the current data by language
    - Added new methods 'mon2num' and 'dow2num'
    - Added a new test for the new methods
    - Added dependency Abbreviations
    - Add missing OUTPUT data in code block in README.pod
    - Correct spellings in code block in README.pod
    - Converted README to Raku pod source
    - Add more tags

2.1.2  2021-01-15T13:27:33-06:00
    - Added Romanian language data

2.1.1  2020-10-13T06:04:41-05:00
    - Added more Norwegian nn values

2.1.0  2020-10-12T18:16:05-05:00
    - Added second Norwegian language
    - Converted language and file to Raku conventions
    - Converted change log and other conventions
      to use App::Mi6
    - Remove unneeded Makefile

2.0.4  2020-01-14T05:00:00-05:00
    - Added Polish language data

2.0.3  2020-01-09T05:00:00-05:00
    - Not released--errors in packaging
    - Added Polish language data

2.0.2  2019-03-12T05:00:00-05:00
    - added META6.json intructions to CONTRIBUTING.md
    - fixed markdown formatting in README.md
    - API fixed

2.0.1  2019-02-27T05:00:00-05:00
    - added missing names to META6.json

2.0.0  2019-02-21T05:00:00-05:00
    - Permanently removed the hashes from lib/Date/Names.pm6
      so the original direct hash access syntax has changed
      (for the better IMHO).
    - Changed defaults for the class to English and full names.
    - Added a CONTRIBUTING file.
    - Added a resources template file. xx.pm6, for contributors
      of a new language.
    - Added a "raw" truncation capability for the class when
      using full name hashes.
    - Added table titles and numbers.
    - Added a new Table 3 showing codes, and their meanings,
      used for Table 2.
    - Added full-name hash names to Table 2.
    - Added two example files, mainly to check correctness of
      code used in the README file.
    - Standardized format of the basic eight hashes for each
      language and created a template file, xx.pm6, in the new
      resources directory.
    - Added Indonesian language.
    - Added an automated test generator for new languages.
    - Removed 'export' from all symbols.
    - Added directories 'resources', 'sandbox', and 'docs'.
    - Moved all docs but README to docs directory.

1.1.0  2019-02-11T05:00:00-05:00
    - Change description in META6.json file.
    - Merged PRs from @moritz (German three-letter abbreviaitons, Norwegian).
    - Merged PR from @sena_kun (AKA @Altai-man) (Russian).
    - French data from @lucs.
    - Merged PR from @lizmat (Dutch)
    - Started a class (Date::Names) to handle the names, with a lited set
      of working tests for now.
    - Updated README.
    - Split hashes into separate modules to facilitate the new class.

1.0.3  2019-02-10T06:00:00-05:00
    - Move version number to top of META6.json file.
    - Make tests more efficient and easier to modify.
    - Add export to @lang variable.
    - Add 'en' to @lang variable.
    - Add another PR suggestion for the README.md.

1.0.2  2019-02-10T05:00:00-05:00
    - Fix typos.

1.0.1  2019-02-10T04:00:00-05:00
    - Changed abbreviation hash name format, e.g,
      '%mon-abbrev2' was changed to '%mon2'.
    - Added a @lang variable to list ISO two-letter language
      codes for languages currently considered in this
    - Added new tests.
    - Renamed one test for clarity.
    - Added this log.

1.0.0  2019-02-09T05:00:00-05:00
    - Initial release.