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Terminal::Boxer - Draw boxed tables in a terminal.


use Terminal::Boxer;

say ss-box(:3col, :3cw, :indent("  "), 'A'..'E')

  │ A │ B │ C │
  │ D │ E │   │

say dd-box( :8cw, :4ch, :indent("  "), ( "one of\nthese", "\nthings\nis not", "\nlike\nthe\nothers" ) );

  ║ one of ║        ║        ║
  ║  these ║ things ║  like  ║
  ║        ║ is not ║   the  ║
  ║        ║        ║ others ║


Use Terminal::Boxer to easily generate "boxed" ASCII tables primarily for display in a terminal.

Has multiple pre-made subs using standard line drawing characters as well as a few non line drawing options. Provide your own drawing characters or rendering routine if desired.

Premade Routines

All of the premade routines take several optional parameters to specify layout and behavior:

If :cols (columns) is not specified, draws a single row table. If @content.elems is not evenly divisible by :cols, pads table with blank cells.

Multi line cells are always rendered top biased. If you want to center or bottom bias the contents, it is up to you to pad the content with blank lines to properly locate it.


ss-box(:3col, :3cw, :indent(" "), 'A'..'E') single horizontal, single vertical

│ A │ B │ C │
│ D │ E │   │


rs-box(:3col, :3cw, :indent(" "), 'A'..'E') rounded corner, single horizontal, single vertical

│ A │ B │ C │
│ D │ E │   │


hs-box(:3col, :3cw, :indent(" "), 'A'..'E') heavy single horizontal, heavy single vertical

┃ A ┃ B ┃ C ┃
┃ D ┃ E ┃   ┃


hl-box(:3col, :3cw, :indent(" "), 'A'..'E') heavy single horizontal, light single vertical

│ A │ B │ C │
│ D │ E │   │


lh-box(:3col, :3cw, :indent(" "), 'A'..'E') light single horizontal, heavy single vertical

┃ A ┃ B ┃ C ┃
┃ D ┃ E ┃   ┃


sd-box(:3col, :3cw, :indent(" "), 'A'..'E') single horizontal, double vertical

║ A ║ B ║ C ║
║ D ║ E ║   ║


ds-box(:3col, :3cw, :indent(" "), 'A'..'E') double horizontal, single vertical

│ A │ B │ C │
│ D │ E │   │


dd-box(:3col, :3cw, :indent(" "), 'A'..'E') double horizontal, double vertical

║ A ║ B ║ C ║
║ D ║ E ║   ║


ascii-box(:3col, :3cw, :indent(" "), 'A'..'E') basic ASCII drawing characters

| A | B | C |
| D | E |   |


block-box(:3col, :3cw, :indent(" "), 'A'..'E') heavy block drawing characters

▉ A ▉ B ▉ C ▉
▉ D ▉ E ▉   ▉


no-box(:3col, :3cw, :indent(" "), 'A'..'E') spaces

A   B   C

D   E

Roll your own.

draw(:$draw, :&f, :$col, :$cw, :$ch, :$indent, *@content) The basic drawing routine

If you need ultimate control, supply your own drawing characters, routine, anything.

The drawing characters must be a 10 character string of the: horizontal, vertical, upper left, upper center, upper right, middle left, middle center, middle right, lower left, lower center, lower right, characters.

For example, the ss-box routine is implemented as:

draw( :draw('─│┌┬┐├┼┤└┴┘'), :&f, :col($columns), :cw($cell-width), :ch($cell-height), :indent($indent), @content )

with the appropriate defaults.


Steve Schulze (thundergnat)


Copyright 2020 Steve Schulze

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.